This Suburban White Woman Is Voting Trump Again

This Suburban White Woman Is Voting Trump Again

This Suburban White Woman Is Voting Trump Again

Such a stramash! Vanity Fair magazine has an article where several suburban women express their regret for voting to elect Donald Trump as President and vowing not to repeat that mistake. Well, this suburban white woman doesn’t regret that vote and will crawl through broken glass, covered in six inches of snow for ten miles to vote for Trump again. Let’s take a gander at the article.

This article was written by Bess Levin. Never heard of her, so I scrolled through Twitter, then I took a shower, lol. Miss Levin is not a fan of President Trump.

Clearly, Miss Levin is a partisan hack, lacking a sense of humor.

Her VF article is titled, “WHITE WOMEN APOLOGIZE FOR SADDLING NATION WITH DONALD TRUMP IN 2016”. Levin’s opening paragraph:

If you’ve had the unfortunate opportunity to watch one of Donald Trump’s rallies of late, you’ve probably noticed a strange, recurring bit in which he begs suburban women to like him. “Suburban women, will you please like me,” he asked the crowd in Pennsylvania last week. “Suburban women,” he said in Georgia on Friday, “I heard they like my policy, but they don’t like my personality. I said, ‘They don’t care about my personality, they want to be safe.’” “I saved your suburbs,” he lectured women in Michigan over the weekend. “Women—suburban women, you’re supposed to love Trump.”

Let’s go to the video:

I watch all of the Trump rallies. I watched a Biden one. One because, since he calls frequent lids, there are not very many. And, the one I did see, at the drive-in with a few cars honking approval, was disconcerting.

And, I get the Trump/Suburban Women disconnect. Trump is brash, rude, crude, and often, socially unacceptable. Many, many of our Presidents have been vulgar or crude, including Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. Their faux pas have been airbrushed by fawning historians. I hope that Trump never gets that treatment. It would benefit all of the world to show him warts and all.

Here are a few of the apologies from the article:

Wisconsinite Claudia Luckenbach-Boman told The Guardian in July, adding that to vote for him again in 2020 would mean she was not just “a failure as an American, but also a failure as a human being.” In August, Erin Rosiello, of Ohio, told Insider she “made a horrible mistake” voting for Trump. In an Associated Press story published on Monday, a Michigan woman who voted for Trump in 2016 now says she describes him as “a terrible person.” And just to put a finer point on the situation in Pennsylvania, which could make or break Trump’s chances at a second term, here’s what another woman hailing from the Keystone State told The Guardian over the summer: “I just want to apologize to the world. I feel so guilty for having a part in voting this moron in.”

Oh listen, you bunch of pearl clutching, blue noses, who did you think you were voting for last time? Donald Trump has been in the public eye since the 1980’s. He yam, what he yam. Do you think Hillary Clinton would have handled the economy, the military, or the Wuhan Lung Rot better? Really? It is to laugh. Do you really think that Conservative ideas would have had a voice under President Clinton? Trump may not be a Conservative. He may be a Populist. He may be a Libertarian. I don’t give a fig. I know he is pro-Life. I know that he has gotten rid of regulations and freed the economy for small businesses. I know that he has pricked the bubbles of the self-important, oleaginous cretins, like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and that makes me happy. Divisive? No. The Democrats and their media wing have divided us.

You squeamish, suburban women are going to vote for Joe Biden? Puh-leeze. Not this white, suburban woman. See the picture above. That’s me. I am a white, suburban woman, par none. I am voting Trump. Proudly and loudly. Let him Tweet and gig the Establishment. It needs gigging.

Featured Image: Walt Williams/All Rights Reserved

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  • GWB says:

    That looks like a Babylon Bee headline!

    Claudia Luckenbach-Boman
    Why does that immediately strike me as a parody name? Maybe I listened to too much Willie and Waylon growing up.

    I feel so guilty for having a part in voting this moron in.
    Who’s the bigger moron? He hasn’t changed since 2015. So, either you’re easily swayed by the media, or you voted in 2016 without engaging your critical thought faculties. Or, of course, both.

    (BTW, if you had said “Boy, I thought he was going to be more conservative, and I regret a primary vote for him,” then I could have some sympathy. If you said “I held my nose and voted for him in 2016, but I can’t any longer,” then you would at least make sense.)

    He yam, what he yam.
    I don’t normally critique grammar, but I’m pretty sure there’s no comma in that. (Or, is it ‘kama’?)

    Trump may not be a Conservative. He may be a Populist. He may be a Libertarian.
    Only the populist one. Which can be pretty darn dangerous. But the important thing is he’s never claimed to be otherwise.

    I know that he has pricked the bubbles of the self-important, oleaginous cretins
    Yes, he has stood there laughing and pointing at the naked emperors. And he’s pantsed many of the clothed ones. Yes, he’s gigged a few, too. The funny part is that he’s socially unacceptable in all the high society places – except he wasn’t before, when rubbing up against him might mean money or influence or being seen.
    The biggest selling point of Donald J Trump is that he’s not a hypocrite.

  • rbj1 says:

    Did they really vote for him in 2016? I have doubts on this story.

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