Winston Marshall Obliterates Nancy’s ‘Populists Are Deplorables’ Argument

Winston Marshall Obliterates Nancy’s ‘Populists Are Deplorables’ Argument

Winston Marshall Obliterates Nancy’s ‘Populists Are Deplorables’ Argument

During a debate at Oxford in late April, Nancy Pelosi bluntly proclaimed that the populists are the deplorables. Her argument was resoundingly ripped apart by Winston Marshall.

Interestingly, her speech prior to the debate was interrupted by pro-Hamas supporters. 

Anti-Israel students interrupted a speech by former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi at an elite UK university Thursday — later calling her a “warmonger” while warning they “aren’t f–king around anymore.”

The 84-year-old California Democrat was speaking to the Oxford Union when the two smartly dressed students stood up in front of the congresswoman with a Palestinian flag, with others booing when they realized what was happening.

Pelosi — who called for peace in Gaza during her speech — continued trying to speak as the pair awkwardly stood in front of her at the podium, before they were booted by police, with the audience now applauding their removal, according to the Telegraph.

I’m sure Nancy wasn’t thrilled by their rudeness. However, it was the debate with Winston Marshall later on that is finally gaining attention. The theme of the debate was “This House Believes Populism Is A Threat To Democracy.”

According to Nancy, the populists are the real threat to Democracy. Her speech, which was hard to follow at times because she kept leaning away from the microphone and waving her arm madly around, overtly and covertly slammed Donald Trump and blatantly insulted every American who doesn’t vote the way SHE thinks they should. 

Isn’t that terrific? Those of us who believe our government should be working FOR us are just ignorant rubes clinging bitterly to our guns and God, who are incapable of rational thought let alone critical thinking! 

Nancy also claimed it’s the populists who are threatening the independence of the Supreme Court. I’ll admit, I started laughing at that one. Democrats, including Nancy herself, have been screaming to the high heavens since Dobbs that the Supreme Court needs to be reorganized because the court isn’t ruling the way that DEMOCRATS want! Tell me again that the common people are the threat to this Republic? 

But nooo… according to Nancy, our desires to have a government work FOR us, have government stop intruding into our lives, track parents who dare speak out against egregious and dangerous school policies, stop the land grabs, and stop the executive orders that go against the law (student loans), makes US the threat to Democracy. 

What is the actual meaning of populism? According to Webster’s Dictionary it is: 

A member of a political party claiming to represent the common people


A believer in the rights, wisdom, or virtues of the common people. 

American Heritage Dictionary describes populism thusly:

A political philosophy supporting the rights and power of the people in their struggle against the privileged elite.

That was Nancy’s entire premise through her speech at the debate. ‘I know better than they do, but the people are just too ignorant to realize my brilliance. Thus they are the real threat to democracy.’ 

Winston Marshall, formerly of Mumford & Sons, who left the band after supporting Andy Ngo, brilliantly decimated Nancy’s arguments.

Marshall argued at the April 25 debate that the meaning of the word “populist” has been changed by “elites [who] have failed” to align with their own narrative.

“‘Populism’ has become a word used synonymously with ‘racist.’ We’ve heard ‘ethno-nationalist,’ we have ‘bigot,’ we have ‘hillbilly,’ ‘redneck,’ we have ‘deplorable,’” Marshall said. Pelosi had argued in her remarks that contemporary American populism currently had an ethno-nationalist character.

“Elites use it to show their contempt for ordinary people,” Marshall said.

Remember Hillary’s ‘basket of deplorables’ comment? How about Michelle Obama’s ‘for the first time I’m proud of my country’ remark? How about Nancy eating pricey ice cream and telling Americans in lockdown that she knows our pain, while forcing her hair dresser to open up during Covid so she could get a wash and set? 

Evidently, Nancy was NOT a fan of Winston’s counterpoint. In fact, she actually interrupted him twice. Once as he talked about January 6 AND the damage done (billions in fact) during the George Floyd riots in 2020. Would Nancy agree that both events were dark days for America? NOPE!

At that point, Pelosi raised her hand and said: “There is no equivalence there. . . . It is not like what happened on January 6th, which was an insurrection incited by the President of the United States.”

“My point, though, is that all political movements are susceptible to violence and, indeed, insurrection,” Marshall said. “Populism is not a threat to democracy. Populism is democracy. And why else have universal suffrage if not to keep elites in check?”

The second time, she actually ended up making Winston Marshall’s point by agreeing that the 2016 election was hijacked! 

It is well worth your time to watch Winston Marshall’s 14 minute speech. 

Pay close attention to his points concerning elections, farmer revolts, the Big Tech issues, and more. Heck, pay close attention to all of his speech.

The results of the vote literally makes Winston’s point. Nancy believes we populists are deplorables, and so do the elites at Oxford.

Feature Photo Credit: Nancy Pelosi by Gage Skidmore at Flickr, cropped and modified

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  • Scott says:

    “A little revolution now and then is a good thing”… The Tree of Liberty is getting thirsty…

  • Kaden Cheng says:

    Dear Nancy, given your age and apparent mental health you will soon meet the God of us rubes you rail so loudly about and you can explain your position to Him. Good luck with that.

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