Democrats Aren’t Fans Of Pro-Hamas Riot At DNC Headquarters

Democrats Aren’t Fans Of Pro-Hamas Riot At DNC Headquarters

Democrats Aren’t Fans Of Pro-Hamas Riot At DNC Headquarters

Well Democrats, the violent protest at your DNC headquarters is what you built. You have expressed support and tacit approval of all the violent, ‘fiery but mostly peaceful’ George Floyd and Black Lives Matter riots these last few years.

But when the chickens come home to roost via violent pro-Hamas rioters at your own headquarters, the whining and pearl-clutching begins. 

At least one person was arrested when demonstrators calling for a cease-fire in Gaza “illegally and violently” protested outside the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee on Wednesday night, U.S. Capitol Police said.

Lawmakers who were inside the building in Southeast D.C. during the protest said on X, formerly Twitter, that Capitol police evacuated them from the building. Capitol Police said that all members of Congress were evacuated from the area.

Demonstration organizers said at least 100 participants suffered injuries after being pepper-sprayed and pushed by police. Six officers suffered injuries after being pepper-sprayed and punched, police said on social media.

Organizers for Jewish Voice for Peace Action, which describes itself as the largest progressive Jewish anti-Zionist organization in the world, said protesters arrived outside the DNC building at 430 South Capitol St. SE about 7 p.m. after a candlelight vigil at the corner of South Capitol and D streets.

The Washington Post helpfully buried this story way down on their DC/Metro pages. Meanwhile, CNN tried to claim it was the police who turned violent. 

Except the Capital Police said otherwise. 

We have handled hundreds of peaceful protests, but last night’s group was not peaceful. The crowd failed to obey our lawful orders to move back from the DNC, where Members of Congress were in the building.

When the group moved dumpsters in front of the exits, pepper sprayed our officers and attempted to pick up the bike rack, our teams quickly introduced consequences – pulling people off the building, pushing them back, and clearing them from the area, so we could safely evacuate the Members and staff.

Six officers were treated for injuries, from minor cuts to being pepper sprayed to being punched.

CNN’s Abby Philips, knowing full well that the protest had turned violent BECAUSE of the protestors, not the police, issued a CYA statement on Twitter.

Uh huh, not buying what you’re peddling Abby! 

Meanwhile, Brad Sherman, whom CNN interviewed, ludicrously claimed that these protestors will help …REPUBLICANS in the next election. I kid you not. 

Folks, keep in mind that, if this had been the pro-Israel protest that turned violent, the media and Democrats would be running with this 24/7 as they’ve done with the January 6 mess. But since this was a pro-Hamas, pro-Palestine protest turned violent at the Democrat Party’s OWN headquarters, the spin has begun. 

Even though all the House buildings were put on lockdown, and the DNC headquarters were evacuated, only one person was arrested after last night’s clash. Just ONE. 

Yet the Capital police along with the FBI are STILL going after people for January 6!  Some Democrats invoked January 6 while finger-wagging the protestors. 

In a statement on X, Illinois Rep. Sean Casten said he was evacuated from the building by authorities and urged protesters not to do anything “irresponsible.”

“You have the Constitutional right to peaceably assemble and protest. But blocking all entries to a building with multiple members of Congress in it, protected by Capitol Police officers who have lived through January 6 is putting you and other innocent people at risk,” he said. “We were rescued by armed officers who did not know the protestors’ intent; they knew only that Members of Congress were inside, could not leave and that protestors would not let police through. Forcing police to guess intent is irresponsible and dangerous.”

Ummm, no Sean. They wanted this chaos. They planned for this chaos. 

Joe Biden is trying to appease Xi, while China’s TikTok has naive people parroting odes to Osama bin Laden, and the Democrats are just befuddled by the fact that the pro-Hamas faction got more than a bit unruly last night. 

You see, it’s only the Republicans who get out of control. When the Democrats do, it’s all ‘mostly peaceful’ until it isn’t. And then the excuses begin to fly. As for the protestors themselves, how DARE the Democrats or Republicans whine about their actions at the DNC headquarters! It’s not our fault the protest that blocked doors turned violent. Blame the police!

Eva Borgwardt, a spokesperson for IfNotNow, one of the groups involved in the protest, disputed police and lawmaker claims of a violent protest and called on lawmakers to “apologize and retract their dangerous and hurtful statements.”

In other words, none of this chaos is our fault. How dare you speak against our movement! 

Congrats to the Democrat party for having their own chickens come home to roost. You built this guys. OWN IT. 

Feature Photo Credit: Compilation of 1968 protests at DNC convention via Wikimedia and cropped Twitter/X video photo of DNC headquarters protest. 

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