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The shock of the election loss is fading for Democrats. Now they’re trying to figure out whom to blame, and they’re forming a circular firing squad.
Some Democrats are blaming Hillary Clinton for her lack of outreach to voters in the northern Rust Belt. Supporters of Bernie Sanders point fingers at the party establishment for pushing the entrenched Clinton. They believe that Sanders could’ve defeated Trump.
But Hillary Clinton refuses to take any blame for her own failures. Instead she blames FBI director James Comey.
In a Saturday conference call to donors, Hillary complained:
“There are lots of reasons why an election like this is not successful. . . . our analysis is that Comey’s letter raising doubts that were groundless, baseless, proven to be, stopped our momentum.”
She added:
“Just as we were back up on the upward trajectory, the second letter from Comey essentially doing what we knew it would — saying there was no there there — was a real motivator for Trump’s voters. Trump spent the last four days of this campaign engaged in a nonstop attack on me personally, and the result is the result.”
Just stop, Hillary! Talk to the hand, ’cause girlfriend here ain’t listening. It wouldn’t be the fact that you treated highly classified information in a cavalier manner with your private servers. And then lied about them! It’s not that the FBI, even in their own half-assed manner, shed light on such egregious treatment of our nation’s security.
No, it’s that you were caught! How dare James Comey or any of those peasants in Flyover Country see you as anything other than High and Mighty Hillary — She for Whom Rules Never Apply.
Did the Comey letter kill the Clinton candidacy? Maybe it was the final straw. But I believe there was so much more.
The American people were fed up with smelling crap. Eight long years of liberal crap.
An economy that barely grew after a recession. A U.S.-Mexico border which is little more than a sieve. Citizens being force-fed Obamacare, which financially chokes the middle class. Religious Christians becoming social pariahs should they voice their opposition to gay marriage or abortion. Our badass military being hogtied by rules of engagement that favor a fanatical enemy. Police threatened and even murdered as payback for arresting minority suspects, and an administration that did nothing to deter it. The rise of transgender activists who are no respecters of the dignity of those in the most private of places — restrooms and locker rooms. Colleges and universities changing from bastions of intellect and inquiry into conglomerations of childish students who demand that no one utter any untoward words, lest they dissolve into quivering forms of humanity needing “safe spaces” with crayons and puppies.
And let’s not forget the media, who think it’s their responsibility to shape citizens’ thoughts to correspond with their left-leaning worldview. They spare no opportunity to mock those who think differently.
The election was lost to Hillary Clinton and the Democrats not because of James Comey. It was the steady drip-drip of a leftist administration that pushed its Zeitgeist, and after eight years of this Chinese water torture on their souls, Americans finally said, “No more!” They chose as their president a man who came replete with his own warts and baggage. But he promised to “Make America Great Again,” and those words fired up the morale of beleaguered Americans.
Buh-bye, Clintons. You pair of grifters. Go back to your pricey digs in Chappaqua, and don’t bother America again. You and your party own this loss, no matter whom you blame. Fire away.
[…] Victory Girls Blog: Election Postmortem: Democrats Create Their Own Circular Firing Squad [VIDEO]. […]
They nominated a liar and cheater who then made the election all about her character. Ooops.
When the left blames everybody else, they learn nothing.
N.Y. Times vows to ‘rededicate’ paper to reporting honestly…
…and all tigers promise to be vegetarians from now on.
The Times reported that HC blames Comey for her loss. It said candidates have a history of blaming outside forces for losses, like Kerry in ’04, claiming a video released by BinLaden days before electn cost him, & Romy, in 2012, claiming BO’s promise of ‘gifts’ to Black, Hispanic & young ppl caused his loss.
But get this- The Times said HC’s claim was more ‘rooted in reality,’ pointing to a campaign memo guaranteeing HC’s win, if not for Comey’s reopening of Em probe.
Here’s the problem: Even if reasons given by prev candidates did cost them, HC’s case is not comparable. JK didn’t cause BinLaden to release that vid, & Rom had no control over BO’s pandering, nor any BS (butt sauce) that came out of his munch-hole. HC robbed a bank & now she’s squirting tears bc it’s ‘not fair’ someone told on her.
SHE put that illegal, unsecure server in her crib to conduct sensitive Gov biz. SHE intended to shield her dirty deeds fr future FOIA. SHE tried to control the ability to destroy damning evid if anyone came calling. Neither WLks or Wiener’s laptop EVER occurred her. SHE did all that – no outside force.
I don’t say this gleefully, but HC isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. Her ignorance has harmed US. Blind lust for power & wealth fills her sails, but also blinds her to the world of cyberspies & hax. Her lazy brain has cost lives & put ts intel into enemy hands. Besides priv server, she put ClassInfo on her phone, which was also hacked.
Even if her claim was true, ‘There’s no evid of any damage caused by my use of my priv server,’ it’s like saying, ‘There’s no evid of any damage from when I was dropping stones from that overpass during rush hour’
Of course, the larger point is lost on NYTs. Biased narratives, including ‘outside forces’ bringing HC down, instead of her own dishonesty, explains why their rep is in free-fall. Despite claiming a renewed effort to report honestly, just wait till the next election. A tiger can’t change it’s stripes, and it will be all about that fresh meat.
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[…] Victory Girls – Election Postmortem: Democrats Form Their Own Circular Firing Squad [VIDEO] […]