Mask On Or Mask Off, All Virtue Signalling

Mask On Or Mask Off, All Virtue Signalling

Mask On Or Mask Off, All Virtue Signalling

Chris Hayes, of MSNBC, went on a rant against virtue signalling Trump supporters who refuse to wear a mask. He called the mask wearing refusal a “kind of right-wing badge of honor”. In the battle against Covid-19, mask on or mask off has become a great cultural divide. As people die, as people lose everything they have worked for, as the country is on a downward economic spiral, it’s also a pathetic, puny skirmish.

Here from are the details of Hayes’s rant:

“You might have noticed, also, that not wearing a mask has kind of become a sort of weird, culture war virtue signaling by Trump people,” Hayes observed, pointing to Republican congressmen, anti-lockdown protestors, and one Florida man who taunted “commies in Blue States” by posting a video of a crowded bar where no one was wearing a mask — which Trump retweeted on Wednesday night.

“These people are very much in the minority,” Hayes emphasized, showing some of the consistent polls that find a vast majority of Americans support wearing of face masks in public as well as other social distancing and self-quarantine rules. “But for Donald Trump’s own stated aims, and for the stated aims of those protestors, and all the right-wingers out there who think they’re the vanguard of opening up America and getting American capitalism cracking again, there is nothing stupider… nothing more counterproductive you can do…than turn not wearing a mask into some right-wing badge of honor.”

The video is even worse because of the condescending sneering that Hayes exhibits. Here it is:

That he repeats the stupid Facebook post about “If a man pees on you, and you are naked, you get wet.”, is just even more “stupider”.

Remember that it was just a few months ago, that Drs. Fauci and Birx told us that masks don’t work. The Surgeon General, Dr. Jerome Adams, tweeted that people should stop buy masks and that they were ineffective in protecting the general public. Yet now, we are being publicly shamed for not covering our mouths and noses. If you have not read our Darleen’s Panic Porn post, read it here. Darleen’s Karen the shamer graphic is a perfect representation of Chris Hayes and his mask rant.

Deaths of Despair karen

I am going to tell on myself here. While walking MacDuff on the Boulevard this morning, there was a man wearing a mask. By the way he walked, it was clear that he had had a stroke. My first thought was why on Earth is that man, walking by himself, wearing a mask on a gorgeous, perfect, sunny day like today. He should take off his mask and breathe this healthy air. Then, I checked myself. East Tennessee pollen is epic. Maybe the man has allergies. Maybe the man has asthma. Why he is wearing a mask is none of my damn business.

Also, people who don’t wear masks don’t need my permission or judgement. I know at least two people with comorbidities who won’t put on the face covering. They are claustrophobic and the mask sets off severe panic attacks.

So, my advice to all the derp lizards with their judgy faces. Back the heck off. If you are going into a business and they ask that you wear a mask to enter, put your mask on or go home. They own the business, they make the rules.

And to Chris “Karen” Hayes, who the Hell are you? You are not a virologist. You flap your gums on the idiot box. Mask on or mask off, don’t judge anyone else. We have got bigger problems.

Welcome Instapundit readers!

Featured Image: Jernej Furman/ Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

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  • George V says:

    Regarding those polls that show “that find a vast majority of Americans support wearing of face masks in public…”, do we really know who is answering those polls? Do they still do polls over the phone? I can say that they will never get my opinion in a poll – if I don’t recognize the number I don’t answer.

    If someone does answer a pollster’s question, will they be honest?

    “Oh, yes, I certainly support all the policies to conquer the virus, indeed I do. I’d never say anything against the recommendations of our esteemed experts and leaders.” “Oh, and I am certainly voting for Hillary Clin..I mean, Joe Biden. And Long Live Big Brother, also”

  • As far as I am concerned, since 99 percent of the masks in use in public are USELESS I refuse to wear one. If you are sick, STAY HOME. If you are vulnerable, either protect yourself PROPERLY with the appropriate mask N95 or STAY HOME. As for the rest of us, it is our right to choose how ever we appear in public and since the mask law has no definitions for a ‘suitable’ and ‘effective’ mask nor does it even REQUIRE it, the law is in essence ineffective and pointless unless you are a wanna be Karen looking for people to scold and rat on.

    • Matthew W says:

      “since 99 percent of the masks in use in public are USELESS”
      For the prevention of inhaling a virus, yes. But the mask is mostly to prevent people from projectile launching virus ridden moisture about.
      This might have been a fine idea in the beginning, but at this point, it is just mostly useless and flat out stupid.
      Fetid feckless, hog jowled tyrant JB Prizker in Illinois “ordered” compulsory usage of such face covering in public beginning on 05/01. Well crap, waaaaaayyyyyy past the peak of the apocalypse at that point.

    • GWB says:

      As Matthew said, the masks most many people are wearing* are very adequate for the purpose: reducing range and viral load of any expectoration from you into the general vicinity.

      An N95 mask is mostly about you inhaling virus. I filters out 95% of the viral load.

      * A great number of people are wearing their masks incorrectly, negating the benefit. If you wear it under the nose (or away from the nose), you’re not stopping a large bit of the viral load.

      One of the problems with the “They won’t help”/”They’ll help” is that (on top of the lies told to keep people from hoarding them so medical workers would have enough) different folks are speaking about different purposes re masks. “It won’t help” is true if you mean most of the masks stopping all of the virus from getting to a person. Only a N95 or better mask will protect you in an environment full of the virus (like a hospital ward for Winnie The Flu patients). But, any mask will help if you’re just trying to reduce the viral load other people have to deal with in being around you.

      And viral load is key. Just like dealing with 10 illegal aliens crossing the border is easy for a BP team, dealing with 1,000 requires calling for reinforcements. Dealing with a small viral load is easy for your body (and probably beneficial, in terms of acquiring any level of immunity), while a large one requires ramping up the whole immune system (and maybe a cytokine storm).

      So, reducing the viral load is actually beneficial, and much more realistic than the idea that we can “cure” WTF, and possibly more realistic than a vaccine.

  • Barbara Kimsey says:

    I’ve noticed that since so many states are OPENING MORE, the confirmed cases also is on the RISE!!
    WHAT does it hurt to continue with the CORONA CAUTIONS!!
    I am 74; have had 4 BY-PASSES; have Asthma; HAVE MS; & I could continue . I will remain self-quarantined (also, my kids REQUIRE it of me), only going out when I have no choice AND ALWAYS WITH GLOVES AND A MASK!/

    • drloss says:

      Perhaps you haven’t noticed that the testing is becoming more widespread too. Confirmed cases increasing is no big deal. Yes, you have co-morbidities that could put you at risk; take whatever precautions you feel are needed. Those of us who don’t have such issues will do as we feel best, thank you very much…

    • Matthew W says:

      “WHAT does it hurt to continue with the CORONA CAUTIONS!!”
      Oh I don’t know, how about destroying a 23 trillion dollar economy.
      There is absolutely nothing remarkable about this disease that would require such gross actions.

    • GWB says:

      the confirmed cases also is on the RISE!!
      The number of hospitalizations and deaths is also on the decline in those locales.
      Please keep yourself safe.

  • Jim says:

    “… a vast majority of Americans support wearing of face masks in public…” That would be the progressive mobs of Antifa in Portland and elsewhere?

    I have sympathy for Barbara K and her concerns about her safety as cases rise as society opens again: I am 70, have leukaemia and a weakened immune system. I have only left the farm twice since lockdowns began and then only because of absolute necessity even though there are no [known] active cases of the virus in the rural area and large town close to where I live.

  • Politically Ambidextrous says:

    When I want to wear a mask, I’m going to wear a mask. And when I don’t, I won’t. I’m not going to let a “Karen” or a “Bubba” shame me (or at least attempt to shame me) into ‘always’ or ‘never’.

    Sometimes a mask is just a mask.

  • cthulhu says:

    (1) Coronavirus kills through hypoxia. Wearing a mask can cause a 20% drop in oxygen saturation……

    (2) The size of the coronavirus compared to the size of even N95 pores is like trying to block mosquitoes with a chain-link fence.

    (3) If someone sneezes or coughs near you, and you hold your breath (making masks irrelevant), the virus is known to infect people through the wet surfaces of their eyes (conjunctiva): (a) Why aren’t safety goggles as necessary as masks? or (b) why aren’t masks as necessary as safety goggles?

    (4) Being that there’s a huge shortage of PPE, people are reusing masks frequently. What other creeping cruds are growing on these masks while we’re virtue-signalling about a virus for which they are worthless? Mine already smells vaguely like my fiancee’s behind because she keeps sitting on it whenever we go anyplace together.

    • I did an experiment. I put a surgical mask on and read my O2 level on a pulse oximeter. It read 95. I took the mask off and it still read 95.

    • GWB says:

      You don’t understand why you’re supposed to be wearing a mask.

      As to the smell, maybe you should stop having your gf sit on your face in public.

  • The “deaths from despair” are around 12,500 per month. The viral deaths are somewhat more.

    I also have not heard of any remotely logical reason for a connection between masks and “deaths from despair.” The guy in the cartoon couldn’t go on because someone wore a mask?

    If Fauci and Birx changed their minds, we pro-mask people are not following them. They are following us.

    Why is the pee analogy stupid?

    • Pippa Grey says:

      I took it as this whole clusterfark has destroyed this man, financially and psychologically, and yet there are many people who don’t give a damn about what this is doing to other people, they are just enjoying being petty tyrants and enforcing pointless rules, and/or they only care about what might happen to them, not what has happened to anybody else, i.e. they are being far more selfish than the person they are yelling at.

      I don’t wear a mask. I have slightly obstructed breathing on a good day, the mask makes it so much worse, and then lizard hind brain decides that means I’m suffocating, (not that it’s wrong), and triggers a fight or flight response. At that point if I don’t immediately remove the mask we’re talking a full on panic attack. Which mandates mask removal. So I just go straight to the end point, and don’t put it on in the first place.

      I have no issues with people who wear them, their reasons for wearing are as valid as mine for not. (Though an n95 with a release valve is only protecting themselves, not anyone else from their germs.) I just ask that they extend the same courtesy to me.

    • GWB says:

      Did you read the note at the bottom of the tree? “I’ve lost everything.”

  • Nitay Arbel says:

    There is a third way. For the general public (as distinct from healthcare workers), Germany’s RKI (their CDC) strongly recommends masks “for protection of others” if you are forced to stand or sit closer to others than 1.5m (5ft) — in practice: on public transit. Not otherwise.

  • Pam says:

    I do not have a mask. I will not wear a mask. I have had zero persons say anything to me because I guess they are intuitive in their awareness of a potential response they may get. Most people I know are wearing masks because they genuinely believe that a piece of cotton over their mouths and noses will prevent this microscopic virus from entering their bodies. This is for me on the line of ghosts and UFO’s. But this begs the question of why you might don one in your car alone or outside nowhere near anyone else.

    So I should wear a mask I’m told because I might sneeze. Really, that’s what a Kleenex is for. So should I not drive a car because I might have a heart attack?

    This is insanity. We have lost our minds.

    • GWB says:

      they genuinely believe that a piece of cotton over their mouths and noses will prevent this microscopic virus from entering their bodies
      Then they don’t understand why they’re supposed to be wearing a mask.
      Also, you don’t understand the point, either, since you think you have to stop this little virus flying through the air like a bird. No, it has to hitch a ride on moisture exiting your body – and that’s what the mask stops. It’s not stopping the guy hiring the Uber, it’s stopping all the Ubers.

      So I should wear a mask I’m told because I might sneeze.
      No, it’s because you breathe. Trust me, you push out moisture in just breathing and talking. Even if you’re not a ‘spitter’. And, if you have a viral load of WInnie The Flu, it’s possible for it to hitch a ride on that moisture. Hence, the mask on you.

  • Pam says:

    I do not have a mask. I will not wear a mask. Zero persons say anything to me because I guess they are intuitive in their awareness of a potential response they may get. Most people I know are wearing masks because they genuinely believe that a piece of cotton over their mouths and noses will prevent this microscopic virus from entering their bodies. This is for me on the line of ghosts and UFO’s. But this begs the question of why you might don one in your car alone or outside nowhere near anyone else.

    So I should wear a mask I’m told because I might sneeze. Really, that’s what a Kleenex is for. So should I not drive a car because I might have a heart attack?

    This is insanity. We have lost our minds.

  • Cyndi says:

    I just returned home from Broward County, FL. They have a law that you have to wear a mask to enter a store. Walking outside, most people removed their masks. As I drove north to home, the closer I got to GA, the less people I would see earring a mask. Here in Augusta, you do not need a mask in a store.

  • Bill Marcy says:

    The magic phrase for nonmask wearing entrance to masked only businesses is “I have a medical condition which precludes me from wearing a mask.” Simple, effective and can not be questioned.

  • GWB says:

    “If a man pees on you, and you are naked, you get wet.”
    Huh? What? If a man pees on you, you don’t need to be naked to get wet. That’s stupid.

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