Andrew Yang Calls Cartoon Of Him Racist, Is It?

Andrew Yang Calls Cartoon Of Him Racist, Is It?

The question before us today is whether the New York Daily News published a racist caricature by cartoonist Bill Bramhall about mayoral candidate Andrew Yang.

Progs Smear JROTC for Florida School Shooting. Because NRA. [VIDEO]

Progs Smear JROTC for Florida School Shooting. Because NRA. [VIDEO]

Progressives have found a new boogie man to accuse as complicit in the Parkland school shootings. Now it’s the school’s JROTC, with help from . . ….

Antifa Prof Isaacson Promotes Violence, Meets Karma, Now May Lose Job [VIDEO]

Antifa Prof Isaacson Promotes Violence, Meets Karma, Now May Lose Job [VIDEO]

Tucker Carlson interviews some real wackos on his Fox News Channel program. And last Thursday, the guy he interviewed was a real doozy. His name is Michael…

Trump 101, Part 4: Tabloids, and the Seduction of America

Trump 101, Part 4: Tabloids, and the Seduction of America

“He was born without the gene for shame.” So said Linda Stasi, reporter at the tabloid New York Daily News. It was October, 1993, and Donald Trump’s…

Quote of the Day: Bernie Sanders, Your Stoner College Roommate All Grown Up

Quote of the Day: Bernie Sanders, Your Stoner College Roommate All Grown Up

It still comes as a shock to most people that Bernie Sanders is still in the race. He started off seen as kind of a joke candidate…

Ted Cruz Rejected by Bronx H.S. Fascists

Ted Cruz Rejected by Bronx H.S. Fascists

In the latest “Snowflake” episode, a group of high school students in the Bronx Borough of New York City threatened to walk out of Fourth Period, if…

Wayne LaPierre is a Terrorist? New York Daily News More Unhinged Than Ever

Wayne LaPierre is a Terrorist? New York Daily News More Unhinged Than Ever

The New York Daily News is going for shock value, and they’re succeeding. However, as the shock factor rises, their credibility dives so deep into the irretrievable…

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Ava Gardner