Republican Liberty Caucus State Chapter Defeats Pro-LIFE Resolution, Cites Need to Keep Pro-Abortion Members: UPDATED

Republican Liberty Caucus State Chapter Defeats Pro-LIFE Resolution, Cites Need to Keep Pro-Abortion Members: UPDATED

This weekend saw a major split in the largest state chapter of the Republican Liberty Caucus, found in Washington State.  With almost one-quarter of the total national membership, the RLCWA was already becoming a force in state politics.  Unfortunately, things fell apart at the state convention over a proposed resolution that would recognize the right to life and state that the RLCWA’s official position was in defense of the unborn. The failure of this resolution resulted in a mass exodus of members statewide, with more resignations promised in the coming days and weeks.  (See video of the 5-minute speech in favor of the resolution here.)

Over 30% of the membership in one of the most populous counties in WA either has already resigned or is expected to in the next 48 hours, including two founding members and an officer—leaving the county chapter defunct until the officer can be replaced.  Other members hailing from across the state are also compiling resignation letters in a move designed to drive home the message that pro-life members find principle more important than numbers.  The split could end up changing the face of the liberty movement in Washington State, as those who believe in life as the first and most necessary liberty, clash with those who claim that collaboration with pro-abortion members is necessary to grow membership numbers.


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