Obama: It Was MY Economy That Was Great, Not Trump’s!

Obama: It Was MY Economy That Was Great, Not Trump’s!

Obama: It Was MY Economy That Was Great, Not Trump’s!

Obama, who is very reluctantly campaigning for Kamala Harris is now claiming that the ONLY economy that was great was HIS, not President Trump’s.

Former President Barack Obama took aim at his successor, Donald Trump’s, economic record — and “hazy memory” — as he took the stage during Kamala Harris’ rally in Pittsburgh Thursday.

“Donald Trump’s plan is to do what he did last time, which was give another massive tax cut to billionaires and big corporations,” Obama told the crowd. “And the reason some people think, ‘I don’t know, I remember that economy when [Trump] first came in being pretty good.’ Yeah, it was pretty good. Because it was my economy.”

As Harris supporters cheered, the 44th president continued, “We had had 75 straight months of job growth that I handed over to him. It wasn’t something he did.”

According to Obama, he had a very long and tiring slog over his two terms as President because it just took too damned long to clean up the economic mess President Bush left behind. Wowzers, the dude has practiced his gaslighting and history rewrites for sure! 

He’d LOVE for us to forget that the Obamacare then and now causes economic hardship for far too many American citizens, which has also caused escalating healthcare costs for hospitals, clinics, and yes medications. He also started pushing what is now the Green New Deal and is responsible for companies going bankrupt because even with government bailouts, they still fail. Solyndra anyone? And let’s not forget that he floated the idea of a $10 per barrel of oil tax…

Between Obama and the media, I don’t know who is better at the gaslighting. Oh wait, it’s one and the same really. This gem came from Politico. 

Annual inflation has fallen to 2.4 percent, its slowest pace since early 2021, signaling that the price spikes that have clouded President Joe Biden’s four-year term are over.

The latest numbers, released on Thursday, add to a solid economic picture that’s coming together just weeks before the 2024 election. The question now is whether it’s too late for Vice President Kamala Harris to get credit for it.

Our REAL jobs rate was through the roof during President Trump’s term, and it was across the board. Yes, the pandemic hit and everyone got everything wrong for far too long. But now the Biden-Harris Administration with Obama’s help wants to claim that THIS current economy is just totally amazing! 

But President Selfie is here to tell you not to believe our budgets, don’t believe what we see at the grocery or clothing store, and certainly refuse to recall that gas for our vehicles averaged TWO dollars a gallon at the end of President Trump’s term. Nope, Obama is here to tell you that it’s Trump’s fault and Joe along with Kamala have been working their fingers to the bone to make things all better. 

A few minutes later, when speaking about Trump’s “fearmongering” and his push to kill a bipartisan border security deal earlier this year because it would have delivered President Joe Biden a win, Obama said: “We don’t need a president who will make problems worse just to make his own political circumstances better.”

Oh I laughed long and hard at that line. Obama is hoping that no one will think about Joe, Ukraine, Burisma, Hunter and his laptop, The Big Guy, and more. But we are. We have LONG memories. 

Here’s another inconvenient fact about Obama’s claim that the Trump economy actually belongs to him DAMMIT! 

Exactly. Right now, as pointed out above, it doesn’t matter what the supposed jobs rate is now. After every jobs announcement, the Biden-Harris Administration has had to revise those numbers DOWN. Our current economy has essentially landed no NEW jobs, and is still trying to backfill all the jobs lost during the pandemic. None of that, however, matters to Obama. 

And, he once again had to launch into a lecture. You see, he and all the other black men across the United States need to toe the line and vote Kamala in because gender and don’t be a mysogynist. 

The vibes of joy are just palpable from the Lightbringer of all that change and HOPE that is currently in short supply from the Biden-Harris Administration. All in all, his speech was negative on multiple levels.

Keep in mind, President Selfie is stumping for a woman who has declared she “wouldn’t change a thing” about the last four years. Which includes the economy, that Barak Obama now insists was GREAT solely because of him. 

One other item to consider with Obama’s gaslighting. 

Quite honestly, Kamala’s campaign is desperate, yet even they didn’t see that Obama’s claim that the economy was great during the Trump Administration was only because of HIS brilliance is his way of throwing Joe …and Kamala under the bus. 

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click

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  • Scott says:

    Bath-House Barry is an angry half-black muslim who’s mother never met a black muslim she wouldn’t bed. He hates America and all that makes her great, and was used by the powers behind the curtain to try and destroy the Republic, primarily because he was totally onboard with the goal. Everything he says (with the exception of wanting to transform the nation) is a lie. He has got to have one of the most punchable faces I’ve ever seen…

  • Jack says:

    “Obama is hoping that no one will think about Joe, Ukraine, Burisma, Hunter and his laptop, The Big Guy, and more. But we are. We have LONG memories. ”

    WE might have long memories and we pay attention, but there are a whole bunch that believe every word he says. They see the prices and feel the pain but will hold their noses and vote Dem.

  • CDC says:

    Obama tells black men their college degrees are of no significance if a political party other that the Democrats are in the White House. Then denigrates the audience with the accusation of allowing themselves to be denigrated by Donald J Trump specifically.

  • draigh says:

    More B.S. from our shadow “Commander-In-Chief.”

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