Jacob Blake Narrative Steamrolls The Truth

Jacob Blake Narrative Steamrolls The Truth

Jacob Blake Narrative Steamrolls The Truth

It’s not a surprise to anyone that the lie that became the Jacob Blake story was halfway around the world (and twice around it on Twitter) by the time any kind of official report could be compiled and released.

In the current atmosphere of “who goes viral first,” this case should be a textbook example in future journalism classes of how the narrative got so brutally twisted out of shape in order to serve one side of the argument. While the popularly-known details of the shooting have now been ingrained in the public consciousness – Jacob Blake was shot seven times by a police officer in Kenosha, Wisconsin, while responding to a 911 call – the fuller picture only began to emerge from the viral-fueled hype as professional sports teams walked out of games in protest. This guy, pro athletes? You’re going to decide that this guy is your Rubicon?

As the true details become more known, we should see women rise up and yell “shame” while pointing at pro athletes for deciding that Jacob Blake was the person they chose to champion. Instead, they will get a pass as their activist temper tantrum over someone with a felony sexual assault warrant and domestic violence charges is allowed to sink into the background and fade away.

Jacob Blake’s family and attorney are happy to spread the narrative that Blake was the target of police brutality. CNN (surprise) wrote up a glowing profile of the entire family history of activism.

On Sunday evening, Blake was on a Kenosha street lined with apartment buildings. He was “breaking up a fight between two women,” said Benjamin Crump, an attorney hired by the family.”

Kenosha police arrived, responding to a domestic incident, police said.”

That’s just the kind of man Blake’s family says he is. He’s a father, a son, an uncle and a brother who’s focused on his loved ones, his sister says.”

“His kids are his world. But not only that, his family is his world,” Zietha Blake says. “He’s upset because we’re hurt, we’re upset. He doesn’t even care about himself. He’s more so worried about us.”

The truth, which was steamrolled by the narrative, is not nearly so pretty or tidy, as the the Kenosha Professional Police Association has stated in their own press release.

The officers were dispatched to the location due to a complaint that Mr. Blake was
attempting to steal the caller’s keys/vehicle.
• Officers were aware of Mr. Blake’s open warrant for felony sexual assault (3rd degree)
before they arrived on scene.
• Mr. Blake was not breaking up a fight between two females when officers arrived on scene.
• The silver SUV seen in the widely circulated video was not Mr. Blake’s vehicle.
• Mr. Blake was not unarmed. He was armed with a knife. The officers did not see the knife
initially. The officers first saw him holding the knife while they were on the passenger side
of the vehicle. The “main” video circulating on the internet shows Mr. Blake with the knife
in his left hand when he rounds the front of the car. The officers issued repeated commands
for Mr. Blake to drop the knife. He did not comply.

We knew that police were aware of the open warrant when the 911 dispatch calls were released. We also know the allegations that led to the sexual abuse charge.

Blake, 29, was forbidden from going to the Kenosha home of his alleged victim from the May 3 incident, and police were dispatched Sunday following a 911 call saying he was there.”

Blake is accused in the criminal complaint, which was obtained by The Post, of breaking into the home of a woman he knew and sexually assaulting her.”

The victim, who is only identified by her initials in the paperwork, told police she was asleep in bed with one of her children when Blake came into the room around 6 a.m. and allegedly said “I want my sh-t,” the record states.”

She told cops Blake then used his finger to sexually assault her, sniffed it and said, “Smells like you’ve been with other men,” the criminal complaint alleges.”

The officer who took her statement said she “had a very difficult time telling him this and cried as she told how the defendant assaulted her.”

The alleged victim said Blake “penetrating her digitally caused her pain and humiliation and was done without her consent” and she was “very humiliated and upset by the sexual assault,” the record states.”

She told police she “was upset but collected herself” and then allegedly ran out the front door after Blake, the complaint says. She then realized her car was missing, checked her purse and saw the keys were missing and then “immediately called 911,” the complaint alleges.”

Waiting for the #MeToo crowd to speak up in 3, 2, never. #MeToo is well and truly dead, killed off because the #BlackLivesMatter movement is bigger and shinier and has better political clout. So if a black woman is sexually violated and her car is stolen, oh well. At least professional athletes proved that THEY CARED for one day.

The police association report also tells us that Jacob Blake shook off a taser – not once, but twice – and managed to put a police officer in a headlock. The family disputes this description, but also has not addressed Blake’s past history. I would like to see a toxicology report on Jacob Blake. Shaking off two tasers? Enough strength to wrestle with police? If he was on something, stole car keys, got into said car with three children in the backseat and drove away, what could have happened at that point? Yes, seeing a shooting was undoubtedly traumatic for the kids. So the police should have let Jacob Blake leave with three children in a stolen car?

Blake’s lawyers are now busy pointed out that his warrant has been vacated. The charges are still in place.

And despite what the press says, having a knife means that you are armed.

The details of the shooting will be hammered out in the legal system over the course of time, I am sure. However, Jacob Blake is everything that the left claimed to repudiate five minutes ago when #MeToo was their precious. In their rush to make him the next cause célèbre, they held up an alleged sexual abuser with charges of domestic violence, with a history of resisting arrest. Well done, media. Well done, athletes. You totally ran with the narrative and will not learn a damn thing from the truth, even as Kenosha burned and marches in Jacob Blake’s name continue.

Featured image via Pixabay, cropped, Pixabay license

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  • Bucky says:

    Some professional athletes do care – about the alleged rapist. Big League Politics reports that New Orleans Saints QB Drew Brees has the name of Jacob Blake prominently displayed on the front of his helmet.

  • GWB says:

    I do have to criticize the Kenosha police on one bit: Why, oh why, didn’t your officers have body cams?

    • Kathy says:

      Kenosha is not a huge town. Body cams are expensive and budgets get prioritized for what seems the greatest need.

      • GWB says:

        Given what we’ve seen in the last 6-8 years? From Michael Brown onward? It really should be a priority. And they’re less expensive than the insurance they’re paying and the lawyers. I hope it’s a priority now – for the police officers’ sake.

        (FYI, they’re about $150-200 each for the inexpensive cop versions, with microphone inputs and such. I’d have put a bond initiative on the ballot a few years back that basically said “everybody cough up $20 one time so we can do this.”)

        BTW, for those who carry, you might want to look into an (inexpensive) bodycam for yourself. It saved that dude in CA who had the tea or whatnot thrown on him and punched the guy in return.

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