Kamala Harris Makes Joe Biden Gaffe On DMZ

Kamala Harris Makes Joe Biden Gaffe On DMZ

Kamala Harris Makes Joe Biden Gaffe On DMZ

We were supposed to watch Joe Biden, he said, to see just how well his mental acuity and busy schedule demonstrated his fitness for office. Well… that was a poor challenge to make. The problem is, if his vice president, Kamala Harris, isn’t serving up her own word salads, then she’s taking a page out of old Joe’s book and stuffing her foot in her mouth.

Kamala Harris was in South Korea, where she managed to find the border. Insert all the snarky comments and jokes here, because she has certainly earned them after avoiding our southern border as if it were radioactive.

Not that anyone wants to turn the southern border between the United States and Mexico into the DMZ, but there sure is a whole lot of security and armed soldiers there. Take notes, Kamala.

Unfortunately, her speech given at the DMZ contained a massive mistake.

Vice President Kamala Harris made an unfortunate gaffe during her speech at the Korean Peninsula’s Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) on Thursday, saying that the U.S. has a “strong alliance” with “the Republic of North Korea.”

“It is an alliance that is strong and enduring,” she added, intending to refer to the Republic of Korea, which is South Korea’s official name.”

The vice president then continued her remarks by professing the U.S.’ support for South Korea’s defense against the increasingly aggressive North Korean government.”

And Kamala Harris didn’t even catch her mistake. She just kept plowing on in her usual off-the-cuff word salad fashion, leaving it to the official transcript to provide the “correction” to her gaffe.

Adding to the layers of cringe, North Korea is pretty mad about Kamala Harris even being at the DMZ, and was busy shooting off a few missiles to prove it.

Late Wednesday, North Korea fired two short-range ballistic missiles into the sea, hours before Harris was to depart for Seoul. About two hours after she left Thursday evening, the North fired two more ballistic missiles, South Korea’s military said.”

Why was Kamala Harris even in Asia? She was leading the delegation to the state funeral of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who was assassinated this last July. After Joe Biden’s screw-ups at the funeral of Queen Elizabeth, there was no way he was going to another state funeral so soon. After all, Joe might start thinking he was supposed to be the corpse. It has traditionally been the role of the vice president to represent the country at state funerals, so sending Kamala Harris to Shinzo Abe’s state funeral makes sense, as well as tacking on a visit to South Korea while she is in that part of the world.

And Harris did reaffirm that the United States is standing with South Korea while she was there. If only she didn’t devolve into word salad every single time she feels like she has to give a longer answer.

Harris’ visit was the last stop on her four-day trip to Asia and she stressed the ironclad commitment the U.S. has to South Korea.”

“Here you see at the DMZ, U.S. soldiers serving shoulder to shoulder with soldiers from the Republic of Korea,” she said with visiting the heavily guarded area dividing the Korean Peninsula.”

“They are training together they are committed to working in solidarity around a shared purpose and goal, which is to maintain the security and the stability of this region of the world. I cannot state enough that commitment of the United States to the defense of the Republic of Korea is ironclad,” she added.”

“It is clearly a provocation, and it is meant we believe to destabilize the region and we’re taking it seriously, and everyone should,” Harris said when asked about North Korea’s nuclear threats.”

“And that is one of the reasons why the visit that I have made to Korea, to the Republic of Korea is important because it is a statement about the strength of our alliance and our dedication, the United States’ dedication, to this alliance both in terms of security, American stability for the region and for the Indo-pacific as a whole,” she added.”

Just read that last quote over again. Kamala Harris constantly overdoes it and just begins to repeat words and themes every single time she gives extemporaneous remarks, because she apparently never does her homework, and thinks that she is such a brilliant political mind that she can just “wing” it when she needs to speak. Time and again, that belief is proved to be false, and Harris just continually goes on her merry way, making her staff do the work that she never bothers to consult, and then opens her mouth to sound like a dumbass. And she is vice president of the United States.

And whenever we look at Joe Biden and think about just how he has declined in mental capacity and actual ability, there is Kamala Harris, one flight of stairs away from sitting in the Oval Office herself. Kamala Harris, who has a worse approval rating than Joe Biden AND Donald Trump. While we have all become painfully aware of just incapable Joe Biden is of executing the office of president of the United States, Kamala Harris has turned into HIS insurance policy, instead of it being the other way around. Democrats who realize that Biden is too old and infirm to continue on are simply hoping for the best in the midterms, before limping along with the old guy to the end of his term. Kamala Harris is vice president, but it is all too obvious that no one in the White House or in the upper levels of the Democrat party are championing her to become president after Biden.

And with gaffes like these, she’s not helping herself.

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Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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  • Scott says:

    “Time and again, that belief is proved to be false, and Harris just continually goes on her merry way, making her staff do the work that she never bothers to consult, and then opens her mouth to sound like a dumbass. And she is vice president of the United States.”

    Poster child for quota hiring… The first in a LOOOONG line of completely unqualified people that the senile pedo put in his regime (with obama / soros’ approval of course)

  • GWB says:

    making her staff do the work that she never bothers to consult, and then opens her mouth to sound like a dumbass
    They are not positioning her for success. (Which, every time the concept is mentioned, has Kamala reaching for knee pads.) (OK, I denounce myself. Whatever.)

    But do notice that North Korea still isn’t patently stupid – they launched those missiles before and after she was there. Not during.

    Kamala Harris has turned into HIS insurance policy
    You’re assuming Dr Jill didn’t make that happen right from the beginning.
    Yeah, the Dems are actively working toward a 25th of Biden now. But they have to figure out how to get a better figurehead into position than Kamala.

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