Markey Snivels About Green New Deal Sabotage While “Spartacus” Says Vegans Will Fix Planet!

Markey Snivels About Green New Deal Sabotage While “Spartacus” Says Vegans Will Fix Planet!

Markey Snivels About Green New Deal Sabotage While “Spartacus” Says Vegans Will Fix Planet!

The Green New Deal rollout has been the best political comedy show EVER! We have Dems and media trying to tell us the FAQ sheet was actually Fake News and working overtime on spinning cow farts into something less smelly. They aren’t helping matters when GND co-sponsor Ed Markey snivels about sabotage after Mitch McConnell told everyone that he’d bring the deal to the Senate for a vote.

“I’ve noted with great interest the Green New Deal,” McConnell told reporters. “And we’re going to be voting on that in the Senate. We’ll give everybody an opportunity to go on record and see how they feel about the Green New Deal.”

Ed Markey’s response? He clutches his pearls.

Dude… DUDE! Let me clue you in. You and AOC sabotaged your own freaking resolution by putting forth that little FAQ sheet that you are desperately trying to disappear down the memory hole! Not only that, but why the delay? I mean AOC is dead certain that our planet will implode in ten years if we don’t get cracking on planting MOAR trees, retrofitting every single building in the country, put windmills and solar panels everywhere, somehow make sure that floods/hurricanes/tornadoes/wildfires won’t damage infrastructure, give money to all – EVEN those who aren’t willing to work, and magically get rid of cow farts.

So Ed? Why aren’t you ready and willing to defend your plan? If it’s that urgent and that necessary, you should be chomping at the bit err cud to ramrod this through the Senate and start the process of fixing our planet, but you aren’t. Why?

Maybe because even you know that this plan is one giant stinky cow fart?

Excellent point! Although maybe, Ed is stalling until his pal Spartacus cements his talking points.

These days, Booker says, we may all be heading toward a vegan diet because, in his view, meat consumption is not sustainable in the future.

“You see the planet earth moving towards what is the Standard American Diet,” he told VegNews. “We’ve seen this massive increase in consumption of meat produced by the industrial animal agriculture industry.

“The tragic reality is this planet simply can’t sustain billions of people consuming industrially produced animal agriculture because of environmental impact. It’s just not possible, as China, as Africa move toward consuming meat the same way America does because we just don’t have enough land.”

That’s cute. Essentially Spartacus wants all cattle ranchers, dairy farmers, hog and chicken operations to be put out of business. Which, according to him, will free up all sorts of land so we can grow veggies and fruit.

A. Spartacus nor Markey nor AOC understand one damned thing about agriculture.

B. Spartacus is a vegan, he doesn’t like cows nor their farts.

That’s fine. He doesn’t have to. But he shouldn’t be talking out his ass about things he knows nothing about.


Oh and Cory? You might want to pay attention to this and pass it along to your pals Ed and AOC.

The USDA reports “The January 1, 2018 inventory of all cattle and calves in Wyoming totaled 1.32 million head, down 1 percent from the January 1, 2017 inventory, according to the January 1 Cattle Survey conducted by the Mountain Regional Field Office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA. Beef cows, at 714,000 head, were unchanged from the previous year. Milk cows were unchanged from last year at 6,000 head. Wyoming’s 2017 calf crop, at 660,000 head, is unchanged from 2016.”

Golly. That sure doesn’t look like a ‘massive increase in meat consumption’ to me. How about you?

Are green new deals working well in other countries? Ummm…NOPE.

Yeah, but we have a better plan than they did! Or not. Tom Cotton was correct in shaming the Democrats and media for trying to make this piece of idiocy disappear down the memory hole.

Senator Barrasso (R-WY) is right. The Democrats have gone hard left.

Exit Question for all the #GreenNewDeal experts out there with h/t to Liz Cheney for the idea.

California just dumped the high-speed train into the ditch, and airplanes and cars must be gone in 10 years. How will you get around? On bicycles? Rowboats? Horse and buggy?

Feature Photo Credit: Pixabay, cropped and modified

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  • GWB says:

    Have to say I’m disappointed right out of the gate. I expected Darleen to have something for your top picture about Vegans “saving the planet”. 😉

  • GWB says:

    an attempt to sabotage the movement we are building
    IOW, “Stop telling everyone what we’re doing! It’s not fair!”

    We can’t let Republicans sabotage it.
    Can it really be sabotage if what you’re “sabotaging” is an attempt at sabotage?

    AOC is dead certain that our planet will implode in ten years
    Oh, c’mon now, she said twelve years. *eyeroll*

    put windmills and solar panels everywhere, somehow make sure that floods/hurricanes/tornadoes/wildfires won’t damage infrastructure
    You know, there IS a way to do this. Simply move everyone underground in the Rockies, littter the landscape with windmills and solar panels, and we all eat fungus-derived ‘food’. This is very workable – I’m sure there’s at least one or two sci-fi novels about it. (Logan’s Run immediately comes to mind; or, of course, you can only move the non-elite underground and we’re living in The Time Machine. Oh heck, there’s a whole slew of these stories here: , though that doesn’t list Logan’s Run, so it’s obviously a flawed list.)

    this plan is one giant stinky cow fart?
    One? Oh, I don’t think you’re giving it nearly enough credit. This proposal stinks more than an entire Wichita feedlot.

    we just don’t have enough land
    What you mean “we”, kemosabe σύντροφος/particeps?

    But he shouldn’t be talking out his ass about things he knows nothing about.
    Well, that’s more farting, and if there’s one thing Booker knows, it’s his ass………………

    That sure doesn’t look like a ‘massive increase in meat consumption’ to me.
    He was talking about worldwide, mind you. There’s more cows in the world than Montana.
    (Mind you, one of the places with the most cows per capita? India, which is full of vegans/vegetarians.)

    we have a better plan than they did
    Nope. Because we’re going to shut down all the nukes, too. Just like Germany. Oy vey.

    How will you get around?
    Well, the eloi elite (above ground) will be travelling in their super-duper no-emission vacuum (’cause Musk sucks) hyperloops that go a jillion miles per hour and are slowed down not one whit by obstacles such as mountains, oceans, or earthquake fault lines. The rest of us will be on little electric trams (like the one in Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory from the underground mushroom farms to our barracks.

  • GWB says:

    Also, will this song now become “hate speech” and thereby outloawed?

    • Nina Bookout says:

      “Can it really be sabotage if what you’re “sabotaging” is an attempt at sabotage?” Say that one 12 times in one breath! LOL

      Oh and nicely played with the Devo song!

  • Nicki says:

    I think vegans fart more than cows do, so they should be outlawed.

  • Joe in PNG says:

    I wonder- is there a contest going on amidst the Democrats for “Stupidest Public Statement EVER!”?

  • Dietrich says:

    What’s even more fun that ridiculing the Green Nude Eel is uncovering its unintended consequences.
    My best, so far: No more petroleum products means no more asphalt.
    Building a nation-wide Hi-speed rail network will consume the nation’s concrete output for what, the next 500 years? Can’t use existing rail lines.
    Rertrofitting or replacing EVERY building in the nation will then require the next 1,000 years’ concrete output.
    Somewhere we’ll have to acquire concrete to maintain the roads for all the new electric cars, since there will be no asphalt.
    Don’t even get me started on the sand and gravel required to make that much concrete.

    • GWB says:

      The sand and gravel will be easy to get. We’ll import sand from our buddies in Iran and Egypt, and we’ll import gravel from all the nuke-test-site-digging the NorKs will be doing.

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