China Warns U.S. after Trump’s Nevada Win

China Warns U.S. after Trump’s Nevada Win

Bill Gertz, writing in the Free Beacon, claims that China warned the United States against punitive currency policies that could disrupt China-U.S. relations. The warning came the…

Mitt Romney Says Trump’s Taxes May Include a Bombshell

Mitt Romney Says Trump’s Taxes May Include a Bombshell

Mitt Romney, the original Mr. Milquetoast presidential candidate of 2012, appeared on Fox News Wednesday, insisting that Donald Trump release his tax returns, and wondered if those…

Federal Judge Rebukes DoJ Over NonCitizen Voter Registration Case

Federal Judge Rebukes DoJ Over NonCitizen Voter Registration Case

A interesting hearing, presided over by Judge Richard Leon, took place in D.C. federal court two days ago. What is so intriguing about this particular hearing? Simply…

Quote of the Day: Trump Hasn’t Won Yet

After Trump won in Nevada, for many people, it spelled the end. Plenty of media outlets, led by Matt Drudge, have been rushing to announce that the…

Obama and His “Usual Stuff”: Jokes About Finding Replacement for Justice Scalia

Obama and His “Usual Stuff”: Jokes About Finding Replacement for Justice Scalia

While Washington D.C. and Americans nationwide remembered Justice Antonin Scalia this weekend, our POTUS seems to think enough time has passed to slap around the humor: Barack…

Nevada GOP Caucus in Chaos

The Nevada GOP is looking like amateur hour as absolute craziness has taken over the process. It is alleged that in certain precincts, Trump supporters have taken…

Fundamentals of Freedom:  The FBI/Apple Kerfuffle

Fundamentals of Freedom: The FBI/Apple Kerfuffle

Editor’s note: This guest post is by “GWB”, a reader and friend of Victory Girls. His post is written by request, because of this comment on the…

Obama Announces Gitmo Closing Plan (Video)

Obama Announces Gitmo Closing Plan (Video)

Flanked by Vice President Joe Biden and the hapless looking Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter, President Barack H. Obama announced his latest plan to close the terrorist…

Quote of the Day: #FreeStacy Edition

Earlier this week, Twitter suspending the account of blogger Robert Stacy McCain, a prominent conservative who takes no prisoners and is beloved in the conservative blogosphere. The…

Reality Bites: Like It or Not, Get Ready For a Donald Trump Nomination

Reality Bites: Like It or Not, Get Ready For a Donald Trump Nomination

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was our firewall between freedom and a tyrannical, over-reaching central government. He was an invaluable defender of our Constitution, fighting on behalf…

More Warped Millennial Perspective: ISIS is “Relatable”

More Warped Millennial Perspective: ISIS is “Relatable”

Millennials are so quirky and so funny. I love some of their humorous musings and their attempts at being cutting-edge-tongue-and-cheek. Take this little snippet from the millennial-focused,…

#FreeStacy: Twitter Banning Has Free Speech, 1st Amendment Implications

#FreeStacy: Twitter Banning Has Free Speech, 1st Amendment Implications

Ahhhh Twitter!! Such an interesting social media site it is! Where else can you watch Twitter tantrums by Donald Trump? Where else can you track accounts that showcase the…

Quote of the Day: Entitled Millennial Edition

Millennials have a pretty nasty reputation in the workplace. And this whiny screed by millennial Talia Jane, who scored a job working for Yelp, proves why:

Apple vs. the FBI

Apple vs. the FBI

Last week, the FBI got a judge to order Apple to create software that would allow them to break into San Bernardino terrorist Syed Rizwan Farook’s work-issued…

Trump Now Questions Rubio’s Eligibility to Run for President [video]

Trump Now Questions Rubio’s Eligibility to Run for President [video]

First Donald Trump questioned Ted Cruz’s eligibility to run for President. Now he’s questioning whether Marco Rubio fits the definition of “natural born citizen,” allowing him to…

Do Women Destroy Nations/Civilizations? (Video)

Do Women Destroy Nations/Civilizations? (Video)

The Premise What a controversial subject for a women’s blogging team to take on, right? I am begging you to watch this video all the way through…

Is Trump Headed to the Nomination? It Ain’t Over ‘Til It’s Over

Is Trump Headed to the Nomination? It Ain’t Over ‘Til It’s Over

Donald Trump took South Carolina in its winner-take-all primary. It was his second primary win in a row, after New Hampshire, and the Drudge Report gleefully posted…

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Ava Gardner