Defunding Police is Anti-Black and Anti-Woman

Defunding Police is Anti-Black and Anti-Woman

Defunding Police is Anti-Black and Anti-Woman

Poke a progressive and what you’ll get is a lot of feel-good mumbo-jumbo. It’s what we saw congressional Democrats do yesterday morning as they kneeled in Emancipation Hall for nearly nine minutes, draped in the cultural appropriation they so often decry, bowing to the anti-police mob:

Pander scarves. How cute.

The chosen venue couldn’t have been more ironic given the party’s long and documented history of racism and slavery, and standing in opposition to every civil rights movement in our nation’s history, including the women’s vote.

They’re just hoping that none of us know it.

So, given their racist and sexist history, it’s no surprise that they’ve embraced the movement spawned by the America-hating fringe that has successfully hijacked their party: defunding the police. And, of course, while at the same time being pro-gun control.

And it couldn’t be more emblematic of the racist and sexist roots of the Democratic Party, because it is women and people of color who will primarily experience the disastrous ramifications of the party’s latest catastrophic idea.

Exhibit A is the answer a CNN guest offered when asked about the response to an active shooter, a situation the left says it’s concerned with (gun control will remedy that, doncha know). Their answer is…we have no answer.

And it’s the same answer they’ll give when asked if people of color—whose lives are routinely snuffed out during an average weekend in Chicago—will be further victimized by those who will run rampant when there’s no one left to stop them.

And it’s the same answer women will hear when they ask who they’ll call if their lives are threatened, or when the inevitable rise in rapes and other violent crime happens…we have no answer; your “white privilege” deems you unworthy of protection. No, really:

Gotcha. Equal victimization for all. Did I mention this is part of what the left means by “social justice”?

The Democratic party would like us all to believe that the biggest threat to our lives is the police. They’d like us all to forget that it is they who’ve dominated, for decades, the political landscape of most large cities across America. And they’d like us to forget it is they who’ve put into place policies—coupled with abortion clinics and failing public schools—that have decimated the lives of people of color in an effort to keep them voting blue. And should they successfully eradicate police departments so desperately needed in areas where their polices have wrought misery, and unchecked crime, to so many—particularly in areas where Democrats have also erased their citizens’ right to self-defense by making it virtually impossible to legally own a firearm—what residents of cities like Minneapolis, New York City, and Los Angeles will face is nightmarish to imagine by comparison.

Can you say Sharia Law, coupled with Antifa, and Black Lives Matter-types “community policing” your streets? Because that’s who women and people of color will find “policing” them in liberal-run cities across America at the behest of the multi-tentacled DNC. Do what we say, or face our wrath. That message has never been more clear than in the past months where people simply demanding their jobs be returned are hauled off to jail, while violent insurrection is rewarded with celebrity bail money.

The left doesn’t care about women. We’ve seen that in the way Joe Biden’s been shielded from credible rape allegations, and the dismissal of his on-camera molestation of little girls. They covered for Clinton; they covered for Weinstein; they covered for Epstein. And, in the cities Democrats dominate, it is women who’ll be left further defenseless in the face of threats that are sure to increase thanks to yet another destructive Democratic Party policy.

And, other than election season, they certainly don’t believe black lives matter. All one needs do is take a look at the intentional shuttering of businesses and other employment that—pre-Scamdemic—had successfully pulled so many peoples of color and other once-neglected communities out of poverty and into the dignity of work. Couple that with the Democrats’ silence on recent riot-related deaths

Those killed amid the rioting over the black man’s death have been disproportionately black. Businesses owned and frequented by blacks have been wiped out in the looting and destruction, and a memorial to black Civil War soldiers has been defaced.”

…and destruction—wrought by the DNC’s terrorist offshoots—of black and other minority-owned businesses and communities in the past days, and it’s clear that what they care about is votes.

There’s a reason that blue states have dragged their feet on re-opening their economies. There’s a reason the liberal-dominated media has, for months, fear-mongered about coronavirus. There’s a reason that—just at the most-opportune moment—coordinated “protests” simultaneously sprang up in cities all across America. And there’s a reason why the Democratic Party’s terrorist arm has been allowed by their blue-state comrades to launch a full-scale civil war on America, the death toll—including innocent women and people of color—acceptable collateral damage in their quest to regain power. How? To scare women and people of color into voting Democrat as violent crime increases, their white knight being a senile old man who has a record of, at best, creepy behavior toward women, and a long history of shaming free-thinking blacks and commiserating with senate segregationists, a man who’d be nothing but a puppet for the radical fringe of his party. Remember: he’s the same guy who says things like this, and gets a free pass from the usual suspects.

Anyone who cares to can see what all of this is about: the November election and the votes of women, as well as people of color who’ve been drifting away from the Democratic Party for some time now.

So to my fellow ladies, my fellow Americans of all hues, and those who care about us: the Democratic Party believes we’re all stupid; let’s not let them exploit us any longer. And let’s not allow them to implement yet another anti-black and anti-woman police policy that promises to wreak further havoc on already-vulnerable communities, and raze the very future of our country.


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Feature Image Credit: Yash Mori via Flikr; CC by 2.0 license.

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  • Wayne says:

    Defund-the-Police is just a scam to give more people with frivolous degrees like sociology and gender studies a job so they can pay back their student loans.

  • GWB says:

    defunding the police. And, of course, while at the same time being pro-gun control.
    Well, no, that bizarrely internally consistent. Get rid of ALL the guns!
    Of course, like all good communist rhetoric, there will be stages: first get rid of the regular police, then have SPECIAL police come in and take the guns from all the citizens, THEN you can get rid of all the police. Remember, you don’t get to the governmentless utopia of Marx without going through the dictatorship of Stalin!

    Equal victimization for all.
    Standard leftist thought: make everyone equal(ly dismal). Though, many of them truly believe their magical solutions will actually work. Science! indeed.

    And should they successfully eradicate police departments so desperately needed in areas where their polices have wrought misery,
    Yes, and no….
    What’s really needed is for various communities to take responsibility for themselves. Yes, they need help while they get there, but they need to stand up and take care of their own community if they want to live free. They need to patrol their own streets and police their own people.

    If you don’t govern yourself, you will always be a slave to those who will govern you. If you do govern yourself, you will always be free, no matter the shackles.

  • Scott says:

    “To scare women and people of color into voting Democrat as violent crime increases”
    I know i’m apparently supposed to care about these people, and maybe it makes me a bad person that I don’t give a rats ass about them, but here’s the thing, It’s been obvious for decades to anyone with enough functioning brain-cells to keep them alive that voting democrat has never improved the lives of anyone except the democrats voted into office. At this point, I believe it’s a case of “you get the government you deserve”. These idiots have inflicted these anti-American dims on us since before i was born, and if they’re not bright enough to realize it by now and vote the bums out, to hell with them! They deserve whatever they get, and maybe after their cities burn to the ground, they will get the message. In the mean time, screw em! Stand up for yourselves, or take what’s coming, and don’t ask me to bail you out.
    Sorry if that’s harsh, but the last few months / weeks have worn out my “give a damn”….

    • ThewlynOh says:

      It always strikes me as amazing that a) democrats don’t give a crap about blacks unless it’s an election year, then they dial up the “GOP is racist” rhetoric to 11 and rip the knob off, b) educated blacks, who can see the systemic racism in Dem controlled cities (Chi, NY, DC, etc), still fall for this BS, drinking the kool-aid like mother’s milk, and c) blacks call other blacks “traitors” for leaving the heavily gov’t-dependent welfare state to break out of the cycle and start to think about not voting Democrat…

    • Jodi Giddings says:

      I hear you, Scott. But a lot of people didn’t vote for this (or didn’t vote at all, or had their votes silenced by voter fraud), but will be victims of it anyway.

  • Scott says:

    It’s clear to me that our country has been in an abusive relationship with the Democrat party for decades. It destroys thing, impoverishes people, and makes us more vulnerable. But, to maintain power, they scare us by calling the GOP (and libertarians) “fascists”, “racists”, “sexists”, “homophobes” and cancels anyone deviating from the Democrat party line. Typical abuser behavior.

    • ThewlynOh says:

      It’s like that famous Charlie Brown & Lucy scene with the football…

      Democrats ALWAYS dangle “GOP is racist” and “we care about minorities” and “elect us, we’ll help your community” in front of the AA community, then when they get elected, pull the football away and forget about their minority communities completely…

      Black are only useful to them each election cycle, and only for votes.

    • Jodi Giddings says:

      Very well stated, Scott.

  • Micha Elyi says:

    “Defunding Police is Anti-Black and Anti-Woman”

    …but it’ll have no effect on men, is that your implication Victory Girls?

    • GWB says:


    • Jodi Giddings says:

      Double face palm. That IS quite the straw-man argument, Micha (go ahead and Google that term). But let me point out to you that men come in all hues. And, where I’m from, they…and we… protect ourselves with those big scary guns the left wants to take from us. You’re welcome.

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