Identity Politics FAIL: Elizabeth Warren Dissed By Cherokee Over DNA Test [VIDEO]

Identity Politics FAIL: Elizabeth Warren Dissed By Cherokee Over DNA Test [VIDEO]

Identity Politics FAIL: Elizabeth Warren Dissed By Cherokee Over DNA Test [VIDEO]

Yesterday, Elizabeth Warren went on the warpath. But the battle was over before it began. The grandiose announcement of her DNA test sank like a rock minutes after it aired. In one fell swoop she was completely dissed by the Cherokee Nation and showed that ALL of us are affirmative action candidates now! Her latest attempt at identity politics is a massive FAIL.

The Boston Globe had to issue a correction nearly immediately after the story aired.

Due to a math error, a story about Elizabeth Warren misstated the ancestry percentage of a potential 6th to 10th generation relative. The generational range based on the ancestor that the report identified suggests she’s between 1/64th and 1/1,024th Native American.

But that’s not all. The DNA the genetic analyst had to use came from Peru, Mexico, and Columbia. So…she’s Mayan or Aztec?

Yet those who are all in for Lizzie have POUNCED on this as YAY! PROOF! She’s Native American! Oh wait, maybe this wasn’t a good idea?

However, there are many who want her to quit with the identity politics!

“[A]n important thing for non-native people to understand is that Native identity is up to Native people. It’s not up to a scientist in a lab, it is not up to President Donald Trump’s twitter feed, and it’s not up to Elizabeth Warren,” Nagle said.

The Cherokee, long touted by Warren as tribe she descends from, are NOT AMUSED.

“Sovereign tribal nations set their own legal requirements for citizenship, and while DNA tests can be used to determine lineage, such as paternity to an individual, it is not evidence for tribal affiliation,” Hoskin continued. “Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong. It makes a mockery out of DNA tests and its legitimate uses while also dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is proven. Senator Warren is undermining tribal interests with her continued claims of tribal heritage.” [Emphasis Added]

That folks, is what you’d call an epic smackdown.

  1. DNA can help determine lineage and trace family roots.
  2. DNA is NOT evidence for genuine tribal affiliation
  3. Those who genuinely claim membership in tribes and Indian ancestry done so through multiple layers of documentation.

Has Lizzie EVER provided documentation as proof of the heritage she claims? NOPE. Again, Legal Insurrection’s William Jacobsen has spent several years debunking every piece of Warren’s bogus Indian heritage claims. Yesterday, Benny Johnson laid out an epic tweet thread saying the same.

Chief Lizzie’s response? A major tantrum.

To sum it all up, she is HEAP BIG PISSED that no one is taking her claim seriously, and all of this is Trump’s fault! Should we call her Chief “Stomps Foot” now?

In fact, she is now a poster child for all that is wrong regarding affirmative action. 

Warren’s defense of her claim to being Native American is good for America. Because if Warren is an Indian, then so are most of the rest of us. And most of us are also African-American or Hispanic. If everyone is an Indian, then no one is an Indian. This logic is fatal to the whole corrupt affirmative action enterprise.

Yes folks, you read that correctly. She used the affirmative action system to her advantage and LIED through her teeth while doing so.

Not only that, but with this move, all those who have been slapped down for daring to culturally appropriate Pocahontas and Indian culture during Halloween? Sucks to be them. But when it’s Lizzie, cultural appropriation and identity politics is A FREAKING OK!

Elizabeth Warren has claimed for years that her ancestry is part Native American. Understandably, given how this latest claim of hers has face planted, she’s getting pushback, and some of it is seriously awesome!

Fellow VG Darleen reminded me of this South Park episode.

Elizabeth Warren tried to rig the system for herself.


Her persistence is coming back to haunt her BIGLY, and that’s a good thing.


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