AOC Blasts Cardi B in Cringeworthy On-Stage Rant

AOC Blasts Cardi B in Cringeworthy On-Stage Rant

AOC Blasts Cardi B in Cringeworthy On-Stage Rant

Just when you thought Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) could not be any more cringe than she already is, the woman outdoes herself.

AOC and Bernie I Hate Jews and Love Communist Breadlines Sanders made a showing at St. Mary’s Park in the Bronx yesterday to support representative Jamaal Fire Alarm Bowman.

Whilst Bernie went on about billionaire SuperPACs, Jamaal Bowman, whose campaign slogan is “For the Many, Not the Money”, flexed his biceps (literally) on stage and vowed to show everyone “who the f-ck we are”. We saw a kinder, gentler Jamaal Bowman later on in his speech where he talks about “the grace of our humanity, the love we have for each other, and the love of our humanity” (while pro-Hamas fanboys and girls held up banners calling people opposed to the Hamas terrorists C*NTS).

Oh, the humanity!! It’s completely amazing how the Dems love woman, children and humanity but do not see abortion as a very attack on the same thing, but I digress.

Back to AOC. Well, she takes the cake for the performance of the day. Check this out:

In fact, she and Jamaal “got it poppin'”

AOC came out on stage blasting a Cardi B song entitled, “Enough (Miami)”. We’ll get to lyrics (if you call them that) in just a moment. She screams and rants and asks the crowd of the “many” (roughly 300 people, compared to Trump’s thousands, according to the reports) if they are ready to fight. She sure is. And she’s so gangsta in her khaki shorts and white button-down. She certainly looks more like she is more ready for brunch at one of Bernie’s New England mansions than a street brawl in The Bronx. So TOUGH is AOC, though. She knows the streets, y’all.

And, if you think AOC is trashy, wait till you get a look-see at these Cardi B lyrics (NSFW):

Me verse you and you know who they pickin’
Cheap and expensive, you knowin’ the difference
You know that it’s hittin’, you know what it’s givin’
Hair, nails, polar bear
I can survive in the coldest conditions
Hoes better lower they tone when they spittin'”-Cardi B, Enough

That’s tame, the use of the word “hoe”.

B*tches is washed, soap on the dishes
I apply pressure like boa constrictors
One b*tch, two b*tch, old b*tch, new b*tch
None of y’all bitches not gon’ do sh*t
I’m in Miami, I pull up on cruise ship
You in Miami, four hoes to a room sh*t (ah)

I see my opps linkin’ up, I’m like, ‘What in the f*ck?’
If you scared, then just say that, ho, enough is enough
They was just in my DMs, ain’t no trustin’ these sluts
I’m about to call up Diamond, b*tch, knuck if you
Opps linkin’ up, I’m like, ‘What in the f*ck?’
If you scared then just say that, ho, enough is enough
They was just in my DMs, ain’t no trustin’ these sluts
I’m about to call up Diamond, b*tch, knuck if you buck”-Cardi B, Enough

Supposedly, the lyrics to this Cardi B ditty were inspired by the cut-throat and effed-up music industry itself. Yay. It’s no wonder young girls are the way they are these days. “Ain’t no b*tch/hoe better than me”, they say. There’s more of that women’s empowerment on display, calling other women “b*tches” and “hoes” whilst strutting around with an air of superiority and claiming that you can “pop that p*ssy” better than any of “them other b*tches and hoes”. I actually had to look up “knuck if you buck” because I am that old and that clueless and, apparently, it has something to do with brass knuckles and “being ready to fight”. AOC is so tough. As you can see, the Democrat Socialists are keeping things intellectual and classy, once again. This is not the only time AOC channeled Cardi B, though:

These lyrics from Cardi B’s “Best Life”. AOC is soooo cool, so hip, so BRONX. So street, yo. A woman of the people!

Meanwhile, AOC screams and shouts about a broken system. (She does realize that SHE is part of the current system, right?)

“The underlying forces trying to decimate our community for decades”, AOC? Like you when you fought to keep Amazon and jobs out of a Queens community? But go ahead, AOC. Blame Robert Moses for The Cross Bronx Expressway without taking into consideration the destruction YOUR party has imposed on these very communities like increased homelessness, “migrant” criminals, and lest we forget, Fentanyl addiction. Walk around the corner and you’ll find it. This is all the doing of the Democrats. The force of cognitive dissonance is strong with this one.

“Our borough burns”, she says. AOC, part of this blame is on YOU.

As for the Cardi B tunage, AOC does know that Cardi B is abstaining from voting in November, right?

…Or does she?

Hey AOC, we’re also here for the fight. Knuck if you buck, you establishment, dimwit pig.

Featured Image: Original Artwork by VG, Darleen Click

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  • Cameron says:

    Cardi B’s music is for people who shoplift at yard sales.

    • Scott says:

      Or turn tricks in the same places..

      Cardi B (and AOC) exemplify all that is wrong with their communities..

  • Hate_me says:

    What is a Cardi b?

    • Scott says:

      A pig of an “entertainer” that caters to a specific demographic…

      Started as a hooker, now she raps.. DON’T dig deeper, you’ll lose IQ points listening to any of the crap she spouts. Her room-temp IQ is on full display in all her “songs”

    • Kate says:

      You’re still getting hung up in our moderation and I’m not sure why. Sorry about that. I will try to fix it today.


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