Biden Blames Republicans For Pelosi Attack

Biden Blames Republicans For Pelosi Attack

Biden Blames Republicans For Pelosi Attack

Remember the 2020 election, when Biden voters thought that he would bring calm back to a fractured nation? When having Ol’ Grandpa Joe in the White House would make everyone feel better about being an American?

Yeah, well that was then.

We got an inkling of Joe’s hatred towards his political rivals with his “Red Speech” in September, when he told a crowd in Philadelphia that “MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution.”

Apparently he was just getting warmed up. On Friday night Biden once again appeared before supporters in Philadelphia, only this time he blamed Republicans for the attack on Paul Pelosi.

He started off by lecturing the nation. He channeled the events of January 6. And then he launched into that “one party”:

“This is despicable. There’s no place in America. There’s too much violence, political violence, too much hatred, too much vitriol.” 

“And what makes us think that one party can talk about stolen elections, COVID being a hoax, that it’s all a bunch of lies, and it not affect people who may not be so well balanced?”

And we know who that one party is, don’t we?

But let’s go back to June, when a man was arrested with zip ties and weapons outside the home of Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Did Biden blame the Left for that?

Well, no. He didn’t even address the incident himself. Instead he used the White House deputy press secretary to make tepid remarks:

“President Biden condemns the actions of this individual in the strongest terms, and is grateful to law enforcement for quickly taking him into custody.”

He added that any “violence, threats of violence, or attempts to intimidate justices have no place in our society.” Blah, blah, blah. Basically boilerplate stuff.

But an attack on the husband of a powerful Democrat? Well, that’s different, isn’t it?


Biden Sounds Like the Rest of the Media

When I first heard of the attack on Paul Pelosi, I thought to myself, “Well, it’s San Francisco. Not a surprise. Probably a guy with a rap sheet a mile long.”

But then I heard that the perp entered the house calling “Where’s Nancy?” I said two little words to myself:

Oh shit. 

I knew that before we had all the facts about whom this person is, the media would be blaming Republicans.

It didn’t take long. Even though police investigating said the motive for the attack is still being determined, that didn’t stop Andrea Mitchell at MSNBC from invoking the January 6 riot.

Harvard Law professor Laurence Tribe — who should know better about little things like facts and law — pointed his ancient finger at the “far right:”

“The far right has normalized the use of violence even against the families of public officials with whom somebody might disagree. This absolutely must stop.”

And then there’s soon-to-be-gone IL Rep. Adam Kinzinger. He tweeted about rigged elections, babies’ blood, and touted the January 6 committee.

Speaking of babies, on the very evening when Joe Biden blamed Republicans for inciting the Pelosi attack, Ian Millhiser of Vox appeared with Katie Phang on MSNBC and said the following:

“Clarence Thomas could eat a live baby and wouldn’t get impeached.” 

But only Republicans make incendiary comments, right?

It’s one thing for the nattering media types to make accusations against people with whom they disagree. It’s quite another for the President of the United States.


So Who is the Paul Pelosi Attacker?

As you probably know by now, his name is David DePape, or Depape; I’ve seen both spellings. But however his name is spelled, there’s no doubt the man is a kook.

There are stories about him being a nudist from Berkeley. There are also pictures of naked men on Twitter purporting to be DePape, but they have been debunked.

This is a true picture of the guy.


Screenshot: Twitter.

What we know is that he is a Canadian by birth, is 42, and used to sell hemp bracelets online while living in Berkeley. But over the past few months DePape took a deep dive into conspiracy theories, like Covid-19, Pizza Gate, pyramids on dollar bills, and of course, the stolen 2020 election. He also linked YouTube videos with titles such as:

“Global Elites Plan To Take Control Of YOUR Money! (Revealed)”

DePape also posted anti-Semitic material. But he also had claimed that “Jesus is the anti-Christ,” so he isn’t a “Christian Nationalist” — whatever that is.

Former acquaintances reported that they had long observed his unhinged behavior. One woman who had made the hemp bracelets with DePape said that he was “very odd” and didn’t make eye contact. But she said, “it was Berkeley” and just chalked it up to the overall weirdness of the city.

Yet David DePape is no different from deranged homeless people in big cities who attack random people for no reason at all. Or drug addicts who push subway riders into the paths of trains, or stab pedestrians, or throw women down stairs.

One resident of the San Francisco bay area tweeted this about DePape’s attack on Paul Pelosi:

“I will speak out. What happened to Paul Pelosi happens to ordinary San Franciscans every single day, perpetrated by the very fringe left, lunatics (but I repeat myself), the addicted and organized crime. Who speaks up for them?”

But DePape attacked the husband of the most powerful Democrat woman in Congress, so for Joe Biden and the media this was political gold. Meanwhile, people who live in Democrat-run cities live in fear of David DePape-types haunting their streets and attacking them, with nary a word from progressive leaders.


Featured image: Gage Skidmore/flickr/cropped/CC BY-SA 2.0.

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Kim is a pint-sized patriot who packs some big contradictions. She is a Baby Boomer who never became a hippie, an active Republican who first registered as a Democrat (okay, it was to help a sorority sister's father in his run for sheriff), and a devout Lutheran who practices yoga. Growing up in small-town Indiana, now living in the Kansas City metro, Kim is a conservative Midwestern gal whose heart is also in the Seattle area, where her eldest daughter, son-in-law, and grandson live. Kim is a working speech pathologist who left school system employment behind to subcontract to an agency, and has never looked back. She describes her conservatism as falling in the mold of Russell Kirk's Ten Conservative Principles. Don't know what they are? Google them!

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