Antifa Prof Isaacson Promotes Violence, Meets Karma, Now May Lose Job [VIDEO]

Antifa Prof Isaacson Promotes Violence, Meets Karma, Now May Lose Job [VIDEO]

Antifa Prof Isaacson Promotes Violence, Meets Karma, Now May Lose Job [VIDEO]

Tucker Carlson interviews some real wackos on his Fox News Channel program. And last Thursday, the guy he interviewed was a real doozy.

His name is Michael Isaacson, and he’s a professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. He gives nutty professors everywhere a bad rap. I don’t know what was more disturbing about his appearance: his pencil neck or the dead squirrel hair that fell over his eye.


But even worse were his views. He supports Antifa, and promotes violence against anyone whom he deems a ‘fascist.’ And yet he teaches at a college of criminal justice. Let that sink in.

So in case you missed it, here’s the interview:

Well, one particular group became enraged at what Mr. Isaacson spouted on national television. So NYC’s largest police union did some digging into Isaacson’s social media. What they found was shocking.

Here’s what Isaacson posted on Twitter in August:

Then Isaacson followed up with this gem:

The union cops weren’t about to ignore the vile comments this mop-haired pissant posted on social media. So they demanded that Isaacson be fired. As union president Patrick Lynch said,

 “Michael Isaacson harbors total disdain for the active and future police officers that he teaches at John Jay College.”


Then on Friday, John Jay College put him on leave. President Karol Mason said his comments posed a danger to faculty and staff, adding:

“I am appalled that anyone associated with John Jay, with our proud history of supporting law enforcement authorities, would suggest that violence against police is ever acceptable.”

So how did Professor Antifa take the news?

At first, he scoffed at the controversy. “Oh, that shit? Everybody dies,” he told the New York Daily News.

Then Isaacson began to backpedal.

“I don’t have a problem with individual police officers — I mean, I teach them — but I don’t like policing as an institution. Police officers are agents of that institution.”

After ‘that shit’ hit the proverbial fan and he was put on leave, Isaacson became oh-so-contrite:

“I deeply apologize to the John Jay community for making them the target of death threats and harassment.”

Well, the apology tour didn’t last long. On Saturday, Isaacson lashed out, this time against NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio.

Bill de Blasio. Credit:

On Friday, de Blasio had posted this on Twitter:

Wow. You know you’re in deep too-doo when even an über-liberal mayor like de Blasio disses you. And then Isaacson spewed out his Saturday tweeter-tantrum:

Click to enlarge.

Right. Like any serious adult would buy that argle-bargle.

You know what, you cheapo Bill Ayers knockoff? I hope John Jay does more than suspend you. I hope they fire your scrawny ass. You should never be allowed the privilege of teaching again. You’re an arrogant scumbag who promotes the death of police — whom God knows get more than enough grief from clowns like you. But you know what’s truly ironic? If you were ever in danger, it’d be those cops whom you so despise who would save your disgusting life. So grow up, gain some humility, and for heaven’s sake cut that damned hair. And put on a turtle neck shirt.

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Kim is a pint-sized patriot who packs some big contradictions. She is a Baby Boomer who never became a hippie, an active Republican who first registered as a Democrat (okay, it was to help a sorority sister's father in his run for sheriff), and a devout Lutheran who practices yoga. Growing up in small-town Indiana, now living in the Kansas City metro, Kim is a conservative Midwestern gal whose heart is also in the Seattle area, where her eldest daughter, son-in-law, and grandson live. Kim is a working speech pathologist who left school system employment behind to subcontract to an agency, and has never looked back. She describes her conservatism as falling in the mold of Russell Kirk's Ten Conservative Principles. Don't know what they are? Google them!

  • comradewhoopie says:

    To quote a member of ISIS “This person (I don’t want to presume zit’s gender) has a lovely throat.”

  • parker says:

    Thanks for using “pissant” to label this pissant. Fully 20% of the residents in the land of the free are pissants.

  • Maryann says:

    So is being an obnoxious ass a requirement for being a college professor these days?

  • Isaacson may be a “cheapo Bill Ayers knockoff”, but Ayers –
    someone who should have danced Danny Deever for his terrorist activities – achieved a frightening degree of respectability and influence instead of paying for his crimes.

    I get a sick feeling that Isaacson is merely ahead of the curve in this case, and his views will be considered “mainstream” by progressives in the near future.

  • Kodos says:

    I could tie a knot in this scrawny bastard’s neck and still have neck leftover.

  • GWB says:

    “I deeply apologize to the John Jay community for making them the target of death threats and harassment.”

    That is the quintessential non-apology apology.

    [DeBlasio] has taken a swipe at free speech and academic freedom

    I don’t think you grasp “academic freedom”. It’s not carte blanche to be an a$$, nor to diminish the prestige of the school with something unrelated to your academic field.
    (And, I’m betting this guy’s economics are questionable, too.)

    [DeBlasio] has taken a swipe at the administrative autonomy of John Jay College and CUNY

    Isn’t “CUNY” “City University of New York”? If it belongs to the city, then why wouldn’t the mayor have something to say about it?

    Basically, I now question the value of any John Jay/CUNY degree.

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