Biden Stumps For McAuliffe, Has Trump On The Brain

Biden Stumps For McAuliffe, Has Trump On The Brain

Biden Stumps For McAuliffe, Has Trump On The Brain

Joe Biden did his Presidential duty last night stumping for Virginia gubernatorial candidate, Terry McAuliffe. The crowd was underwhelming, as per usual.

As Joe waxes on the amazing vaccination program he rolled out and utters something about “the pandemic of the unvaccinated”, someone from the crowd chimes in. Fast forward to about 2:41 in the below clip:

“That’s OK, that’s alright, let him talk,” Biden said as the crowd began to stir when an unknown individual started yelling from the back. And then, this:

“Look, it’s not a Trump rally let him holler, no one’s paying attention.”-Joe Biden

It most certainly was not.

According to some, the individual was not Heckling Biden but shouting in opposition to this:

But Biden was quick to liken this heckler to a “Trump supporter” who “no one was paying attention to”, anyway. He just dissed his own supporter.

There were about 500 attendees at the event last night and by the sounds of things, it did not even sound like there were that many in that room. But Joe babbled a little more about how he and Terry go way back and how “Dr. Jill” wanted so much to be there but had other commitments-more important ones-like at the Summer Olympics in Japan. Prime Minister, Yoshihide Suga wanted The First Lady there and not POTUS. And, of course, WaPo falls all over themselves saying she’s “won” just by “showing up” in Tokyo. We know that was not true of her husband during his Presidential campaign, but I digress…

Look, man. We get it.

Terry and I share a lot in common – I ran against Donald Trump and so is Terry. And I whipped Donald Trump in Virginia and so will Terry.”-Joe Biden

There he goes, the ol’ tough guy who threatened to beat up Corn Pop, Joe Biden. Scranton Joe. Wilmington Joe. Joe who whipped Donald Trump in Virginia! Just so you know, Donald Trump is not running for the governor’s seat in Virginia. Terry McAuliffe is running against Republican businessman, Glenn Youngkin, who is backed by Donald Trump, for the position. In Biden’s mind, McAuliffe may as well be running against Trump. For someone who whipped the former President, the current President seems a touch too preoccupied. Trump is still living inside of his cobweb-filled brain.

Gubernatorial candidate, Terry McAuliffe, hopped on board the Amtrak train to TDS as well. All aboard!

Youngkin is not running for you, he is running for Donald Trump.”-Terry McAuliffe

Virginia governor, Ralph (Blackface) Northam, also chimed in:

You can cancel the tow truck, Mr. Youngkin, because we are alive and well. We don’t need the tow truck because we are not in a ditch, and we don’t need you, Mr. Youngkin, in the commonwealth of Virginia.”-Ralph Northam

Youngkin campaign spokesman Matt Wolking, stated that “it’s totally dishonest for Terry McAuliffe to use President Trump’s endorsement to smear Glenn Youngkin, when McAuliffe is actually friends with Trump and took thousands of dollars from Trump to fund his campaign.”

In fact, in 2009, Terry McAuliffe’s campaign graciously accepted $25,000 from the former President.

CNN reported in 2009 that Trump had cut McAuliffe a $25,000 check during his failed bid for governor that year.

It makes you wonder why, all of a sudden, Biden is placed in front of two audiences in one week. The first, a CNN Town Hall and now this. Seriously, are the (true) powers-that-be trying to give him the heave-ho? At least there were no creepy whispers to imaginary friends last night whilst on the podium. At least there wasn’t any talk of sucking the blood of children. (Not until after you give them the ice cream cone, Joe.) In fact, Joe was actually yelling at the audience of 35 about TAX BREAKS and THE WORKING PEOPLE. He is such the champion of the working class, don’t you think? Look…the child poverty rate, look, the small businesses opening their doors, look, more jobs (takes a sip of water, the teeny-tiny crowd cheers), look, all we need to do is take from the rich and make them pay their fair share.

Will this apply to your son, Hunter, Joe? How much was that Simon & Schuster book advance, again? How much money will Hunter make off of his, uh, artwork? Let’s start with your family, Joe. If Biden only looked as much as he tells us to look, he might actually see what we Americans see. Businesses that have closed down during the pandemic or struggled to stay open are still struggling. Government programs such as unemployment have made it easier to stay home than work. As a result, businesses are struggling to find employees to show up to the “jobs Joe created”. Those who are on unemployment stay on the benefit because they are paid more to sit at home. If only small business owners would pay higher wages to their employees. (Sigh.)

But Biden whipped Donald Trump. Aren’t we the lucky ones? That’s okay, that’s alright. Let him talk. No one’s paying attention. And no, this ain’t no Trump rally.

Photo Credit: Original Artwork by VG Darleen Click

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