Paul Pelosi Attacked In Home, Nancy Supposedly The Target

Paul Pelosi Attacked In Home, Nancy Supposedly The Target

Paul Pelosi Attacked In Home, Nancy Supposedly The Target

Nancy Pelosi’s husband is in a San Francisco hospital recovering from surgery after being attacked by a crazed lunatic early this morning.

The man who allegedly attacked Paul Pelosi with a hammer has been named as David Depape by the San Francisco Police Department.

The 42-year-old is believed to have entered the Pelosi home through its rear and shouted, “Where’s Nancy?,” looking for the Democratic speaker of the House, who was in Washington, DC, at the time.

Depape is then said to have attempted to tie Paul up, saying they were going to wait “until Nancy got home,” according to CNN.

As noted, supposedly Nancy was the target of the home invasion.

Immediately many usual suspects including The Washington Post and noted legal scholar Laurence Tribe tied this guy to the far right. It’s either the Republican party’s fault or ‘He’s a January 6 insurrectionist!’ they blared! 

The assailant was looking for the House speaker and, before assaulting Paul Pelosi, shouted, “Where is Nancy, where is Nancy?” according to an individual who was briefed on the attack. The person spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe details.

Those details were a chilling echo of the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the Capitol when a pro-Trump mob could be heard chanting, “Nancy, Nancy” and “All we want is Pelosi” as they ransacked the building, overwhelmed police and sought to stop the counting of electoral college votes in Joe Biden’s win.

Larry Tribe:

Immediate the chosen narrative was this: Because the perp targeted Nancy Pelosi specifically, everyone went full January 6 insurrectionist mode! It was a SEE, WE TOLD YOU SO! moment in which the left/Democrats were just sure and damned certain that this was a continuation of the far-right trying to steal something/anything of Nancy’s, or just attack and kill her because that is what all the January 6 people were going to do!

Except, within hours that narrative is falling apart faster than you can say Nancy Pelosi. It seems that Paul Pelosi was beaten up with a hammer by a pot-smoking Castro loving nudist, estranged from his family, a fan of The Burning Man festival, and hates all government. 

While in California, DePape was an activist who promoted public nudity in 2011 and 2012, California state Sen. Scott Wiener, recalled and told the San Francisco Chronicle.

DePape lived with Gypsy Taub, another nude activist, and her family. The Chronicle identified DePape in 2013 as a “hemp jewelry maker,” and “father figure” to Taub’s three children.

The group that DePape lived with also promoted conspiracy theories at the time, including the theory that 9/11 was “an inside job,” the Chronicle reported.

He supposedly wrote an anti-government manifesto, which would lead one to believe that DePape is against ALL government no matter the party. 

Many are and all should be condemning this attack. Senator Rand Paul certainly is. 

Gracious for certain, but I also don’t blame Senator Paul for his small dig at Nancy’s daughter.

Here’s something else about all of this. Given today’s political climate, which has people angry on all sides, why wasn’t there better security in place and why did it take Paul Pelosi making a coded phone call to 911 while being confronted by the perp? Furthermore, the dude was in his UNDERWEAR at the time of the arrest. I and many others have a LOT of questions about all of that. 

Furthermore, it seems officials didn’t want it known that DePape was a nudist and/or that he was arrested in his underwear. 

Here’s my other issue with this. The police were NOT called because someone broke in. They arrived at the residence to conduct a WELLNESS check. Which potentially means that perhaps the alarm system was off, or didn’t work. 

Oh yes, there are many MANY questions. As much as we here at Victory Girls disagree with and wholeheartedly dislike Nancy Pelosi’s politics, this attack was wrong. Paul Pelosi is 82 years old, and it will certainly take some time for him to fully recover from this. 

Feature Photo Credit: Paul and Nancy Pelosi in Italy via Wikimedia Commons, cropped and modified

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  • NTSOG says:

    “Paul Pelosi was beaten up with a hammer by a pot-smoking Castro loving nudist, estranged from his family, a fan of The Burning Man festival, and hates all government. ”

    It sounds like he’s just one of the large number of woke/Left progressive mob/nut jobs.

  • American Human says:

    Well that will certainly halve their $30M/year income

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