Carville: Democrats Have Too Many “Preachy Females”

Carville: Democrats Have Too Many “Preachy Females”

Carville: Democrats Have Too Many “Preachy Females”

Well, he’s not wrong. James Carville has a lot to say about the state of the Democrat party these days. It’s too ‘woke’ and has too many “preachy females” involved.

Longtime Democratic strategist James Carville blamed the party’s polling problems on “too many preachy females” and compared looking at President Biden’s remarkably low approval ratings to “walking in on your grandma naked.”

“You can’t get the image out of your mind,” Carville, 79, told The New York Times’ Maureen Dowd.

The outspoken political consultant, who rose to national prominence leading President Bill Clinton’s successful 1992 presidential campaign, is back on the trail raising money for Democrats as well as working on a documentary.

Biden’s approval rating sits at an lowly 37% even after his highly touted State of the Union address.

Carville, a southerner never known to mince words, thinks that Democrats’ “feminine” focus on “woke stuff is killing us” — and could cost the party the election.

As much as I hate to admit it, but Carville is correct here. The woke politically correct stances by many are harmful on multiple levels. Just look at Planet Fitness.

The company would much rather let a 12 year old girl be traumatized than tell a biological man to leave the women’s locker room. It would hurt HIS feelings you see. 

But it’s much more than that. It’s the “preachy females” that are in office on the federal and state levels. He doesn’t like the wokeness they are pushing, but he’s totally fine with Gretchen Whitmer’s brand of preachiness that saw Michigan locked down for well over a year during the pandemic. 

Carville is a guy who thinks Biden’s age isn’t and shouldn’t be a factor, yet turns around and finger-wags at the feminization of the Democrat party. One has to wonder which females he is talking about?

Somehow I doubt he’s talking about Kamala Harris, even as he damned her with faint praise.

He said most of the criticism of Kamala Harris is misogynistic, but added: “She reminds me of this great baseball player. He got arms that big. Can’t wait to see the guy. He takes three pitches and walks back to the dugout.”

Yes, I’m bad. I laughed at that one. 

Perhaps he’s pointing a finger at AOC, who this week demonstrated she has zero clue about what RICO really is, but will lecture you on it anyway?

He can’t be talking about Hillary, who is still lamenting the fact that she lost to Donald Trump in 2016. Her lectures on deplorables isn’t preachy I guess, just fact. It’s the OTHER elites whom Carville has a problem with. 

Carville has been sounding an alarm about progressives getting too censorious since he advised Hillary Clinton in 2016. He disparaged liberals’ snooty, elitist “faculty lounge” attitudes long before he blew off the faculty lounge himself. He complained that “woke stuff is killing us,” that the left was talking in a language that ordinary Americans did not understand, using terms like “Latinx” and “communities of color,” and with a tone many Americans found sneering, as in Hillary’s infamous phrase “basket of deplorables.”

Carville isn’t wrong about the problems on campus with political correctness run amok. However, it isn’t just a college campus issue. It’s the media as well. 

The talking heads exploded over Trump using a long-time economic term – bloodbath – to describe what would happen to the car industry if the EV push continues. But when Carville uses the word WETWORK? CRICKETS. 

Carville is lamenting about “preachy females” in the Democrat party, while pushing for Trump to be the sole focus. 

Maybe Jimmy is talking about Fani Willis, who is continuing her push to get Trump jailed while telling the world her adultery with Nathan Wade isn’t the problem. 

Carville might be talking about that other preachy female, Letitia James, who is just salivating at the thought of getting her hands on all the Trump properties. First on her list is the Trump National Golf Club and the Seven Springs Estate, which has been a family retreat for decades.

The first tangible indication of this endeavor came as James filed judgments in Westchester County, signaling the state’s readiness to take Trump’s golf course and private estate, famously known as Seven Springs, located north of Manhattan.

These judgments were formally entered with the clerk’s office in Westchester County on March 6, merely a week after Justice Arthur Engoron’s ruling, which held Trump — as well as his sons Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, and the Trump Organization — liable for the staggering $355 million, plus interest.

Then again, he could be talking about Jen Psaki and Rachel Maddow, both of whom are preachy in their schlocky way. 

While Carville gets it mostly right, his continued support of Joe Biden while insisting Joe’s age isn’t a factor is where he goes off the rails, just as he did when predicting that Liz Cheney would be the next House Speaker. 

Feature Photo Credit: James Carville, cropped, photo credit JD Lasica/, Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

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  • GWB says:

    Well, he’s not wrong.
    I wondered which of y’all would actually say it. 😉

  • GWB says:

    insisting Joe’s age isn’t a factor
    Honestly, it’s not Joe’s age that’s the issue. It’s that he is a nasty, vicious a**hole who also happens to now be losing his mind. But it’s the dementia and the nastiness, not his age, that’s the issue.
    (“Age” becomes the issue so they can throw that back at Trump, too. Without unduly pointing out Joe’s real issues.)

  • SCOTTtheBADGER says:

    That is a little disquieting. Network is an old KGB term for assassination.

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