Chelsea Clinton Rips Trump On Coronavirus

Chelsea Clinton Rips Trump On Coronavirus

Chelsea Clinton Rips Trump On Coronavirus

Chelsea Clinton, spawn of former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, has an op-ed on ripping President Donald Trump on his handling of the Coronavirus (Covid-19). Clinton and her co-author Devi Sridhar argue that because Trump eliminated the position of Global Health Czar and proposed cuts to global health funding, we are, here in the United States, less safe. Let’s talk about this.

Miss Chelsea celebrates her 40th birthday this month, and she has the most impressive resume that I have ever read. Like, when does she sleep, impressive. You can read her biography from the Columbia Mailman School of Public Health, where she is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Health Policy and Management. I didn’t know what an Adjunct ASSISTANT Professor was, so I Googled it. You can read the description here. It sounds like just a way to have an celebrity name on your faculty directory.

Really, when does she sleep? She has written 5 children’s books, co-authored a scholarly book on public health, has four degrees, sits on the boards of beaucoup organizations, is married and has three children. That doesn’t even begin to touch her work on a documentary, her three years at NBC, or her work for McKinsey, or her aborted run for political office, which I wrote about and you can read here. I realize that I am an evil troll, but I don’t buy the Clinton resume. I never have. Her resume, like her position as an Adjunct Assistant Professor, is all celebrity gets and gimmes.

The co-author for the CNN piece, Devi Sridhar, has a more focused and believable resume. Forgive my cynicism, but I think that any true research in their co-authored book, “Governing Global Health” was done by Miss Sridhar.

Here is Chelsea Clinton explaining why we may not live in the best of times:

Hmmm, now or the thirteenth century? I’ll take now.

You can read the full piece, “Under Trump, America is less prepared for a coronavirus outbreak”, but it really sounds like she is really just mad that Trump beat her mother like a rented mule in 2016. Why do I say this? From the article:

Unfortunately, President Donald Trump has taken actions that many doctors and experts agree will leave the US less prepared to respond to COVID-19. He has eliminated the position of Global Health Czar and has repeatedly proposed cuts important to global health funding — thankfully that have failed to pass in Congress.

That first Global Health Czar that Obama appointed was during the Ebola virus outbreak. Obama appointed Ron Klain, a political hack and lawyer.

Here is more derision towards Trump from the Chelsea Clinton article:

Two aspects in particular worry us about the White House’s response, or lack thereof. We have a President uninterested in global health concerns, broadly disdainful of experts and recently obsessed with and distracted by his impeachment.

Trump is not “broadly disdainful” of any experts, maybe just the ones that you prefer, Chelsea. And, nice burn on the impeachment, there. Talk to your Pa about impeachment. But, there is more:

The Trump administration is chronically inept at, and seemingly uninterested in, any type of long-term planning, given the numerous positions in government that remain vacant as well as the constant rotation of key cabinet positions and the ad hoc decisions made on the basis of a conversation or Fox News clip.

Well, unlike your mother and her need for a large staff or Queen’s court, maybe President Trump likes to run a “lean” business model. I am surprised that in all your business dealings you have never run across this concept. And, here is one more dagger from Chelsea to Trump:

To put it simply, the Trump administration, by seeking to cut funding and rejecting proven solutions, is not sufficiently prepared to face a major threat like the novel coronavirus outbreak. As the American people face what the World Health Organization has deemed a public health emergency, we need a strong leader who understands the importance of good governance, expertise and diverse perspectives in bringing outbreaks under control.

Forgive me, Chutney, I mean, Chelsea, if I have less than zero confidence in the World Health Organization. The Director of the World Health Organization is Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of Ethiopia. Tedros appointed late Zimbabwean Dictator Robert Mugabe to the post of Goodwill Ambassador. You want me to trust The World Health Organization over Donald Trump? Hard pass.

Go home and take care of your husband, babies and ill, elderly parents, Chelsea, before you lecture anyone about global health. And, to be perfectly honest, I am more worried about the plaque being spread by liberal city policies than I am about Covid-19.

And, last thing. CNN, wasn’t there any other person other than a Clinton you could have gotten to write this hit piece?

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Featured Image:

Chelsea Clinton“Chelsea Clinton” by Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

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  • Bob says:

    I am less interested in anything Chelsea has to say than anything Hillary has to say, which may not be humanly possible.

  • SFC D says:

    Chelsea’s resume has just about as much substance as her mother’s. She’s never served in any capacity except to be a cash conduit from the Clinton cartel. She’s about as relevant as that other Chelsea, Bradly Manning.

  • deimos says:

    Chelsea Clinton, spawn of Webb Hubble and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, FIFY

  • First, who does Chelsea, the spawn of the clintons, think she is? She, like most people who condemn Trump for something, are creations of the media and not really legitimate intellects. Talking points….

    Second, we will survive the Corona virus like we did the fly pandemic after WWI and any other viral contagion since the beginning of time. Frankly, we are far better able to cope with any contagion now than we were in history. People know to clean and stay away from contagions as much as possible. They have better resources to deal with illness. We have better health facilities than ever before.

    The fact is that if this virus goes ballistic there will be many infected and death as a result for a small percentage. Panicking and pointing fingers does nothing to alter that fact. It would be far more constructive for the talking heads the media interviews to spend their time reminding people to practice flu safety and do their best to stay healthy. That could make a difference in how people do. Blame throwing does no good at all!

  • First, who does Chelsea, the spawn of the clintons, think she is? She, like most people who condemn Trump for something, are creations of the media and not really legitimate intellects. She is a talking point. Nothing else….

    Second, we will survive the Corona virus like we did the flu pandemic after WWI and any other viral contagion since the beginning of time. Frankly, we are far better able to cope with any contagion now than we were in history. People know to clean and stay away from contagions as much as possible. They have better resources to deal with illness. We have better health facilities than ever before.

    The fact is that if this virus goes ballistic there will be many infected and death as a result for a small percentage. Panicking and pointing fingers does nothing to alter that fact. It would be far more constructive for the talking heads the media interviews to spend their time reminding people to practice flu safety and do their best to stay healthy. That could make a difference in how people do. Blame throwing does no good at all!

  • Sadie McQueen says:

    “recently obsessed with and distracted by his impeachment.” Right, because Trump is the only president in recent history who’s ever been impeached…

  • Joe in PNG says:

    I kind of feel sorry for her- she HAS to spend time with Hillary. Even Bill doesn’t have to do that.

    Chelsea is the modern face of American political crony corruption. She’s got no real talent of her own to bring, but if you put her on your board, or give her a big “charitable donation”, then doors will open. Biden’s spawn has been making his living in a similar fashion, but with cocaine & hookers.

    Which brings up another point- is the reason we’re hearing from her more because Hillary’s influence has pretty much cratered, and the big sinecures are drying up? Is she seeing the writing on the wall about the future of the Democratic party, and the fact that no matter what happens this year, the Bernie Bros are likely to be running the show?

  • Lloyd says:

    Chelsea is the quintessential “golden spooner”…..She is rich without ever working a day in her life!! And, for the record….shouldn’t her name be Hubbell?

  • […] Appearance At Trump Rally, also, First Woman Expected To Become Green Beret Soon Victory Girls: Chelsea Clinton Rips Trump On Coronavirus Volokh Conspiracy: Senate Hearing On National Injunctions Weasel Zippers: Warren Refuses To […]

  • John Casteel says:

    Sadly, once Bubba and the Beast fad away, we’re still going to have to endure Chelsea, a not-very-bright, opinionated and entitled twit with absolutely nothing to offer. Can the media be this dumb? Yes, yes they can.

    • Joe in PNG says:

      I wonder though- when Billy Jeff & Hildabeast finally shuffle off, will there still be a demand for Chelsea? I honestly doubt it. She’s just her parent’s bagman, and once they are gone, she’s going to just fade into the background.
      The Left is pretty dang ruthless when it comes to discarding people. They may not necessarily Epstein somebody, but they will shove you out of the public eye once you have outlived your usefulness.

  • Deserttrek says:

    Too bad the admissions scandals didn’t get this knucklehead
    Stupid and not good looking, only a politicians kid could pull; it off

    • Scott says:

      That’s because the clitoons didn’t lie to get Chelsea into any of those schools like those in the scandal did, they just did it the old fashioned way, by giving colleges bags of cash ( and maybe asking a few admissions folks if they were feeling suicidal…)

  • MIK says:

    Remarkable. A Clinton whining about lack of preparation. Well, I will say two things — 9/11 and Christopher Stevens, Ambassador to Libya. ’nuff said.

  • Joy says:

    I totally agree with Chelsea Clinton and think you are jealous.

  • Charles says:

    She has about much brains as her mother and father,all Clinton’s should be run out of Washington, D.C. with a lot of the Democrat’s too!

  • Mikey says:

    Her mom has killed more people than Covid-19 has in the US.

  • Linda doyle says:

    Only one thing to say about this dim-wit>>Evil begets Evil.!!!

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