The Shooting That Never Was

The Shooting That Never Was

“Did you hear about the mass shooting in New Jersey?” asked Victory Girl Amanda Green while I visited her this weekend. “Shooting?” I hadn’t. There was no…

No, Laura Bush, This Is Not The Japanese-American Internment Again [VIDEO]

No, Laura Bush, This Is Not The Japanese-American Internment Again [VIDEO]

You just knew this comparison was coming. I just didn’t know that the highest profile person to toss the proverbial hyperbolic grenade would be former First Lady…

Father’s Day: An Excuse For The Left to Bring Up Toxic Masculinity Yet Again

Father’s Day: An Excuse For The Left to Bring Up Toxic Masculinity Yet Again

Gone are the days where we let dear ol’ dad put his feet up, relax and eat a steak. Times were so simple then. Sadly, we live…

Unfunny Kathy Griffin Slags FLOTUS Melania Trump

Unfunny Kathy Griffin Slags FLOTUS Melania Trump

Breathtakingly unfunny comedian Kathy Griffin bitch slapped our First Lady of the United States in a rant regarding children separated from their families at the border. From…

Trump Haters Go Full Godwin on Migrant Kids in Detention Centers. [VIDEO]

Trump Haters Go Full Godwin on Migrant Kids in Detention Centers. [VIDEO]

It’s official now: the anti-Trump Left and the Never Trump Right have gone Full Godwin. Apparently they never got the memo which says that “if you accuse…

Deep State Warns Paul Manafort May Spend Life in Jail

Deep State Warns Paul Manafort May Spend Life in Jail

The New York Post has an article today speculating that Paul Manafort may never see the outside of prison again, according to a Watergate prosecutor. If you…

US Reportedly Will Leave UN Human Rights Council [VIDEO]

US Reportedly Will Leave UN Human Rights Council [VIDEO]

The report is out that the United States will be withdrawing from the United Nations’ Human Rights Council over what Ambassador Nikki Haley previously said was its…

Judge Makes an Example Out of Manafort by Throwing Him in Jail

Judge Makes an Example Out of Manafort by Throwing Him in Jail

Mueller is really putting the screws to Paul Manafort. Yesterday, prosecutors alleged Manafort was engaging in witness tampering, and the judge in one of his cases thought…

It’s Kimmel vs. Cruz, Mano a Mano, in the Blobfish Basketball Classic [VIDEO]

It’s Kimmel vs. Cruz, Mano a Mano, in the Blobfish Basketball Classic [VIDEO]

Didja hear about the big sports event this weekend? What — the FIFA World Cup in Russia? Oh, heck no. I’m talking about the Blobfish Basketball Classic,…

Rene Boucher Sentenced To 30 Days In Prison For Paul Attack [VIDEO]

Rene Boucher Sentenced To 30 Days In Prison For Paul Attack [VIDEO]

Last November, Rene Boucher decided to attack his neighbor from behind and break six of his ribs. That neighbor was Senator Rand Paul.

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Sunday is Father’s Day. Let this image be your guide and post your story, 100 words – no more, no less – in the comments.

Like Hillary, Comey Used Private Email to Conduct Official Business [video]

Like Hillary, Comey Used Private Email to Conduct Official Business [video]

Is it really so hard to just follow the rules? According to DOJ policy, private emails should not be used for official business – any official business,…

#OIGReport: James Comey Tries To Spin His Way Out Of The Mess He Created [VIDEO]

#OIGReport: James Comey Tries To Spin His Way Out Of The Mess He Created [VIDEO]

At the same time the 500 page OIG report was released, the New York Times published an editorial written by none other than former FBI Director James…

IG Report Shows Small Minded Pettiness at Top of FBI

IG Report Shows Small Minded Pettiness at Top of FBI

The has the loooong awaited Inspector General Report on the Midterm Election/handling of the Clinton email investigation. And, while most of it written in law talk,…

#ArmyBDay: 243 Years And Counting [VIDEO]

#ArmyBDay: 243 Years And Counting [VIDEO]

Today is Flag Day in the United States, and it’s also the official birthday of the United States Army! The Army recognizes its inception on this date…

Establishment Types Fear GOP Has Become Party of Trump

Establishment Types Fear GOP Has Become Party of Trump

The Deep State Establishment types have a new bogeyman for us to fear and political writer Mark Barabak was one of the first yesterday to sound the…

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Ava Gardner