Libs Smear Paul Ryan as a Rapist; Wish Rape on his Wife

Libs Smear Paul Ryan as a Rapist; Wish Rape on his Wife

We always knew liberals were unhinged; that much was never a secret. And while this kind of response to Paul Ryan’s comments on abortion last night aren’t surprising, it doesn’t make them any less vile.

Ryan’s comments last night on abortion were fairly uncontroversial, to anyone who actually paid attention to what he said. He said he approves of overturning Roe v. Wade, and contrary to popular belief, that does not outlaw abortion. Rather, it gives the states the authority to make their own rulings on abortion. He also said he opposes abortion due to his Catholic faith, except in cases of rape, incest, or where the mother’s life is in jeopardy. He also said that he and his wife nicknamed their oldest daughter “Bean” after seeing their first ultrasound, where she looked like a little bean.

Those innocuous comments brought on this filth and hatred.

  • @BlairJonathan
    Is it inappropriate to say “Let me rape Paul Ryan’s wife and let’s see if they decide to have that baby?” I don’t think so, or lets find out

  • @VIPlaymate
    if they were to ever get elected, i want someone to rape paul ryan wife and impregnate that bitch. Lets see if u want her to.keep it.

  • @Mucaro206
    Let someone rape and impregnate Ryan wife see how quick she thrown down a flight of steps

  • @blfobare
    I mean, beyond the obvious. Is there something seriously wrong with Ryan’s wife? She looks literally hysterical. Does he forcibly rape her?

  • @FollowSayed
    Paul Ryan is gonna violently rape his wife tonight….. Along with 5 other innocent people.
  • And that’s just a sampling. You can see even more here.

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    • Melissa says:

      Most Americans only listen to what they want to. He had to repeat twice what he believed his exceptions would be. It makes me sick that they would make this type of comment.

    • LD Jackson says:

      While liberals are blasting Paul Ryan and wishing someone would rape his wife, they completely ignore the obvious facts. If they would take the time to look at the statistics, they would find the number of abortions performed because of the reasons they cite, rape, incest, life of the mother, etc., is a very minute percentage of the total number of abortions that are performed in this country every year. But, since that doesn’t fit their narrative, they suppress that little tidbit of information.

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