Gavin Newsom Claims Kamala Is The Greatest!

Gavin Newsom Claims Kamala Is The Greatest!

Gavin Newsom Claims Kamala Is The Greatest!

Gavin Newsom claims he isn’t running for President. And he did his best to prop up Kamala Harris during yesterday’s CNN interview.

I don’ know which was more laughable. Gavin claiming that Joe is a “seasoned pro,” that Kamala is a great Vice President, or that he himself isn’t running for President. Narrator: He is running a shadow campaign. 

First, let’s look at Gavin’s claim about Joe. 

In an interview with CNN, Newsom acknowledged that voters “have every right to be concerned” about Biden’s age (80) but insisted he was not concerned.

“I want a seasoned pro that knows how to get things done,” Newsom said. “I’m a little old-fashioned. I want a guy who produces results, and the results are in: It’s been a master class.”

Newsom’s remarks came in response to a question about a recent CBS News/YouGov survey, which found that only one-third of American voters think Biden will remain in office through a second term. Were the president to win re-election and finish another term, he would be 86-years-old when he leaves office.

Yeah, Joe is such a “seasoned pro” that his Administration is driving this country off the cliff. Joe is so awesome that he never remembers where he is, needs major cue cards, insults everyone, and is putting this country at risk with the open borders policy and paying Iran well over $6 billion in ransom! 

Yet, despite all of that, the whisper campaign to get rid of Joe and Kamala is getting louder. David Ignatius said all the parts loudly just the other day. 

What I admire most about President Biden is that in a polarized nation, he has governed from the center out, as he promised in his victory speech. With an unexpectedly steady hand, he passed some of the most important domestic legislation in recent decades. In foreign policy, he managed the delicate balance of helping Ukraine fight Russia without getting America itself into a war. In sum, he has been a successful and effective president.

But I don’t think Biden and Vice President Harris should run for reelection. It’s painful to say that, given my admiration for much of what they have accomplished. But if he and Harris campaign together in 2024, I think Biden risks undoing his greatest achievement — which was stopping Trump.

Gavin also trotted out this incredibly laughable claim about Joe, Hunter, and influence peddling. 

“One of the things that Republicans are relentless on, of course, is Hunter Biden,” CNN host Dana Bash began. “There is no evidence that Joe Biden benefited from anything that Hunter was doing, but Republicans have shown that Hunter Biden – he tried to leverage his father’s name, and that the president allegedly before he was president joined phone calls that Hunter Biden’s business associates were on. Do you see anything inappropriate there?”

“I don’t know enough about the details of that. I mean I’ve seen a little of that,” Newsom responded. “If that’s the new criteria, there are a lot of folks in a lot of industries – not just in politics – where people have family members and relationships and they’re trying to parlay and get a little influence and benefit in that respect. That’s hardly unique.”

What a knee slapper from the guy who is Nancy Pelosi’s nephew! He wouldn’t BE where he is today if it weren’t for her influence! 

What’s even funnier is that Gavin is propping up Kamala Harris as well as Joe, while his state is losing population in droves. So much so, that there’s a big chance Democrat seats could disappear. 

Meanwhile, according to Gavin, the Biden/Harris team has been masterful! 

“Of course she is,” he replied. “Biden-Harris administration, master class in terms of performance. Bipartisan deals on infrastructure, bipartisan deals on guns and debt ceiling, on the CHIPS and Science Act.”

I swear, that’s the most laughable spin I’ve ever heard! Kamala has been conducting a master class alright. One that involves nervous cackling, incredibly confusion word salads, and major avoidance of her role as the Border Czar. Oh yes, let’s not forget the most important issue of the decade according to Kamala. 

Yes, what he said. We have the most tone-deaf unserious people in this Administration right now, and Gavin Newsom is giving Kamala props for doing NOTHING. 

Yes, he’s running. No matter what he says, he’s running and will be leaping to the front of the line as soon as there’s an opening. 

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click 

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1 Comment
  • Taylor says:

    Gavin Newsom is a very dangerous fellow. If the Democrats were smart they would nominate him (he would beat Trump) and they would have an even more left wing guy in the White House for 8 consecutive years.

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