AOC Throws Rock From Glass House

AOC Throws Rock From Glass House

AOC Throws Rock From Glass House

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) is the gift from the Democratic Party that just keeps on giving.

In truth, there are many of them in the party of establishment corruption but AOC gets our award for Friday. Our favorite Manolo Blahnik-wearing, SEVEN-DOLLARS-A-PIECE-airport-croissant-eating, charcuterie-on-a-Tuesday-night-Instagram-reel Socialist took aim at Tom Homan this week. Why? Because of AOC’s Wednesday Webinar, “Know Your Rights With Ice“.

The webinar was hosted on AOC’s Facebook page on Wednesday:

The 54-minute live stream was designed to inform migrants living in Ocasio-Cortez’s 14th District, which encompasses areas of Queens and the Bronx, of their rights.”-Billal Rahman, Newsweek

AOC has also posted the following tips for avoiding ICE on her website, to include:

#1-You don’t have to open the door.
#2-You can ask then to leave.
#3-You can stay silent.
#4-You do not have to share personal info.
#5-You have the right to speak to an attorney.
#6-You do not have to sign anything or hand over documents.-

Some of these tips n’ tricks should apply to us as a country. No, we don’t have to open our doors and yes, we can ask them to leave.

But the question remains, is AOC breaking the law?

Tom Homan went on Fox News’ “The Ingrahmam Angle” to discuss AOC’s law-impeding efforts:

Is that impeding our law enforcement efforts? And if so, what are we gonna do about it? Is she crossing the line? So, I’m working with the Department of Justice and finding out. Where is that line that they cross? So, maybe AOC’s gonna be in trouble now.”-Tom Homan

This is far from the first time Homan called out AOC:

The video included “tips and tricks” on gaming the system. What else do we expect of a Democrat, right? It was not enough, though, that AOC offered up these strategies. When called on this by Homan, she could not help herself as she took to BlueSky and X:

Wwwwwwhhhhoooooo boooooooy. You did not, Babygirl…..

MaYbE hE cAn LEaRn To ReAd

The force is strong with this one.

The chicken or the egg? TaX ThE rIcH

Tom Homan should learn to read The Constitution, says the Congresscritter. Wouldn’t you all know that AOC did not get where she is by being a dull bulb. Never you mind she shot her district’s economic development in the foot in her early days. Maybe if she actually READ her Economics class notes, she would have realized that Amazon would have been a great addition to the Queens neighborhood (and the legal and illegals living in it).

Oh, but The Constitution! And, just like that, the left are fans of it! That old, outdated document that Conservatives cling to like their guns, religion and babies? That document written by old, white men? Yeah. That same Constitution. AOC has read it word for word and abides by it. What does The Constitution say about term limits, Alexandria?

Okay, now we’re just asking too much of Sandy.

Vegetables. Some of them are in Congress. In fact, we have a whole SQUAD of ’em. Repeat after me: 1) We don’t have to open our doors. And, 2) We can ask them to leave.

But AOC will continue to throw rocks from her glass house of stupidity. Good news for Tom Homan, I guess. At least she accused him of being illiterate and not of being sexually frustrated and wanting to sleep with her.

Some of think AOC should have either a lawyer on retainer or get ready to mix up some draaaanks. Let’s start with a Mezcal marg with some extra ICE. Salud!

Photo Credit: Original Artwork by VG, Darleen Click.

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  • Scott says:

    SCOTUS really needs to weigh in and fix this ridiculous concept that illegal invaders have Constitutional rights. The ONLY right they should have is a one-way trip back to their country of origin. If they’re violent criminals / gang bangers, dropped from an aircraft without a parachute would be an acceptable and low cost method..(alternatively, I’m ok with them being returned to the country from which they invaded ours, preferably via trebuchet..)

    This idea that you can invade our country and suddenly deserve all the rights and privileges of a citizen is insane, and in the end, a death pact for our nation (yes, “birthright” citizenship falls under this. Look into the author of the amendment, he made it very clear that it was not intended to benefit those here illegally)

  • GWB says:

    You do not have to sign anything or hand over documents
    Well, actually, honey, you do have to hand over documents (identification) if they show up with a warrant. And, sometimes, even if they’re just stopping you.

    AOC did not get where she is by being a dull bulb.
    Ummm, yeah, actually she did. And by her voters being very dim bulbs.

    Repeat after me: 1) We don’t have to open our doors. And, 2) We can ask them to leave.
    Heh. Nice.

    It does seem like she has lawyers advising her now, though. She didn’t say anything blatantly illegal or advocate impeding the officers in the course of their duties (you know, “aiding and abetting”).

  • Dietrich says:

    Stupid Bar Wench says what?

  • Mad Celt says:

    Why is the Constitution suddenly so important. Biden didn’t think it was, neither did Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer or any other member of their syndicate. Looks like AOC is practicing law without a license.

  • Cameron says:

    Donkey Chompers, you should pay attention to your boyfriend at some point. I think he’s tired of being left behind for Homan and Musk.

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