Georgia Jury Leak By Giggly Forewoman Could Tank Trump Prosecution

Georgia Jury Leak By Giggly Forewoman Could Tank Trump Prosecution

Georgia Jury Leak By Giggly Forewoman Could Tank Trump Prosecution

The forewoman on a Georgia jury, while making rounds with the media last night, very possibly tanked the Trump prosecution.

This particular case was targeting President Trump for his call to Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger. 

A focal point of the Atlanta inquiry is a call that Mr. Trump made on Jan. 2, 2021, to Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia secretary of state, in which he pressed Mr. Raffensperger, a fellow Republican, to recalculate the results and “find” 11,780 votes, or enough to overturn his loss in the state.

What the prosecution wanted and wants is for Trump to be indicted for supposedly trying to force votes to be “found” or “changed,” but also for potentially putting bogus electors in place. Yet, before indictments are finalized, up pops giggly Emily Kohrs. 

There’s a VERY BIG problem with Emily’s giggly media appearances yesterday. She’s out on very thin ice with what she says about the process and witnesses. Needless to say, there are a great number of people who aren’t amused by this. 

“Weird. Does anyone recall the foreman of a grand jury, particularly in a consequential case, doing a media tour BEFORE any indictments are made?!? Like, who IS this woman??,” wrote political commentator David Axelrod on Twitter.

I’m honestly surprised the judge didn’t tell the grand jury to keep their mouths shut until the proceedings were completely and utterly finished. Furthermore, I was VERY surprised to read the following in the AP News report:

As the proceedings played out, one of her fellow jurors brought the newspaper every day and pointed out stories about the investigation. Prosecutors, Kohrs said, told jurors they could consume news coverage related to the case but urged them to keep an open mind.

Kohrs said she mostly avoided stories related to the proceedings to avoid forming an opinion.

“I didn’t want to characterize anyone before they walked in the room,” she said. “I felt they all deserved an impartial listener.”

Excuse me??!! Jurors were essentially encourage to read the news and if there was information regarding the case reported therein, all they needed to do was “keep an open mind?” ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!! 

It doesn’t matter the case, the jury needs to be held to a high standard so they can render as an impartial ruling as possible. Telling them it’s totally fine to read the news and discuss it and then hope the jury stays objective is ludicrous!

Emily’s giggly demeanor definitely doesn’t help the credibility of her, the jury as a whole, nor the prosecution team. Instead, with all her little smirks, teases, and skating on very thin ice with her assertions, she looks like a grifter trying to grab 15 minutes of fame. 

As is asked over at Red State, giggly Emily’s statement that 12 indictments are on the way raises some questions. Notably, did what happen in Georgia in 2020 REALLY rise to such a level that TWELVE people are going to be indicted?? What did we miss? 

The grand jury, of which has Giggly Emily as the foreperson, can only make recommendations to the prosecutors. It’s then, according to Georgia law, up to the prosecutor to bring it to a regular grand jury to secure indictments. If a regular grand jury isn’t already in place, one would have to presume that Emily Kohr’s media blitz has tainted the jury pool. 

Portions of the initial grand jury report were released last week per orders by the judge. Said report says that supposedly some witnesses may have lied under oath, and recommended indictments for perjury. But again, the investigation and indictments were still pending when Emily started her media rounds yesterday. 

Media rounds that made even the most liberal commentators who hate Donald Trump with a passion highly uncomfortable. 

“Mark my words, Donald Trump’s team is going to make a motion, if there’s an indictment, to dismiss that indictment based on grand jury impropriety. She’s not supposed to be talking about anything, really. But she’s really not supposed to be talking about the deliberations. She’s talking about what specific witnesses they saw, what the grand jury thought of them. She says some of them we found credible, some we found funny. I don’t know why that’s relevant, but she’s been saying we found this guy funny or interesting. I think she’s potentially crossing a line here. It’s gonna be a real problem for prosecutors,” Honig continued.

Given this, would it really surprise anyone that the Trump team is already preparing motions? In fact, any witness mentioned by Emily should have had their attorneys on the phone about this. What Emily did was highly improper and, in my opinion, completely tainted the case. However, given the political law fare involved in this case and the likelihood that the grand jury was presented with cherry picked information, the Fulton County DA and the judges involved could persist. 

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 Feature Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore/ Commons

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  • GWB says:

    This woman may forever poison prosecuting Trump in Georgia.
    This is actually the point. The prosecution is playing this so that the anti-Trumpers can forever say (much like with impeachment) “Well, we had him, but then crazy people/Republicans/lawyers spoilt the effort! We missed it by that much!” And they can keep talking about it and tarring him with those indictments (or impeachments) without any rebuttal from a jury. It’s the same theater that’s gone on for 6 years now.

    (Heck, they did that with Russia-gate. They knew they couldn’t get it out there as news, so they made it news so they could talk about it.)

  • Windy Wilson says:

    “Kohrs said she mostly avoided stories related to the proceedings.”
    What she doesn’t say is that she really wanted to watch the Bachelor and Bachelorette in the evenings,as well as what the Kardashians were up to.

    I predict that the investigation will expand to find a connection between this woman and Trump’s lawyers or anyone in his “camp.” If they have to go to six degrees of separation they will.

  • RebeccaH says:

    The woman was so excited to “look Trump in the eyes” when her verdict was given, she came across as some school girl who scored a celebrity as her prom date. Who picked this woman, and why?

  • cheeflo says:


    A sample of feminism’s actual contribution to society. After suffrage, feminists concentrated their efforts on the uglification of the language to set themselves apart from their species. I’d be mortified to be designated as such.

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