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Officer Miosotis Familia, who was senselessly assassinated in her patrol car on July 5th, was laid to rest yesterday in a funeral befitting the service of New York’s finest.
NYPD Police Commissioner is applauded at slain cop's funeral: “Where are the demonstrations for this single mom…why is there no outrage?”
— ABC News (@ABC) July 11, 2017
NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio also spoke at the funeral. After his actions of the last week, let’s just say that his reception was about as warm as he could have expected.
DeBlasio made his choice to go to Germany and pretend he was important. He got exactly what he deserved. And you would think he would have learned his lesson after the 2014 murders of Officers Ramos and Liu, when the police deliberately turned their backs on him then. At the time, then-Commissioner Bill Bratton called the actions of the police “very inappropriate.” Somehow, I don’t think Commissioner O’Neill shares that sentiment right now.
Please keep Officer Familia’s children in your prayers.
And remember that DeBlasio is running for reelection this year. He is currently running way in the lead, despite his jet-set behavior and the New York subway meltdown. Good luck, New York. If you can stand him, you deserve him.
She doesn’t meet the stereotype of a single black mother that the left puts forth, and expects complete compliance with, so of course they don’t support her…
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