Homeland Security: No laptops on the plane?

Homeland Security: No laptops on the plane?

The Department of Homeland Security has decided to ban electronic devices like laptops from being carried on board all flights from Europe. No exception. Because nobody travels…

Comey Called Trump Crazy and Then Sends Self Serving Farewell Letter to FBI

Comey Called Trump Crazy and Then Sends Self Serving Farewell Letter to FBI

Fired former FBI Director James Comey once called President Donald Trump “crazy” regarding his wiretapping claim. Comey then sent a kinda-crazy and totally self-serving “farewell letter” to…

New York Times Posts Op-Ed On Abortion: Activists Go Nuclear

New York Times Posts Op-Ed On Abortion: Activists Go Nuclear

I never thought that I would say this, but I agree with something written in The New York Times. Namely, the most recent op-ed on abortion published…

President Donald Trump Fires FBI Director James Comey [VIDEO]

President Donald Trump Fires FBI Director James Comey [VIDEO]

Speculation has been running rampant ever since FBI Director James Comey released a certain letter last fall that, depending upon who you ask, may or may not…

Confession as Aggression: When a boys’ soccer coach said “I was born a girl” [VIDEO]

Confession as Aggression: When a boys’ soccer coach said “I was born a girl” [VIDEO]

As a kid I remember a few times bumping into one of my teachers at the supermarket or at the library and being a little surprised. There…

RIP Bob Owens: Fierce Advocate for Second Amendment Rights [VIDEO]

RIP Bob Owens: Fierce Advocate for Second Amendment Rights [VIDEO]

We were shocked and saddened to hear the news that Bob Owens died yesterday of an apparent suicide. Bob Owens deeply loved his family, this country, our…

Thanks Harry Reid Rule: Trump Begins Federal Court Nominations and Dems Can’t Stop Him

Thanks Harry Reid Rule: Trump Begins Federal Court Nominations and Dems Can’t Stop Him

Unless you’ve been in Siberian exile for the past couple of months, you know that the federal courts—specifically the notoriously liberal and oft-overturned Ninth Circuit—have made some…

#JFK100: The Many Examples Of A Profile In Courage, Obama-Style [VIDEO]

#JFK100: The Many Examples Of A Profile In Courage, Obama-Style [VIDEO]

Former President Barack Obama surfaced in Boston over the weekend. All because someone decided he needed a new prize. The 2017 John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage…

Looking Poor is “Cool”, Says the Left: Neiman Marcus’ New Shooz

Looking Poor is “Cool”, Says the Left: Neiman Marcus’ New Shooz

Just weeks ago, Nordstrom featured jeans caked in fake dirt for a pittance of $425. They clearly are a mere bag of shells when compared to Needless…

Focus Group Talks, Will DNC Listen? [VIDEO]

Focus Group Talks, Will DNC Listen? [VIDEO]

The Democrats have a ton of excuses for why Hillary Clinton lost the election. Hillary Clinton has excuses for why she lost the election – an election…

France Elects Macron, Status Quo Intact [VIDEO]

France Elects Macron, Status Quo Intact [VIDEO]

It wasn’t even close. Emmanuel Macron won in an absolute landslide over Marine Le Pen in today’s French presidential election. And I mean a landslide. https://twitter.com/France24_en/status/861279279996391426 So,…

#Trumpcare Reactions: Fools to the Right of Me, Haters to the Left [VIDEO]

#Trumpcare Reactions: Fools to the Right of Me, Haters to the Left [VIDEO]

When the House Republicans passed their version of the American Health Care Act, they set off a minefield. Reactions ranged from berserk to boneheaded. First, let’s look at…

Anti-Vaxxers Autism Rhetoric Leads To Minnesota’s Largest Measles Outbreak In 30 Years [VIDEO]

Anti-Vaxxers Autism Rhetoric Leads To Minnesota’s Largest Measles Outbreak In 30 Years [VIDEO]

The other day I wrote about the measles outbreak in Minnesota. It’s a situation that is causing major problems across the spectrum. Well, it’s gotten worse. Last week…

Twitter Community Reacts to Warren’s Indian Name, the Responses are as Rich as George Soros!

Twitter Community Reacts to Warren’s Indian Name, the Responses are as Rich as George Soros!

Some time has passed since Senator Elizabeth Warren, (AKA The Great Warrior Princess for Minorities) and her claim that she *might* be 1/32 Native American: To some,…

Media And Celebrities Encourage Meltdowns And Lunacy Over Pre-Existing Conditions [VIDEO]

Media And Celebrities Encourage Meltdowns And Lunacy Over Pre-Existing Conditions [VIDEO]

In the wake of the House passing this latest version of ACHA and sending it to the Senate, where it’s looking doubtful it will pass, the media…

#MacronLeaks-Campaign Hacked After Accusing Kremlin Of Election Interference [VIDEOS]

#MacronLeaks-Campaign Hacked After Accusing Kremlin Of Election Interference [VIDEOS]

If you thought that the American election last year was the only one that the Russians would get dragged into-think again. Yesterday French Presidential hopeful Emmanuel Macron’s…

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Ava Gardner