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Despite being fully vaccinated, Texas governor, Greg Abbott, tested positive for COVID-19 yesterday. The media and the trolls, alike were out on full display.
Governor Abbott, an “ardent opponent of mask and vaccine mandates”, according to The New York Times,, got the news of his positive COVID-19 test just (gasp), 24 hours after being in a room full of people, unmasked, smiling, shaking hands, kissing babies…the horror! A total example of why governor Greg Abbott’s approach is the wrong approach, according to some. The nerve and the audacity to host another super-spreader event in the middle of the Delta Variant spike!
Texas Governor Greg Abbott has Covid. Like Trump, Abbott will have access to the best healthcare, the best doctors, the best treatments, should he get symptoms.
The kids who he refuses to protect from Covid in his state's schools?
Not so much.
— Mehdi Hasan (@mehdirhasan) August 17, 2021
…Which coincides with the start of school across the nation. Democrats took to the comments last night about “anti-science” Greg Abbott at a crowded event, spreading that Delta Variant around. So anti-science. So careless. So not smart, Serves him right. It’s almost as if the mask mafia is celebrating the fact that Texas governor got COVID.
No well wishes from me. You test regularly. You have been vaccinated. You have your house/office sprayed. You have ppl around you tested. You are going to take $1,500 a dose anti bodies. Yet, you want to deny those who aren’t vaccinated simple protections like a mask.
— Waleed Sonbol (@WillySonbol) August 18, 2021
Let’s follow this logic here. Greg Abbott has been vaccinated. He has not worn a mask. He still got COVID.
But, but, but…we thought the vaccine was supposed to prevent one from catching COVID? Oh, wait a second-the shot(s) prevent you from passing it to someone else. The science is forever changing and evolving. Ask Dr. Fauci, he’ll tell you. But, still. How dare Greg Abbott fight against mask mandates when he, himself, comes down with COVID and can get the best-of-the-best of care and Regeneron, to boot.
Abbott was not denying those who aren’t vaccinated the “simple protections” like a mask. He was fighting back against mask mandates. Abbott was fighting for the rights of adults and children to wear (or not to wear) masks at their own discretion. So much confusion surrounding this, though, with legal tug-of-wars occurring county by county in the state of Texas.
I just wanted to apologize to all those parents, school administrators, the superheroes that we call teachers for what someone called the equivalent to a legal tug of war, unfortunately where our children are right in the middle.”-District Judge Antonia Arteaga
The superheroes we call teachers? No offense to teachers but are these the same superheroes who wanted to stay home and teach all of last year? Are these the same superheroes who want to teach CRT to Kindergarteners? Really. Spare me the superheroes bit.
But this is exactly where the political powers that be and our parroting media bobbleheads want our children-in the middle. The narrative that is spinning here? Governor Abbott does not care about Little Johnny who *may* come down with COVID because Governor Abbott is a hateful, anti-mask Republican. He’s careless. He holds super-spreaders and he is a big, fat, hypocrite because he has chosen (operative word: CHOICE) to receive the vaccine and is getting top-notch care after learning he’s come down with the virus even though he is asymptomatic.
I think I speak for EVERYONE when I say no one is surprised by this very predictable outcome
— danielle riley (@riley1_danielle) August 17, 2021
You know what the predictable outcome is? That COVID is, like the flu virus, inevitable. Back in December, when we were eating outside in the rain, cold and in tents to do what we could to support our local economy and community, I mused that it was just a matter of time before one of us came down with COVID. As it turned out, we all were diagnosed positive a few days after Christmas and rang in 2021 from home, under quarantine. The difference between the COVID-Variant-of-the-Week and the flu is that during flu season, a vaccine is optional. So is wearing a mask during cold and flu season. Americans can freely choose to get vaccinated against the flu and/or wear a mask.
But the Democrats and the media want to do all they can to illustrate that the ol’ jab, even though it does not stop infection or transmission should be mandatory. Masks, that also do not stop transmission or infection should also be mandatory. C’mon, man! And, the panic ensues:
As the virus surged, the Texas Department of State Health Services requested five mortuary trailers from the federal government on Aug. 4 ‘as a precaution’.The mortuary trailers will be kept in San Antonio, though none have been requested by cities or counties as of Tuesday, he said.
The five trailers are scheduled to arrive in Texas beginning on Friday, according to a spokeswoman for the Federal Emergency Management Agency.”-The New York Times
In comes CNN:
But now the state is reeling from a surge of new Covid-19 cases. On Tuesday, there were 327 ICU beds available in Texas and 11,791 lab-confirmed Covid-19 patients in hospitals throughout the state, according to state health data.
And Texas had the most pediatric Covid-19 hospitalizations in the nation, at 239, according to the latest data released Monday by the US Department of Health and Human Services.”-Paul LeBlanc, CNN
Translation: the situation is dire. Governor Abbott even got COVID. Governor Abbott is against masking mandates and look what happens? In come the mortuary trailers.
You know what? I am not trying to sound insensitive here at all. I am not saying that COVID, cannot be deadly to some under certain circumstances. I am not dismissing its severity to some-mainly the elderly and immunocompromised and some children. No one wants to see a child (especially their own baby) sick. No one wants to see a child die of an illness-ANY illness. But to bring children into this political divide and use it as tool to sway people into thinking and buying into so much more ideologically is just disgusting and sick. Between the hate spewed by those who oppose Abbott and his policies and the media throwing children into this hot circle of manipulation, I do not know who to hate more.
Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore/FlickR/Creative Commons/Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)/Cropped
I keep asking, “Who cares?” Who cares if you become positive for Winnie The Flu? Other than avoiding spreading it (like you should with influenza or a cold or ebola or any other infectious disease), it (unlike ebola) it doesn’t matter. Except progressives and the Zero Risk denomination keep treating it as consequential. Please, take your panic and go away, boy, you’re botherin’ me.
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