The Hillary Sisterhood (and Why We’re Glad We’re Not A Part of It)

The Hillary Sisterhood (and Why We’re Glad We’re Not A Part of It)

The Hillary Sisterhood (and Why We’re Glad We’re Not A Part of It)

Perusing through the recaps on the #DemDebate last night, I came across an opinion piece on “sisterhood” and the Hillary Clinton campaign.

No doubt, Clinton is playing the woman card more so on her campaign trail this year than she was in 2008.

The Hillary Clinton of 2008 talked a lot about her qualifications and background as a lawyer, a United States senator, a first lady, a children’s rights advocate — and very little about the fact that she’s a woman. Even if she’d had a grandchild at the time, she probably wouldn’t have been photographed pushing a baby carriage.

A children’s rights advocate? Are you serious? I guess those cast under the witch’s spell do not seem to notice that she’s Twitter buddies with this woman:


The article goes on:

The Hillary Clinton of 2016, in stark contrast, is a proud grandmother, confidently exercising her right to let the world wait for her, and above all, unafraid to acknowledge that in running she is making it possible for “fathers … to say to their daughters, ‘You, too, can grow up to be president.’”

What prompted this paradigm shift in the 2016 Clinton campaign, you ask? Well, according to this Yahoo News article-a divine sisterhood:

Lena Dunham happened. And Amy Schumer. Also Sheryl Sandberg, Gabby Giffords, the first female Army Rangers and all of women’s soccer. All assessed in polls, discussed in strategy sessions with her aides and all pointing to the same conclusion: that if the United States is ready to see Julia Louis-Dreyfus as president, it’s ready to elect Hillary Clinton. And, of course, something else happened: Donald Trump.

Howard Wolfson, co-chief strategist and communications director for Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, who now works for Bloomberg states:

“There was no equivalent of a show like Girls with a frank depiction of what it means to be female. There was no young woman carrying around the mattress at Columbia talking about issues of sexual violence, no Sheryl Sandberg pointing out that women are perceived differently when it comes to leadership, no Amy Schumer with a pop comedy show devoted to exposing sexism in the workplace and society. There is much more space for a conversation around gender discrimination and gender equality and just plain gender.”

Lena Dunham? Amy Schumer? Mattress Girl? Are they for real? Ladies, I don’t know about you but in all honesty, a show like “Girls” does and should NOT be the “frank depiction” of what it means to be female (and I think it’s laughable that this comment came from a male)! Schumer’s anti-gun narrative and agenda doesn’t hurt Clinton, either. And sure, The Society of College Mattress Girls United (with purple-gray hipster hair and all) are hopping on the Clinton Sisterhood Bus in droves!

Those on the Clinton bandwagon may be asking “what difference does it make”? To us, the difference is in the details. When I think of sisterhood, I think of love and respect, for ourselves, our rights as Americans and rights for generations to come. Sisterhood to me means shared values and banning together to protect what is near and dear to our hearts. Integrity. Truth and transparency (cough, cough). Strength through not being a victim and protecting ourselves. Strength through having relationships where respect is mutual (she’s married to a man who had numerous affairs). Respect for our bodies by having a little class and not exposing what nobody wants to see (Lena). Love and respect for life even inside of the womb and honoring that life with dignity and selfless motivations (even though our previous decisions may have come from a selfish carnal reaction and perhaps a mistake we’ve made). It means honoring the voiceless. It also means honoring our brothers (see 13 Hours) and those men and women who are really in harms way (and I’m not talking college campuses here).

So, yes. Hillary has a “sisterhood”, so to speak and in our warped culture, this particular “sisterhood” represents empowerment, strength and integrity for those simply blindsided by the undercurrent and focused on the key element to her campaign this time around: Hillary is a woman. What kind of woman? What kind of sisterhood? Look no further than nouveau feminists like Lena, Amy, Mattress Girl, Katy Perry and some of hosts of The View. Sheesh. Glad I’m not part of that sorority!

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