Joe Biden: Idiot in Paris

Joe Biden: Idiot in Paris

Joe Biden: Idiot in Paris

It’s tragic enough Joe Biden is a dazed and confused embarrassment on American soil. His handlers and his delusional “Doctor” wife cannot leave well enough alone here. They have to take this circus overseas.

This last trip abroad to France as a prime example of this madness. Who, pray tell, WHO, in their sound mind, thinks putting Joe Biden’s senility on display for the world to see is a great idea?

According to this, Joe Robinette (who might be a little French) Biden, the idiot in Paris, had to be led around by Emmanuel Macron’s wife after he blew his nose and then shook hands with veterans!

Gross, on multiple levels. Snotty tissues, shaking hands (thank God the dreaded COVID is over) and, I’d like to point this one out: anyone notice how “DOCTOR” Jill does not hold Joe’s hand after he blew his schnoz? (But she lets him shake hands with the veterans.) Anyone also notice how “DOCTOR” Jill walks ahead of her husband and not side-by-side with him? It’s as if to say she knows how old, decrepit, mentally unaware, and slow he is. She does not care. White House 2024 or BUST! She did, however, grab her husband’s hand when he appeared to be standing, by himself, wondering where everybody went. Of course, she DID take his hand to walk that red carpet. Jill Biden’s striving and straining is even more disgusting than whatever came out of Joe’s nose or his a$$ in Normandy or wherever he happens to be at the moment (more on that in a bit). But, back to Joe. No hand sanitizer, nothing. Just unloaded the extra cargo in his nostrils and shook hands with veterans and then, looked utterly confused the rest of the time.


Now, normally, I would not call someone who has dementia and is in this state of mental decline an “idiot” but in reality, Joe Biden was not very smart in the days he supposedly had all his faculties about him. But, we cannot help to think, as Americans, how much more embarrassment from Joe Biden and his family can we endure? The whole trip to France was an expérience désastreuse. Days before, Joe Biden and his handlers ruined an educational experience for young students, who had the honor of playing in a parade to honor the fallen on D-Day. So much for him being the “Education President“. 2,000 students (and their families) were displaced to accommodate this self-centered, pea-brained fool for a shameless, disgusting, photo op.

Champions of education, right NEA?

More than 2,000 musicians, mostly comprised of school-aged children, from around the U.S. and Australia made a trip to Normandy that spanned more than four days and five historical sites to honor the historic D-Day in what would have been an unparalleled educational experience in a wreath-laying ceremony and parade. Families paid their own way to Europe to watch their children perform for the fallen heroes at the cemetery, only to learn they wouldn’t be allowed access once Joe Biden decided to travel to Brittany.”Jon Del Arroz, PJ Media

And, by the way, the cemetery in Normandy was also closed to veterans who wanted to pay their respects. All because Joe Biden decided to storm Omaha Beach.

The bizarre “surprise” visit from Joe Biden in Normandy, unfortunately, puts a great deal of our flaws as Americans on display. Booting the “commoners” who wanted to honor the fallen in lieu of an appearance by this pResident and his FLOTUS was a bizarre and inappropriate power-flex, considering the context of D-Day. It was the epitome of self-centeredness; something those boys storming the beach back on that fateful day could not afford the luxury to have. The events yesterday along the Champs-Élysées only served to magnify this vanity by putting on display the utter ineptitude of our Commander in Chief. We put children willing to honor and learn history aside for this?! We turn away veterans who gave their all for this?! We put this CON on display for all to see?

So, to those of you Democrats out there who are insistent upon voting for this angry, cynical, selfish, mindless shell of a man and his shameless, enabling, equally self-centered spouse for four more years, I will say this:

I am standing by, and voting for, The Felon.Le Criminel.

Qu’est-ce que c’est que cette merde? Zut! (Even the French can make “Damn. WTF?” sound beautiful.)

Photo Credit: Original Artwork by VG, Darleen Click.

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  • Stephen C says:

    Well said, thank you.

  • DC says:

    Well said and Darleen’s graphic was a gem.
    I wonder if the doofus-in-chief’s visit to France had any effect on the elections over there?

  • Lloyd says:

    OK to not call Old Joe an idiot….But we can sure call those who voted for him idiots !! (I cannot think up a name bad enough those who might vote for him again)

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