Armita Geravand Dies After Assault By Iranian Morality Police

Armita Geravand Dies After Assault By Iranian Morality Police

Armita Geravand Dies After Assault By Iranian Morality Police

Iranian teenager Armita Geravand has died. All because she didn’t have her headscarf on.

A teenage Iranian girl who fell into a coma after she was allegedly assaulted by the country’s morality police for not wearing a headscarf has died, according to Iranian state media.

“Unfortunately, the brain damage led to the victim spending some time in a coma and they died a few minutes ago,” the statement from IRNA said.

Earlier this week, Armita was declared “brain dead” despite the efforts of medical staff to save her.

A year ago, another young woman was killed by the morality police for not wearing her headscarf. That sparked protests across the country. 

After Amini was killed in September 2022, mass protests erupted across the country — and were viciously suppressed by Iran’s leaders, who hew to a fundamentalist brand of Islam. But women have continued to flout hijab rules in a sign that younger Iranians want to live in a free, modern country.

Iranian women HAD those freedoms prior to the fall of the Shah of Iran. But once the massive terrorist fundamentalists took over, all of that changed. And now, another young woman is dead at the hands of the so-called Morality Police.

Yet, according to all the authorities, Armita wasn’t assaulted by the morality police. Nope, she had a blood pressure episode that led to her whacking her head. 

Authorities say she suffered a sudden drop in blood pressure and denied that any “physical or verbal altercations” had taken place between her and other passengers.

And if you believe that… 

Meanwhile, this is how some in the media are reporting Armita’s death. 

An “encounter.” REALLY NOW. Such a benign word for being attacked for not covering up with a head scarf. 

Iran had relaunched their morality police goon squads about three months ago. Since then, there are still brave women protesting against the hijab edict. 

And now, a young woman is dead because she defied those arbitrary edicts. It would not surprise me one bit if there were more protests across Iran because of Armita’s death. Especially once THIS bit of news gets out.

What an egregious outrage! And, with that move, I can only presume that the Iranian authorities are trying to make all of this go away. 

There were women’s rights protests in Iran in 2018, and in 2022. Just as with those protests, the feminists of the western world are staying silent. In fact, their priorities are about pronouns, LGBTQXYZ crap, gender transition, and equal rights. Unless it is the rights of Iranian women to walk freely in their own country, then they turn their heads away from women who are fighting for TRUE freedom. It doesn’t fit their preferred narrative. So they stay silent in the face of actual courage. 

Resistance to the ruling regime first exploded in 2009, during the Green Revolution. The more recent protests came after Amini’s death in 2022. Women who flouted Iran’s strict hijab rules came to represent a broader desire for freedom.

“The death of Mahsa Amiri released decades of suppressed energy and will among women to fight back,” Iran analyst Omid Memarian told Reuters when the protests began a year ago. “It’s not the first time, but this time is different.”

The Iranian morality police thugs went after a teenager and now Armita Geravand is dead. Even worse, they are essentially erasing her by confiscating her body and burying her in an unmarked grave. 

Maybe this time will be different as well. 

Feature Photo Credit: mohamed mohamed mahmoud hassan, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain Dedication/Cropped

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  • Cameron says:

    Islam is toxic to human life, example 1,245,998 for this year alone.

  • Scott says:

    Interesting how AOC and the sqaud don’t care about the life of this young muslim woman, just the ones in gaza…

  • Lloyd says:

    I find myself wondering: Would Obama want his daughters to move to and live in Iran ?

  • Dietrich says:

    These people have no concept of freedom, human and individual rights, dignity, etc. Only they can themselves throw off their chains. It will be messy.

  • Blackwing1 says:

    If you listen very, very carefully you can hear the sounds from US “Women’s Rights” groups protesting the actions of the Islamofascists around the world…

    It sounds exactly like crickets chirping, or tumbleweeds going down an empty street.

  • […] Victory Girls Iran’s Theocracy Sucks […]

  • Liz says:

    Prior to President Carter the CIA was paying the Ayatollah between 1 and 2 million dollars a year while he was in exile in France. When President Carter came into office he put a stop to those payments. That turned the Aytollah from neutral to an enemy because President Carter hurt his dignity and the concept of ‘face’ in the Middle East is just as important as it is Asia. The reason that the Iranians took the US Embassy was money pure and simple.

    I guess his exile would not have continued indefinitely anyway. But it’s interesting to consider an alternate history and what the world might look like if things had been different.

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