Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Corner bar philosophers have intoned that one can experience the most intense loneliness in the most crowded of cities. Let this week’s challenge image of one piece…

Jeff Bezos Is Reaping What He Sowed

Jeff Bezos Is Reaping What He Sowed

Jeff Bezos, the dude who started the behemoth called Amazon in his garage, got his shorts in a knot because the National Enquirer dared blackmail him! He…

Joy Behar Faces the Social Justice Juggernaut

Joy Behar Faces the Social Justice Juggernaut

Oh, dear readers, this is sweet. Joy Behar, chief harpy and Trump-hater on The View, now has her own  blackface moment to account for. And so far, she hasn’t said…

Nancy Pelosi Was Right To Mock Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal

Nancy Pelosi Was Right To Mock Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is truly the gift that keeps on giving. Putting aside her childish behavior during the State of the Union, let’s instead take a look at…

Elizabeth Warren’s Presidential Aspirations Fade

Elizabeth Warren’s Presidential Aspirations Fade

In the midst of a news cycle filled with the soap-operaesque implosion of the Democrat Administration of Virginia, Elizabeth Warren is being shoved off-stage.

Protracted Digging May Help Trump Win in 2020

Protracted Digging May Help Trump Win in 2020

In light of recent revelations about our elected officials and their potential for buried skeletons, the current President of the United States is looking pretty good as…

Democrat Women In Altered Photo Roils Twitter

Democrat Women In Altered Photo Roils Twitter

“Action speaks louder than words but not nearly as often.” ― Mark Twain An altered photo of the Democrat women in white at the State of the…

Identity Politics FAIL By The Democrat Ladies In White At State Of The Union

Identity Politics FAIL By The Democrat Ladies In White At State Of The Union

One of the biggest spectacles in virtue signaling at the SOTU was all the Democrat women dressed in white. Last year their excuse was the #MeToo movement….

#HimToo: Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring Donned Blackface In College

#HimToo: Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring Donned Blackface In College

The Virginia Democrat party is a raging dumpster fire right now. It all started with Kathy Tran’s heinously evil full-term abortion bill, continued with Ralph Northam’s abhorrent…

Trump Chooses American Greatness While Stacey Abrams Chose Democrat Negativity

Trump Chooses American Greatness While Stacey Abrams Chose Democrat Negativity

Quite frankly, President Trump’s State of the Union speech was more substantive than I bargained for. Choosing Greatness was the theme, and he highlighted that throughout his…

From The VG Bookshelf: David Harsanyi’s First Freedom

From The VG Bookshelf: David Harsanyi’s First Freedom

If you have a gun aficianado in your life, or a history buff, David Harsanyi (a senior editor at The Federalist) has written First Freedom, which traces…

Happy Birthday, Judah Samet

Happy Birthday, Judah Samet

Judah Samet was among the invited guests at the State of the Union tonight. He is a Tree of Life Synagogue survivor, as well as a Holocaust…

Nancy Pelosi Needs Polident Immediately

Nancy Pelosi Needs Polident Immediately

Nancy Pelosi is the Speaker of the House, and a very wealthy woman. What on earth was wrong with her mouth during the State of the Union?

SOTU 2019 DNC Communications Director Smoked By Harris Faulkner

SOTU 2019 DNC Communications Director Smoked By Harris Faulkner

The SOTU 2019 has all of the players out on every possible network trying oh so very hard to get their narrative to stick. That is why…

Nancy Pelosi Invites Planned Parenthood Abortion Ghoul To #SOTU

Nancy Pelosi Invites Planned Parenthood Abortion Ghoul To #SOTU

It’s been quite evident that tonight’s State of the Union will be quite the show. We have Democrats inviting illegals, other Democrats such as Kamala Harris offering…

Ivanka’s Classy Response To The Trashy Vacuum Art Exhibit

Ivanka’s Classy Response To The Trashy Vacuum Art Exhibit

A new “art” exhibit debuted in Washington DC recently. This one, at the Flashpoint Gallery, is all about Ivanka Trump. Is it classy? Nope, it’s trashy. Literally. 

Cory “Spartacus” Booker Wants To Bring Civic Grace Back To Politics

Cory “Spartacus” Booker Wants To Bring Civic Grace Back To Politics

The current crop of 2020 Presidential candidates have stepped on so many rakes that I’ve lost count. Has anyone cornered the market on popcorn? Somebody needs to,…

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Ava Gardner