Biden Handing Ad Content To GOP Daily

Biden Handing Ad Content To GOP Daily

Biden Handing Ad Content To GOP Daily

Joe Biden is in a severe cognitive decline. There really doesn’t seem to be any question about that.

Within the last few days, we’ve had a handful of examples of Biden either lashing out in anger, or absolutely coming across as a dementia-addled elderly man. We all know how the media desperately spun to protect Old Joe when he took that fall at the Air Force Academy graduation ceremony. It’s telling that the media has now officially run out of explanations for Biden’s increasingly bizzare non sequiters.

So, let’s look at “stuff Joe Biden has said this week,” and you tell me if this is a healthy, mentally sharp man who should be sitting in the Oval Office right now, let alone running for another term.

On Wednesday, Joe Biden was speaking to the League of Conservation Voters. They were holding their annual dinner in Washington DC, and the group officially endorsed Biden and Kamala Harris for re-election that night. Joe went on to deliver this comment.

“We have plans to build a railroad from the Pacific all the way across the Indian Ocean,” the president declared.”

“We have plans to build in — in Angola one of the largest solar plants in the world,” Biden added before reeling himself in. “I can go on, but I’m not. I’m going off-script. I’m going to get in trouble.”

Biden is a well-known train enthusiast, but constructing a railway line “across” the world’s third-largest ocean has never been on the agenda.”

Just how bad was this gaffe? Snopes couldn’t even cover for him, and had to acknowledge that the comments had been correctly attributed.

On Thursday, Biden snarked at a reporter who asked him a question about the ongoing bribery investigation and accusations. These are questions that should be asked, but Biden was having none of it.

That entire investigation into the Biden family money? Why bother asking? Joe says it’s a “dumb question” and then just keeps on going. Imagine if Trump had done that. Jim Acosta would have written a whole new book.

Also on Thursday night, Biden got a little handsy with actress and director Eva Longoria during a White House event screening her new movie, “Flamin’ Hot.” The movie itself is questionable for its actual adherence to reality, but Biden was enjoying himself.

He also bragged about meeting Eva Longoria when “she was 17, and I was 40.” GOOD LORD.

Ew, ew, and also, ew. Please keep the dirty old man who raised a sexual predator away from… well, everyone.

And now we get to today. Joe Biden was in Connecticut, giving a speech at the National Safer Communities Summit, supposedly on gun control. The speech… meandered a little.

Biden’s speech Friday focused on his call for new laws to ban AR-15-style semiautomatic rifles and high-capacity magazines and to make gun owners liable for the unsafe storage of their weapons.”

“If any one of you drove up to the parking lot here today, got out of your car, left a key in your car and a kid comes along — 13-14 years old — gets in your car, takes it on a joyride and kills someone — guess what? You’re liable,” Biden said.”

“Why should that not be the case if you don’t lock your weapon?”

On the contrary, the insurance-focused Claims Journal says, “The majority common law rule among the 50 states is that the owner of a stolen vehicle will not be held liable for damages when the vehicle is stolen and then involved in an accident that causes injury or property damage.”

The entire speech can be seen here, but it’s the end of the speech that has everyone stumped. Biden ended the speech by saying, “All right, God save the queen, man.”

If you watch the last few seconds on the YouTube video, you can see how the sign language interpreter just gives up. She doesn’t even bother trying to translate “God save the Queen, man” and just gives the camera a thumbs up. If it wasn’t such a bizarre thing to say at that moment, it would be freaking hilarious.

The press was utterly and completely stumped. They have no explanation and no way to spin this. Does Joe Biden still think Queen Elizabeth is alive (God rest her soul)? The White House is attempting the world’s weakest explanation.

Suuuuuure. Mmm-hmm. And if you believe that, there’s a railroad across the Indian Ocean available for sale.

At this point, the Republican National Committee should be sending the White House flowers, thanking them for the in-kind contribution to their campaign ads. The most important thing right now for the RNC and Republican candidates to do is to keep the focus on Biden and his obvious mental decline. The Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) are determined to keep the focus on Donald Trump and all of the news surrounding him. This is an intentional misdirect on their part, because they do not want the election to be a referendum on Joe Biden. If it is, and the spotlight turns to Biden and his cognitive issues, then he will lose. The media is determined to do everything in their power to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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1 Comment
  • Cameron says:

    Personally, these are my favorite “That’s just Joe” moments.

    1. He was calling for passenger planes that traveled at 7000 miles an hour.
    2. He wants trains that can cross the country in three hours.
    3. Under his tax plan, families making under 400,000 would not pay any taxes.

    But yeah; God Save the Queen was hilarious.

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