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Mayorkas Impeachment: ‘Willful And Systemic Refusal To Follow The Law’

Mayorkas Impeachment: ‘Willful And Systemic Refusal To Follow The Law’

Mayorkas Impeachment: ‘Willful And Systemic Refusal To Follow The Law’

Articles of impeachment are pending against DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. He is being accused of a ‘willful and systemic refusal to follow the law’ resulting in a massive breach of public trust.

House Republicans announced two articles of impeachment against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas Sunday, accusing him of failing to do his job by allowing thousands of asylum seekers to enter the country amid record-breaking illegal crossings.


The first article says Mayorkas chose not to enforce the law, specifically a requirement that asylum seekers who illegally cross the border “shall be detained” until there is a decision on their status — with release into the US interior only allowed on a case-by-case basis.

That last paragraph is key to this issue. Those attempting to illegally enter this country are supposed to STAY IN CUSTODY until their status has been researched and it is determined that they are ELIGIBLE to enter the United States. However, for the last three years, that has absolutely not been the case. 

Instead they are handed phones, money cards, documents, informed their court dates could be as early as 2035 and sent on their merry way to the sanctuary city of their choice. We already know that New York and Chicago are throwing major pink fits about how they are being overrun, Denver is as well. 

Here’s the issue. Those here illegally due to the Biden policies DHS Secretary Mayorkas is happily carrying out, aren’t able to get jobs to support themselves. Why? They don’t have the necessary paperwork. Which is leading to situations like this in Denver and likely elsewhere.

Believe me, I’ve witnessed first-hand three times now, in the last six weeks, that very scenario. What the cameras don’t show is that some of these folks have their children and babies in tow.

Now you tell me, how does any of that satisfy let alone create public trust? It. Doesn’t.  

The thing is, there are a significant number of laws ALREADY on the books that Joe Biden and his Administration have willfully and purposefully thrown out the window. 

Mayorkas has insisted, despite glaring evidence to the contrary, that our border is secure and we don’t have an illegal immigration problem. Except we do. Which is why the Biden Administration continually waits a month or more to do a Friday night news dump about the latest illegal immigration numbers. And December’s numbers weren’t any better as Bill Melugin points out here:

BREAKING: In Friday news dump, CBP officially reports 302,034 migrant encounters in December, the highest month ever recorded. CBP also reports Border Patrol arrested 19 people on the FBI terror watchlist in December, bringing the total to 50 arrests for fiscal year 2024 so far.

We are at well over SIX million illegal immigrants in this country since January 2021. That’s the ones we know of. How many got aways have our Border Patrol and ICE missed because the Mayorkas and Biden policies have overwhelmed their resources? And I shudder to think how many terrorist wannabe’s have slipped through the cracks. 

First of all CBS, those three hundred thousand were only briefly held. They are no longer at the border. Secondly, if Mayorkas was TRULY focused on solutions, he’d issue direction that would tell the Border Patrol to follow the laws that are on the books. Yet, that isn’t the case. Furthermore, how in the world can we even think to combat human trafficking when over 300 thousand people were purposefully let into the United States in…DECEMBER??!! 

As our readers know, SCOTUS in a 5-4 decision, informed Texas that the federal government could cut the wire they put up to secure the border. That doesn’t mean that Texas needed to stop putting up wire, but it sure was a slap in the face to Americans who want and should receive a secure border. 

Mayorkas has ever tool at his disposal to secure our border. But he isn’t. Joe Biden doesn’t want a secure border. 

Yet Biden and Mayorkas also really don’t want this to be an issue, let alone a campaign issue this year. Except it is, and it should be. 

James Carville’s famous advice to candidates deserves a rest.

“It’s the economy, stupid” should step aside because this year, “It’s the border, stupid.”

The estimated 6 million people who have crossed from Mexico illegally during Joe Biden’s tenure are overwhelming American cities and are the largest single threat to his re-election. [Emphasis Added]

Mayorkas’ systemic refusal to follow the law is part of the larger symptom that is the Biden Administration. Every issue on the domestic front we have whether it is public health, our schools (some of which are facing major funding shortfalls), infrastructure, and so much more is impacted by our wide-open borders. 

So yes, whether the Biden Administration likes it or not, impeachment of Mayorkas should be considered and it is indeed THE BORDER, STUPID!

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click

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1 Comment
  • Scott says:

    As if we needed another reason to avoid Denver… polis and company asked for this, so they’re getting what they deserve, no sympathy at all for them..
    Mass deportations after closing the borders is the only way to recover from this. Our country is measurably worse off in every conceivable way due to this invasion, and it is all going according to plan… Not Xidens plan, he’s not capable of planning which pudding cup to eat, but his handlers.. Obama is the immediate one, but he’s just a tool of the globalists

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