Judge Claims Abortion Loophole In 13th Amendment

Judge Claims Abortion Loophole In 13th Amendment

The left is never, ever going to quit when it comes to trying to legalize abortion at the federal level. This time, it’s a federal judge in…

Democrats Dump On Biden And Kamala

Democrats Dump On Biden And Kamala

Even as Biden gets ready for the SOTU this evening, it’s becoming very clear that Democrats are trying to dump Kamala and figure out how to dump…

Mike Pompeo For President 2024?

Mike Pompeo For President 2024?

A year ago at CPAC 2022, I saw Mike Pompeo at the venue scooting around and thought “He is going to run for President”. He was on…

NORAD: We Weren’t Sure China Balloon Was Hostile

NORAD: We Weren’t Sure China Balloon Was Hostile

Supposedly the folks at NORAD saw the China balloon BEFORE it even got to the Aleutian Islands. However, they just watched it because they were pretty positive…

NY Times Opinion Editor Humiliates Self In Debut Column

NY Times Opinion Editor Humiliates Self In Debut Column

Many, many, many years ago, probably when the late President Ronald Reagan was a boy, being a writer for the New York Times was the apex of…

Grammys Go With Devil Worship In Primetime

Grammys Go With Devil Worship In Primetime

We are sadly in the full swing of award show season, and Sunday night the Grammys held their annual bacchanalia and anti-fashion extravaganza. The event was capped…

Michelle Obama For President 2024

Michelle Obama For President 2024

Our Lizard Overlords aka the Deep State have been floating the name of Michelle Obama for President of the United States since about five minutes after her…

Biden State Of The Union: “We Are Winning! Kind Of…”

Biden State Of The Union: “We Are Winning! Kind Of…”

Winning! That’s supposedly the message for Tuesday night’s State of the Union. Will we see Grandpa Joe, Angry Joe, or a mix of both? What will his…

COVID: Yes, Liberals, It Is Personal

COVID: Yes, Liberals, It Is Personal

Liberals love to blame the anti-vaxxers on all things COVID. Take this from Salon’s Amanda Marcotte, who paints a doom-and-gloom picture of “what the end of COVID…

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and, as Dorothy Parker once said, “If you…

Kansas City Chiefs Fans Get Scolded by NPR

Kansas City Chiefs Fans Get Scolded by NPR

Kansas City has been on an adrenaline high since the Chiefs won the AFC Championship last Sunday. Go anywhere in the metro and you’ll see Chiefs gear…

Yes, We Should Be Concerned About China’s Balloon Gambit

Yes, We Should Be Concerned About China’s Balloon Gambit

UPDATE BELOW: While there are all sorts of memes (admittedly hilarious) out there regarding China’s balloon, we ALSO have members of the media and political pundits telling…

Joe Biden: Delusional, Decrepit Divider In Chief

Joe Biden: Delusional, Decrepit Divider In Chief

Many outlets, including ours here at VG have perceived exactly what the media does not want us to perceive about Joe Biden.

China Has Multiple Spy Balloons Overhead

China Has Multiple Spy Balloons Overhead

It’s like a twisted version of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade, except the balloons out there are floating over our heads and spying on the Americas for…

Biden Media Image Is Hiding A Mean Old Man

Biden Media Image Is Hiding A Mean Old Man

Joe Biden’s image revolves around being a bumbling grandpa who people are supposed to just shrug their shoulders at. Which would be fine, if he wasn’t President…

Russia Saber Ratting Ahead Of Ukraine Anniversary

Russia Saber Ratting Ahead Of Ukraine Anniversary

Three weeks from today, February 24, 2023, we will mark the one year anniversary of the day that Russia invaded Ukraine. Sergei Lavrov, the mouth-piece for Vladimir…

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

A quote: “I’m kind of spoiled, but the great thing about life is that you never know what’s around the corner.” ~~ Stockard Channing

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Ava Gardner