Eighty years ago this weekend, a battle began which decided the future of American might in the Pacific. That would be the Battle of Midway, which raged…
LGBTQ*** (***we are inclusive here) soldiers from Ukraine have usurped the unicorn for a patch on their uniform that indicates their queer status. With all the crazy,…
The Afghanistan withdrawal was a cockup of galactic proportions. At the time, the Deep State flacks all said that no one could have seen it coming. Joe…
While we’re all watching with amazement at the toughness of the Ukrainian military, our Air Force has decided to create safe spaces. Because, you know, feelings.
It feels surreal being at CPAC 2022 listening to Conservative speakers talk about problems and solutions in the United States while the world is being reordered. Vladimir…
He blames the Army. Yes, that’s correct. Biden accepts zero responsibility for anything, especially his Afghanistan failures.
It never fails to amaze me. Our Pravda press will always find a way to cover Biden’s bottom and point their finger at the GOP. The New…
The suicide epidemic within our nation’s military is worse than we all thought. It isn’t just the veterans who are committing suicide in greater numbers, it is…
War doesn’t stop for Christmas, except when it does. Our American and world history is replete with major battles fought during Christmas. Many such battles turned the…
Today, three extraordinary Americans received the Medal of Honor. As we honor these soldiers, we should also reflect on and be ever thankful that Americans such as…
The top brass of the United States Military are all genuinely committed to never winning another war, ever again. This will not surprise those of us who…
China, Russia, Iran and N. Korea are rolling their eyeballs at the U.S. this year. We lost a 20-year war in Afghanistan, giving them billions of dollars’…
On August 26, 2021, a suicide bomber attacked Kabul Airport. There were thirteen military personnel killed in the attack. There were fifteen injured severely enough to require…
On this Veterans Day in 1921, an unknown soldier of World War I was given a state funeral at Arlington National Cemetery, and laid to rest in…
It has been 71 days since Americans were left behind in Afghanistan by the Biden-Harris administration.
Staff Sergeant Ryan Knauss was killed in the Kabul Airport massacre by a suicide bomber on August 26, 2021, along with 12 of his fellow service personnel….
Top officers from the USS Connecticut have been fired after the submarine hit an undersea mountain in the South China Sea on October 2, 2021. The Captain,…
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