COP28: John Kerry Commits $3 Billion To Annihilate The Coal Industry

COP28: John Kerry Commits $3 Billion To Annihilate The Coal Industry

COP28: John Kerry Commits $3 Billion To Annihilate The Coal Industry

Coal powers about 20% of homes across the United States. John Kerry, along with the Biden Administration want that percentage to be zero. And thus, without our say so, committed $3 billion of OUR tax dollars to eliminating the coal industry.

The Biden Administration announced Saturday that the United States is committed to phasing out coal power plants nationwide and not building new ones as it moves ahead with its green agenda.

U.S. Special Envoy for Climate John Kerry announced at the annual United Nations climate change summit in Dubai, called COP28, that America is joining 56 other nations that comprise the Power Past Coal Alliance.

“We will be working to accelerate unabated coal phase-out across the world, building stronger economies and more resilient communities,” Kerry said in a statement.

“The first step is to stop making the problem worse: stop building new unabated coal power plants.”

It’s unclear when existing U.S. coal plants would have to shut, but other Biden regulatory actions and international commitments already in play have targeted 2035 as a coal-free deadline.

Will China stop building coal-fired power plants? Not hardly. While the climate cultists, among them John Kerry, natter on about green energy, China is going with what works. And they know that solar and wind aren’t the magic fix everyone wants us to believe it is. 

All one has to do is look at Texas last winter. Or this winter for that matter as ERCOT is warning of power loss during winter storms. While the climate cultist hypocrites yuck it up in balmy 80 degree weather in Dubai, how’s that wind and solar faring in Europe right now?

Think a windmill or solar panel can thaw out those runways anytime soon? Guess what? When solar panels are covered with snow and ice, they do not produce energy. At. All.

Yet coal-fired power plants keep trucking right along. 

$3 billion of our tax dollars to shut down coal plants in favor of going further into the weeds with wind and solar. Who pays for that? OH. 

Much of the concern centers on the rising cost of capital and whether the world can even afford the stunning price tag of the transition. Cost estimates range from $110 trillion (per the Energy Transitions Commission) to $275 trillion (McKinsey & Co.), the latter of which represents roughly 2.6 times total global GDP for 2023. Global consultancy Deloitte pegs its estimate in the mid-range at roughly $5-$7 trillion per year through 2050.

These are truly mindboggling numbers, the magnitude of which the average person has a difficult time digesting. Even the smaller estimate amounts to about $3.5 trillion annual investment from 2023 through 2050. For some context, the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act contained about $369 billion in subsidies and tax breaks for green energy investments over a 10-year time frame, or about 1/90th of the total global investment required during that time according to the estimate by the Energy Transitions Committee. It would take almost 250 IRA-sized tranches of money to meet the levels of investment envisioned by McKinsey & Co.’s estimate.

Read the above again, carefully. The ONLY way this transition from coal to “green energy” works is if the government keeps subsidizing wind and solar. In other words, we the taxpayers are on the hook to foot the bill with zero return on investment. ZERO. 

Something else to think about while the Biden Administration takes $3 billion taxpayer dollars and throws it at the green energy cultists… For those who have solar panels on their homes, what happens when the power goes out? Do the solar panels keep the home online and humming along? NOPE. That would only happen if the homeowner has a backup generator stashed somewhere! You know what does keep working in the home if the power goes out? Your gas stove and fireplace. That is, until the bone-headed regulators take it all away from us. Oh wait! You can use your bbq grill! Only if it’s charcoal. So much for saving the trees. 

What’s ironic and blatantly hypocritical is this summit is supposed to be all about green energy and the move away from those nasty fossil fuels. 

Dubai is practically the epicenter of fossil fuels and no matter the talks, you can darned well bet those oil wells will keep chugging right along. 

As for the U.S. coal plants, I hope the communities they are in are paying attention to this. Especially communities such as my hometown where the power plant provides electricity for hundreds of thousands of homes across the U.S. and is essentially the largest employer in the county. 

Is this REALLY about saving the climate?

“Energy transition is not an easy task and as such requires strong cooperation and support,” said Kosovo environment minister Artane Rizvanolli. “Joining the Powering Past Coal Alliance reiterates Kosovo’s clear commitment and ongoing efforts towards a socially just and clean energy sector.”

No, not one bit. This is all about the narrative. Which includes using our money to decimate the coal industry in order to look like we are doing something to save the planet. 

Feature Photo Credit: John Kerry at 2022 World Economic Forum via Flickr/Mattias Nutt, cropped and modified

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  • Scott says:

    Sure is a shame the VC didn’t get the job done when sKerry was on that swiftboat…

    These “elites” will stop at nothing but ultimate power. NONE of these actions / schemes / “crisis” are real, they are ALL about control of the “little” people… it’s long past time we showed them what the “little ” people can do.. ala 1775

  • Cameron says:

    Mind you, he and his kind’s homes will be well heated and ventilated year round. We need people like him to tremble in fear when the see lampposts.

  • John says:

    I hope he committed his own money because he has no authority to commit any U.S. Funds. If he did, this is something Congress should stop. But then, who am i kidding. Congress won’t do anything and this administration will continue to print money until the country dies from debt!

  • Steve says:

    Kerri is an evil tool who knows he is lying

  • […] Victory Girls John f…ing Kerry, Idiot! […]

  • George V says:

    Last week there was a post on the climate website about a near disaster in New York at Christmastime. The big winter storm and cold temps drove the need for electricity and natural gas to such levels that both the electric and natural gas delivery systems were near collapse. Recovery of the nat. gas system for NYC would have taken months. Why was this? In addition to the variable generation by wind and solar, natural gas used for electricity generation does not have the storage capacity that coal does. When the pipeline runs out it can’t just be switched on again. Article with details is here:

    It’s not the climate that will kill you, it’s the climate policies.

  • Dan Patterson says:

    Who in the gd hell elected J. Kerry (spit) to anything?
    He and his cadre of globo-homo soi-boi asswipes can GTFO.

  • Mad Celt says:

    I thought Kerry was in charge of ensuring those plastic wraps were placed on all shoelaces. Someone promoted him to watching the weather?

  • John Schifano says:

    Ban the fuel for Kerry’s airplane lets see him fly.

  • John Schifano says:

    Kerry is not all their banning coal and gas is not a good thing no matter what they say on climate,due to false info, shall we go to all electric airplanes? will batteries freeze at 30,000 ft? Will electric motors be able to push thru a bad storm, will they provide vthe lift needed for cargo crafts. How often must the battery be replaced at what cost? Wheres the power to charge the planes at the airports ? after each flight. Kerry says its not my plane but my wife’s and still flys in it polutting everywhere he goes.

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