The Ronna McDaniel Tantrums Expose Media Hypocrisy

The Ronna McDaniel Tantrums Expose Media Hypocrisy

The Ronna McDaniel Tantrums Expose Media Hypocrisy

The talking heads and so-called journalists at NBC and MSNBC are spitting mad that Ronna McDaniel was hired by their bosses. Their tantrums not only have a giant whiff of ‘not our kind dear,’ they shine a bright light on the media’s hypocrisy.

Since their bosses weren’t listening to them while they complained on internal channels, they went public with their tantrums starting Sunday morning with Chuck Todd. 

The hilarious and hypocritical tantrums continued from there. 

And the tantrums are still going on as of this morning. You see, since Ronna didn’t speak up THEN against Trump and claims concerning election issues, and didn’t outright condemn January 6, she’s the wrong sort to be hired by a news organization. Any news organization, according to those at Morning Joe.

Brzezinski said “Morning Joe” believes NBC News should seek out conservative Republican voices to provide balance in election coverage. “But it should be conservative Republicans, not a person who used her position of power to be an anti-democracy election denier,” she said.

NBC has said it will leave it up to individual MSNBC producers and personalities whether McDaniel will appear on the network, which appeals to liberal viewers. Brzezinski said she would not be a guest on “Morning Joe” in her capacity as a paid NBC contributor.

One of the biggest parts of their tantrum is the fact that none of those “journalists” were consulted about the hiring decision that includes a salary of $300,000. 

And then there is the deep resentment of journalists who weren’t consulted about a critical election-year hire that was sure to attract criticism. “Meet the Press” and “Morning Joe” are the two main forums for political contributors, but the hosts of those shows weren’t asked for their opinion.

McDaniel was booked on “Meet the Press” while she was negotiating her contract but Welker knew nothing about it until Thursday night, a day before the public announcement. Scarborough and Brzezinski weren’t consulted at all.

“No hosts or correspondents were given any kind of heads up on this,” said one person familiar with the situation. “People are pissed. It is a deeply unpopular move.”

Are we supposed to feel sorry for you guys? Cry harder. Oh wait, they already are. 

There is SOOO much hypocrisy swimming our way from all of these NBC ‘journalists,’ metric tons of it in fact. Remember, Chuck Todd and his wife hosted a major fundraiser for Hillary during her Presidential run. And just a couple of days ago, Joe and Mika threw a massive hissy fit over Trump’s “bloodbath” comments while demanding “honesty and transparency in political discourse.” 

That’s incredibly laughable and extremely hypocritical. They want transparency and honesty as long as it is on THEIR terms. Which means Ronna McDaniel is not their kind. How dare someone from the Republican side get a media gig??!!

It’s ok when THEY do it, everyone else needs to stay in their lane. It’s ok for Jen Psaki to negotiate a contract while still working in the White House, but Ronna McDaniel? That’s a big NOPE from the media/Democrat rank and file. 

Do I like Ronna McDaniel? No. She ran the RNC into all the ditches during her tenure there, and helped Republicans lose the majority in the House and Senate, and is now trying to reinvent herself as a Trump skeptic. 

Do I think the media pile-on regarding her hire is wrong? Yes and no. Yes in that the talking heads don’t and shouldn’t get a say in who their bosses hire or don’t hire. No in that their tantrums are once again exposing the media bias and hypocrisy within their ranks. 

Given half a chance, Chuck would resurrect the Russia collusion story and start the drumbeat all over again. 

Something else to consider with this current media tantrum. First, they are showing the public who they really are. Secondly, anyone want to bet that if NBC had hired Liz Cheney they would’ve thrown a ticker tape parade in her honor? 

Feature Photo Credit: NBC logo via Edgar Zuniga at Flickr, cropped and modified

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  • draigh says:

    I can’t figure out what all the screaming all about. Ronna did the GOP no favors by not raising any cash for the party during her tenure and she is an avowed Never Trumper. Sounds like the Legacy Media’s kind of person. A RINO, but a Democrat at heart.

  • Mad Celt says:

    I sent an email up the chain here reminding the Capitalist Pigs in Charge that we can’t have someone on the payroll who might tell the truth once in a while.

  • Chad King says:

    Mika says: “NBC News should seek out conservative Republican voices to provide balance in election coverage. But it should be conservative Republicans, not a person who used her position of power to be an anti-democracy election denier.” Let me take a wild guess as to who Mika would like: David Brooks, Jen Rubin, Kathleen Parker and their ilk. They don’t seem to understand that 50% of the population watches Fox not because it’s “conservative,” but because it’s less liberal than the rest of the mainstream media. At some point the ghost of Roger Ailes will create a true conservative media platform and Mika’s little brain will explode.

  • Bucky says:

    “Open minded, tolerant” Liberals cannot abide anyone who does not agree 100% with their agenda. They are as bigoted as the most hateful racists. Anyone who says they will vote for Trump is a blood enemy of them.

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