Kamala Harris Thinks Federal Cannabis Restrictions Are “Absurd”

Kamala Harris Thinks Federal Cannabis Restrictions Are “Absurd”

Kamala Harris Thinks Federal Cannabis Restrictions Are “Absurd”

When Kamala Harris isn’t cracking jokes at abortion clinics, she’s advocating to get Americans baked and keep them in a stoned stupor.

According to this, the White House had a “weed event” of sorts. And, Kamala, is looking forward to the Drug Enforcement Administration moving cannabis into a different, (less restricted) category.

I’m sure DEA is working as quickly as possible and will continue to do so, and we look forward to the product of their work.”-Kamala Harris

Or maybe hanging on to your own product, Kamala? I’m sure she has a stash somewhere. She has to.

The vice president’s comments came as anticipation builds for the DEA to release its final decision on the Department of Health and Human Services’ recommendation to move marijuana — or cannabis with more than 0.3 percent THC — to a less restrictive schedule under the Controlled Substances Act. Marijuana is currently classified as a Schedule I narcotic — the same as LSD and heroin — which means it’s deemed to have no acceptable medical uses and a high propensity for abuse.”-Natalie Fertig, Politico

Absurd, she says.

Let’s take a trip back in the ol’ Way Back Time Machine to, say, 2004 to 2011. How many cases did Kamala’s attorneys secure in misdemeanor and felony convictions for marijuana possession, cultivation or sale? The answer is 1,956.

But we know how Democrats love to flip.

Decriminalizing marijuana at the federal level isn’t just a smart thing to do —it’s the right thing to do. We can’t keep repeating the same mistakes of the past. Too many lives have been ruined by these regressive policies.”-Kamala Harris, 2018

Why is it the smart thing to do, Kamala? Securing the border is a smart thing to do. Have ya done that? Cracking jokes at abortion clinics? Not so smart. And, let’s talk about the many lives that have been ruined by drug abuse, Kamala.

I know the pro-Mary Jane crowd will argue with me that cannnabis should not be categorized by the DEA as a Schedule I narcotic. But, we’re not talking the “skunk weed” that was rolled up in joints and smoked at the bus stop before kids got on the bus to school in 1985. Marijuana strains are stronger than ever with higher amounts of THC.

Higher concentrates of THC, according to the National Institutes of Health, may lead to physical dependence, psychosis, and anxiety, particularly in young users. Thus, another major health concern is the increased risk of teen dependency. Since higher THC amounts in products increase the likelihood of addiction, those underage run a greater risk of developing health issues. Over the past few years, there have been cases of ‘cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome,’referred to by healthcare workers as ‘scromiting’—screaming and vomiting—among young people using highly concentrated Marijuana products in states like Colorado. Marijuana use among teens can lead to improper development. Imaging tests show that long-term use among teenagers results in fewer connections impaired cognitive functioning within the brain. The underdeveloped brain activity has been linked to slower learning as well as reduced levels of alertness and memory. Some studies have even discovered that underage weed consumption may lead to lower IQ points in young adulthood.”-Addictioncenter.com

Scromiting?! Sounds like something the Democrats would do if Trump were re-elected. Moving on.

Impaired cognitive function. Lower levels of alertness and lower IQ points. Mental illness. Perfect voter base for the Democrats, I’d say. So, yes. I am sure Kamala Harris wants to change around these absurd cannabis restrictions. Let’s keep ’em up in smoke.

There is more “absurd” than meets the eye here, for sure. Kamala Harris taking on some of these issues (abortion and pot, mainly) as a platform to bring in younger voters is absurd. Especially when she laughed about locking people up years ago. And, the fact that Decrepit Joe is trying to jump on this bandwagon is absurd. Yes, the young Dems turned out for Barack Obama because they thought (still think) he is cool (he was, after all, part of the “Choom Gang“). Old Joe just does not, and will never, have the same appeal.

But, we’re no strangers to the absurd reality that we see on the daily. It is 2024. The Democrats are running on the platform of free abortions and cannabis for everyone while fentanyl continues to come across our borders and plague our nation. While crime on our city streets is at an all-time high. They will provide the gateway (and the gateway drug). They will gladly advocate for stoned, confused young people who want to mutilate their own bodies. They would like to keep this young population in a constant stupor, to mold them and shape them into what they want them to be-complaint, brain-dead, inept masses who recite the script as given and will not deviate or ask any questions.

Now, all these young people just have to muster the motivation to vote. Free drugs, sex changes and abortions for all! Utopia at its best.


Let’s hope they sleep in come November.

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  • […] Victory Girls Blog covers Kamala Harris saying federal marijuana restrictions are absurd […]

  • sd says:

    How the media reacted to Trump’s latest comment Is why Americans have lost trust in the media – RE POST


  • GWB says:

    let’s talk about the many lives that have been ruined by drug abuse, Kamala.
    Meanwhile, let’s talk about all the lives ruined by alcohol Demon Rum. Has the Not-So-Junior Temperance League figured out yet that it’s a bad idea for government to ban this stuff? At least, if you want a free Republic? Big Ganja didn’t hold these people down and force them to bogart a doobie. They did that to themselves. But the temperance movement didn’t die in 1933, it just moved on to other, less likeable things – intent on removing temptation from man, so that he might not sin. And has led to a LOT of abuses of the government against the people.

    I am not advocating for people to use the substance. It’s nasty, makes you stupid, destroys initiative, and makes you vote Democrat. Wait, that last one is redundant.

    But, the solution is not to keep it illegal. That way lies totalitarianism – upon which road we have travelled a long way in 60 years. Nor is the solution to make it untouchable by government (the ‘compassion’ approach). The solution is to return to a moral and religious point of view where individuals are responsible for their own choices and for governing themselves, and where they can be societally sanctioned. This includes criminal sanctions for the behavior induced by the use of a substance – vagrancy, neglect, being “under the influence”, etc. Make people responsible for their stash, so that someone accidentally ingesting this crap – either edibles or second-hand smoke – has a cause of action against the owner.

    You can’t have it both ways, though. That is, you can’t make it legal and then encourage its use. Once you do that, it’s straight to hedonism. And that is where the Democrats and Libertarians are.


  • GWB says:

    Huh? Does ‘GenX’ not know she actually IS the first female VP? You might want to reconsider where that embarrassment should be founded, chuckles.

    Utopia at its best.
    Well, yes. Progressivism is a religion. And its eschaton is a utopia of hedonism and transhumanism. Because “progress” is moving towards a world of no consequences for “pleasurable” behavior and where man has overcome nature so completely he can simply will himself to be something else.

    But progressivism is what you must defeat, not dopers. And that requires bringing the people back to a majority of moral Christianity. There’s no other way to not have your society collapse into Roman orgies but still have freedom.

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