We Don’t Need No Stinking Fighter Jets, Just Free Stuff! [VIDEO]

We Don’t Need No Stinking Fighter Jets, Just Free Stuff! [VIDEO]

We Don’t Need No Stinking Fighter Jets, Just Free Stuff! [VIDEO]

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez knows just how to pay for her socialist agenda — like cutting the military. Because we don’t need no stinking new fighter jets! We just want Free Stuff!

She showed up on Trevor Noah’s “The Daily Show” to expound:

“Then the last key, which is extremely extremely important is re-prioritization. Just last year we gave the military a $700 billion budget increase, which they didn’t even ask for. They’re like, ‘We don’t want another fighter jet!’ They’re like, ‘Don’t give us another nuclear bomb,’ you know?”

Well honey, like, we do need new fighter jets, along with a lot of other military hardware. You know?

Like, you know, new fast attack submarines. We’ve got subs that were originally intended to operate for 30 years being extended to 42 years. Moreover, the Air Force is flying aircraft with an average age of 27 years, and the Army needs to replace its tracked vehicles.

USS San Francisco leaves Bremerton shipyard. Credit: Kitsap Sun.

Now you wouldn’t want to take a road trip in a car that’s, say, 15 years old, right? Yet Ocasio-Cortez says it’s okay to give our military forces aging equipment to defend the nation. Because. . . socialism! And Free Stuff!

Furthermore, her statement that the military “didn’t even ask for” a budget increase is pure BS. At a retreat in February, Defense Secretary James Mattis said he needs a 3-5 percent increase over inflation to rebuild readiness in our forces:

“I’m not subtle. . . I need to make the military more lethal.”

And you don’t make the military more lethal by giving away Free Stuff instead, do you.

But Ocasio-Cortez did tell Noah how she plans to pay for all the Free Stuff. And that’s . . . ding, ding, ding. . . tax the rich! Why, it’s the old socialist mantra!

“So we’ve got $2 trillion from folks paying their fair share, which they weren’t paying before the Trump tax bill. They weren’t paying that before the Trump tax bill. If we get people to pay their fair share, that’s $2 trillion in 10 years.”

Oh wait — there’s more! We’ll impose a carbon tax, too!

“Now if we implement a carbon tax on top of that, so that we can transition and financially incentivize people away from fossil fuels, if we implement a carbon tax — that’s an additional amount, a large amount of revenue that we can have.”

Sadly, there are braindead nimrods in Ocasio-Cortez’s voting district who think every word she spews is gold, and that socialism is awesome. Although they’re not quite so glib in explaining how all that Free Stuff will be paid for:

Now you know that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will be the next Congressperson from her New York-14 district; in fact, she even won a write-in primary in the neighboring 15th district. That area is bluer than that Dory fish in Finding Nemo — and just as dumb. Maybe even dumber.

But this is what happens when Democrats promise Free Stuff to people who have All The Feelz but little concept about how responsibility, duty, and honor work.

Written by

Kim is a pint-sized patriot who packs some big contradictions. She is a Baby Boomer who never became a hippie, an active Republican who first registered as a Democrat (okay, it was to help a sorority sister's father in his run for sheriff), and a devout Lutheran who practices yoga. Growing up in small-town Indiana, now living in the Kansas City metro, Kim is a conservative Midwestern gal whose heart is also in the Seattle area, where her eldest daughter, son-in-law, and grandson live. Kim is a working speech pathologist who left school system employment behind to subcontract to an agency, and has never looked back. She describes her conservatism as falling in the mold of Russell Kirk's Ten Conservative Principles. Don't know what they are? Google them!

  • SFC D says:

    “Just last year we gave the military a $700 billion budget increase, which they didn’t even ask for.”

    Negative. The military did NOT get a $700 billion budget increase. $700 billion IS the budget.

    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is either a liar, or too incredibly stupid to serve as anything but an example of wasted college tuition.

  • GWB says:

    which they didn’t even ask for.
    Well, that’s not exactly true. The old global military strategy was predicated on not getting extra funding, and their budget request is based on that. Once they were given new direction, they came up with a better strategy – and needed the funds they had been given.

    the Air Force is flying aircraft with an average age of 27 years
    Oh, it’s a HELL of a lot worse than that. Because of the B1… issues, and the B2 having a very short lifespan, and the newest strategic bomber not being in the pipeline yet, AND the fact that all our stealth stuff still doesn’t deliver a similar payload, the B-52 lifecycle will be extended until ~2050 or 2060. Which means it will be a ~90+ year old aircraft when it comes offline.
    I personally knew a guy who was the 3rd generation of his family to fly in the BUFF – and that was 27 years ago.
    The KC-135 is ~61 this year (ones flying are generally a little younger, at ~53+).

    Now you wouldn’t want to take a road trip in a car that’s, say, 15 years old, right?
    I got no problem with that. As long as it’s been maintained adequately.

    paying their fair share, which they weren’t paying before the Trump tax bill
    Whoah. So she not only endorsed Trump’s tax act, but says blue staters should get screwed by the SALT cap?!? How’s that gonna go over in Westchester?!

    that’s $2 trillion in 10 years
    Which will barely make a dent in paying for your idiotic proposals. Which you should know from your economics classes.
    Deficit for the month of May 2018 was $147 Billion. And that money you mentioned works out to … &lt $17 billion per month. So, a bit over 10% of the deficit.

    Even if you taxed the “rich” 100%, you couldn’t pay for the profligate spending of this country’s government.

    Best way to stop this madness is to repeal the withholding laws. Require EVERYONE to pay their taxes, all in one lump sum, in cash or check, the Thursday before the first Tuesday (after the first Monday) in November. That gives everyone the weekend to build up their hatred against big gov’t as we proceed into national elections. (SS and Medicare, too – but in separate payments!)

    • GWB says:

      (Huh, my browser doesn’t display the tildes well once the comment has posted.)

    • Cameron says:

      Even if you taxed the “rich” 100%

      At that point the average socialist stops paying attention and they get this dreamy look in their eyes.

  • Skid Marx says:

    We need a powerhouse military like Venezuela has, comrade. Forward!
    To each according to his needs, workers of the world unite.
    Everyone gets free ice cream.

  • Skid Marx says:

    *Off Topic Alert*

    While reading a great editorial on Comrade Kommissarina Evita Perez I found this:


  • Scott says:

    This is a perfect example of why people who get all their support from the govt (I’m not talking govt. workers, pensions, disability, etc, those are EARNED), should NOT be allowed to vote, as it is a direct conflict of interest. As soon as they find gainful employment, then they regain the ability to vote…

  • Brian Brandt says:

    They actually named a U.S. Navy sub after San Francisco?

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