Democrats Flip Out After January 6 Footage Is Released To Public

Democrats Flip Out After January 6 Footage Is Released To Public

Democrats Flip Out After January 6 Footage Is Released To Public

House Speaker Mike Johnson started releasing all January 6 footage late yesterday afternoon, and the Democrats are flipping out. Via Twitter/X, this is what Speaker Johnson had to say:

When I ran for Speaker, I promised to make accessible to the American people the 44,000 hours of video from Capitol Hill security taken on January 6, 2021. Truth and transparency are critical. Today, we will begin immediately posting video on a public website and move as quickly as possible to add to the website nearly all of the footage, more than 40,000 hours. In the meantime, a public viewing room will ensure that every citizen can view every minute of the videos uncensored.

This decision will provide millions of Americans, criminal defendants, public interest organizations, and the media an ability to see for themselves what happened that day, rather than having to rely upon the interpretation of a small group of government officials.

First, 40,000 HOURS of footage is a LOT to comb through. But it’s necessary for us all to see. Secondly, I absolutely LOVE the subtle slam against the January 6 Committee led by Liz Cheney! It was evident from the very first video she and the rest of her committee minions released, that the footage was doctored and ginned up documentary style. Mike Johnson pointed out how fruitless and asinine that was last year.

How interesting that YouTube superimposes J6 footage instead of showing what was really happening – Mike Johnson standing in the house in front of a podium giving a speech. 

Many of us watching that day knew that, while some aspects, mostly outside except for Ashli Babbitt getting shot, did get violent, most of it was just folks traipsing through and looking around. Now, all of the footage except for about 4,000 hours is being released. You can view all of it via this link. 

It is via Box, so one may need to sign up for it, unless you have Google Chrome or similar. I’m already looking at some of the footage, and it’s certainly quite interesting, including this of the Shaman peacefully walking out!

Fist bumps and shoulder pats. Such a dangerous criminal is he! The lack of concern showed is very telling. And then there is footage of multiple guided tours. Like this one. 

There will be a lot more to come in the next few weeks. But we must point out that the January 6 committee and Democrats as a whole have been unwilling to acknowledge that their vilifying of those who just walked through the Capitol has led to deadly consequences. 

Furthermore, the DOJ is STILL going after people who were there or near the Capitol on that day. But of course, the Democrats have their narrative and they will cling to it with all their might. Anyone involved with January 6 is BAD. Capital Police – good! And this footage supposedly puts them at risk! 

“It is unconscionable that one of Speaker Johnson’s first official acts as steward of the institution is to endanger his colleagues, staff, visitors, and our country by allowing virtually unfettered access to sensitive Capitol security footage,” said Rep. Joe Morelle (D., N.Y.), the top Democrat on the panel. “That he is doing so over the strenuous objections of the security professionals within the Capitol Police is outrageous.”

Really? So, one has to ask, given the footage we are starting to see, why are the Capitol Police so damned concerned about the public seeing how they responded on that day?

Don’t get me wrong, as much as Liz Cheney tried this Tweet/X to dunk on Mike Johnson, it DOES show that quite a number of J6 folks got REALLY  and I mean REALLY stupid. And they should’ve known better. 

That said, the Democrats and Capitol Police are beyond upset that this footage is being released. Yet, some of those same Democrats are now on record saying that the pro-Hamas protests outside the DNC headquarters scared them much more than January 6 did.

One House Democrat who was present at the DNC told Axios it “scared me more than January 6,” recounting that they were about to leave and return to the Capitol when police told them not to exit.

“Someone sent out word for people to come [back] and police said it’s not safe,” the lawmaker said. “Police were wearing gas masks … this was not peaceful.

Things that make you go, HMMMM. Congresswoman Debbie Dingell stated she was equally rattled, more than January 6 in fact. Yet the Democrats will still persist in calling January 6 worse than anything that has ever happened to the United States, including Pearl Harbor and 9/11.

Something abhorrent to keep in mind as we see the footage roll out, the FBI was pulled off major cases to focus on hunting down those involved with January 6. One such case involved tracking down a major pedophile. 

Young boys are forever traumatized because the FBI decided January 6 was worse than a pedophile abusing children. 

The Democrats can flip their wigs all they want, but the innocents left behind as well as those targeted by our government for being at, in, or near the U.S. Capitol on January 6 deserve to know what REALLY happened. Releasing the January 6 footage is an excellent start. 

Feature Photo Credit: original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click 

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  • rbj1 says:

    44,000 hours. Or 40,000 hours. Big or medium sized law firms expect their attorneys (I.e. college degree plus a law degree, plus an active law license) to bill 2000 hours a year. So that would take 22 highly educated people an entire year to review the footage.

    You don’t want to farm any potentially exculpatory evidence to cheap interns.

  • Scott says:

    Once again, democrats prove that they are the domestic enemies that many of us swore an oath to defend against..

    And the FBI / DOJ prove that they are totally corrupt, and only interested in protecting dems, not in justice for We the People..

  • […] its accidental whale collision limit Transterrestrial Musings: On The Road Again Victory Girls: Democrats Flip Out After January 6 Footage Is Released To Public, Mike Lee Calls For Investigation Into J6 Committee, and Cardi B Smokes NYC Mayor Eric Adams Over […]

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