6.2 Million Illegals In U.S. Is Why SCOTUS Decision Was Wrong

6.2 Million Illegals In U.S. Is Why SCOTUS Decision Was Wrong

6.2 Million Illegals In U.S. Is Why SCOTUS Decision Was Wrong

The SCOTUS decision regarding razor wire at Texas border was wrong. Why? The 6.2 million illegals in this country that we KNOW about.

First, let’s look at the SCOTUS decision. Which, isn’t actually a decision, it’s a one-paragraph order. 


The application to vacate injunction presented to Justice Alito and by him referred to the Court is granted. The December 19, 2023 order of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, case No. 23-50869, is vacated.

Justice Thomas, Justice Alito, Justice Gorsuch, and Justice
Kavanaugh would deny the application to vacate injunction.

In my opinion, that order says a lot while saying absolutely nothing. The five Justices who granted vacating the injunction are Sotomayer, Brown Jackson, Kagan, along with Roberts and Amy Coney Barrett. As you can see, the four definitely conservative Justices had a differing opinion. We can surmise all we want, but unless any of the Justices write an opinion explaining their votes, we can only assume(well I can), that states rights and our national security aren’t currently of concern to five Justices on that court. 

A U.S. district court judge based in Del Rio sided with the federal government, ruling that Border Patrol agents didn’t violate any laws by cutting the wire. Paxton’s office appealed, and a panel of judges from the 5th Circuit paused the ruling until the case went through the appeals process.


On Monday, the Supreme Court vacated the 5th Circuit’s order after the Biden administration sent a cease and desist letter to Paxton for blocking federal access to the border. Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Amy Coney Barrett joined the court’s three liberal justices in issuing the order.

As we’ve written multitudes of times these last three years, Biden’s border policies are putting us all at risk. And, because of those border policies, our Border Patrol has been in the crosshairs of the liberal media while having their hands tied and not being allowed to do their actual jobs. So much so that when Title 42 ended, the influx of illegals jumped exponentially. Furthermore, we now find out that the Biden Administration is using the parole loophole to “allow” more illegals in without a detailed examination of their criminal history. 

More of those people are also being released into the United States than previously, generally through the use of parole authority or with a notice to appear before an immigration judge,” said the report, titled “The Demographic Outlook: 2014 to 2054.”

The 2023 inflow includes 900,000 migrants who were released after they walked up to official border gates plus 1.1 million migrants who were released after they crossed through gaps in the border wall, said the CBO agency, which acts as an advisor to Capitol Hill legislators.

Roughly have of those migrants — 1.1 million — were let into the country by October 1, 2023, via Biden’s use of the “parole” loophole in border law, the CBO reported. Biden and his Democratic allies are now trying to expand the parole doorway.

Yes, you read that correctly. The Biden Administration has quietly ordered our Border Patrol, ICE and whomever else to ‘let’ illegals in even if it is found they have some type of criminal history. Like THIS type of criminal history. 

Yes, a sanctuary city, one of many who is now whining about the influx of illegals, refused…let me say it again…they REFUSED to turn over a criminal, here illegally, who attacked and assaulted a young girl, into ICE custody. That’s not all.

You want to know about national security risks? Those two are just the tip of the iceberg. How many others of the 6.2 million wandering around the United States now have similar violent criminal histories? Oh, and let’s not forget the estimated 1.7-2 million who we don’t even know about that have slipped into our country? 

Yet, here we have Biden finally admitting that NO, our border isn’t secure and even KJP reluctantly admitting the same. 

Will they DO anything about it? No, not unless they are absolutely forced to do so. As to KJP’s asinine claims that Biden has visited the border, well that got shot down in flames. 

You see, the Biden Administration doesn’t want to have his campaign be about the border. They don’t want questions about the SCOTUS decision or the 6.2 million illegals wandering our country. Even though the polling numbers say otherwise.

Earlier this month, House Speaker Mike Johnson, Louisiana Republican, said: “Since his first day in office, President Biden has worked to systematically undermine America’s border security. … The result is a humanitarian and national security catastrophe.” Fifty-eight percent (58%) of voters agree with that statement, including 44% who Strongly Agree. Thirty-seven percent (37%) disagree with the quote from Johnson, including 25% who Strongly Disagree. Another 11% are not sure.

No, they want to focus on other issues, specifically abortion. 

The sheer hubris of Biden and his campaign handlers in ignoring our porous borders in Texas while using a Texas woman to natter on about abortion is just amazing. 

The Biden campaign wants to ignore the national security threat posed by our open borders and the 6.2 million illegals here and counting. We can’t and shouldn’t let that happen.

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click

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  • Cameron says:

    And Texas is still protecting the border. So Biden’s only options are doing his job or sending troops to put down Texas.

  • Scott says:

    ACB is a real disappointment, Roberts is no surprise at all, we know he’s a swam critter, and the others that were on board with this decision, well, they’re all DEI hires, so what can you really expect from them..

    Yeah SCOTUS fornicated fido on this one..

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