Social Justice Zealots Work to Erase History

Social Justice Zealots Work to Erase History

All over the nation, social justice zealots are rabidly crying about “systemic oppression,” racism, misogyny, and sexism, trying to foist their version of “history” on the rest…

Cryin’ Chuck Schumer Squeals About the Census

Cryin’ Chuck Schumer Squeals About the Census

After the Supreme Court decision stymied the Trump Administration’s effort to include a citizenship question on the 2020 census, the President is considering his options, including an…

Betsy Ross Flag is a Swastika Says Derp Potato

Betsy Ross Flag is a Swastika Says Derp Potato

As you know, the idiots at Nike have canceled the release of a patriotic shoe embroidered with the Revolutionary War flag – also known as the Betsy…

Advice Columnist Apologizes, Steps on her Wiener Again

Advice Columnist Apologizes, Steps on her Wiener Again

A few weeks ago, advice columnist Amy Dickinson recommended to a probable troll paranoid, cowardly dad that he toss his bright, responsible 24-year-old daughter out of his…

Peter Funt Soils Himself at Kamala’s Little Handgun

Peter Funt Soils Himself at Kamala’s Little Handgun

Peter Funt is the son of Allen Funt, who created the show Candid Camera, whose privilege allowed him to not just work on the show, but also…

How Effective is Trump’s Iran Policy?

How Effective is Trump’s Iran Policy?

A  little more than a week ago, we were all convinced that war with Iran was imminent. I wrote not too long ago that I doubted President…

Think Piece: Reconsidering Trump

Think Piece: Reconsidering Trump

I was in training this week in one of the best classes I’ve ever taken – not just in government, but ever – which is making me…

Rachel Dolezal: Desperate for Attention and Relevance

Rachel Dolezal: Desperate for Attention and Relevance

Well, guess who crawled out from under her rock for some attention during Pride Month! Yep, Rachel Dolezal – the pathological liar and attention whore who set…

Coward Works To Destroy Relationship With Daughter

Coward Works To Destroy Relationship With Daughter

A letter to an advice columnist from a sniveling, hysterical, unhinged coward who claims to love his 24-year-old daughter, even as he excoriates the young lady for…

Does Trump Want a War With Iran?

Does Trump Want a War With Iran?

Socialist presidential candidate Bernie Sanders recently opened his economically illiterate maw to screech his opposition to what he calls Trump’s “pretext for illegal war with Iran.” Sanders,…

The Avengers vs. Democrats: Swalwell’s Delusion

The Avengers vs. Democrats: Swalwell’s Delusion

For those who don’t know, I’m a huge Avengers fan – well really all of the Marvel cinematic and comics universe. I  diligently re-watched every Avengers movie…

Gillibrand: Rights Versus Wishes

Gillibrand: Rights Versus Wishes

We have discussed the concept of rights versus wishes on this blog before when I wrote about Lizzie Warren’s plan to provide child care to every family…

Remember Them and Salute Them This Memorial Day

Remember Them and Salute Them This Memorial Day

Every year on Memorial Day, I give a few moments of my time to say the names of some of my brothers and sisters who have passed…

Alabama Ends Marriage

Alabama Ends Marriage

Well, the title of this piece is not quite right. However, in response to the legalization of same-sex marriages by the Supreme Court in 2015, Alabama lawmakers…

Why Does France Keep Getting Attacked?

Why Does France Keep Getting Attacked?

For those who haven’t heard, France has been attacked again. At least 13 people were injured in an explosion in the French town of Lyon yesterday, putting…

Kamala Harris: Petty Tyrant at the White House Door

Kamala Harris: Petty Tyrant at the White House Door

Ever since Kamala Harris announced her candidacy to challenge Donald Trump for the White House in 2020, the media has been having a collective orgasm over the…

The Sliming of Bill Barr

The Sliming of Bill Barr

Bill Barr is the 85th Attorney General of the United States, who began his tenure on Valentine’s Day this year. He served in that position in the…

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Are you interested in writing for Victory Girls? If you’d like to blog about politics and current events from a conservative POV, send us a writing sample here.
Ava Gardner