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waterboarding: more hypocrisy from the left

waterboarding: more hypocrisy from the left

is waterboarding terrorists torture or is it a necessary tool in interrogation used to save lives?

i wasn’t going to write on this today but i got annoyed at some of the sanctimonious and utterly disconnected comments made by those on the left here and here about the so-called ‘torture’ technique of waterboarding.


libtards demonstrating waterboarding

here’s the deal about the interrogation techniques we used after 9/11. they worked. they saved lives. they foiled plots that would have killed many more americans.

the self righteous left that thinks anyone should be prosecuted because of the use of ‘enhanced interrogation techniques’ which included: waterboarding (only 3 terrorists received this), slapping, sleep deprivation, dietary limitations, and temporary confinement to small spaces (and in at least 1 case with a bug).

these techniques protected you and me.

the time following 9/11 was a very scary time. do you remember? we were doing all we could to try to find those who planned the attacks and at the same time protect all of us at home.

so we catch khalid sheikh mohammed, the top terrorist planner of 9/11. we know he knows a lot because of information gathered on his computer. he tells us that we will soon see another 9/11.

those are the conditions that the CIA agents and the bush administration found themselves in. because of waterboarding this murdering terrorist and 2 of his buddies (a technique our own seals are trained in by the way), we saved people in L.A. (and ourselves) from a second 9/11 from al qaeda.

the self righteous left says it’s cruel. inhumane. barbaric. all the while they shout ‘we are better then that!’

yep, americans are pretty decent, kindhearted, and generous. there are thousand of things you the liberal, or i the conservative, would never ever do under normal circumstances. but if someone breaks into your home and threatens your loved one with a gun right in front of you, suddenly there are a thousand things we would do.

and if you say ‘not true’, you are lying.

of course president bush had a choice. he could have walked that ‘no torture’ line that some left wingers advocate or he could have made these careful and sacrificial choices which prevented more mass murders at the hands of al qaeda.

if he had chosen to not use the enhanced interrogation techniques on the three terrorists and we had another 9/11, we wouldn’t be talking about prosecuting the bush administration for torture, we would be talking about prosecuting bush for not keeping us safe.


oh and i forgot but thanks to ted for reminding me…

happy earth day!

seriously, we all want a cleaner place to inhabit. so go pick up some trash or take that pile of newspapers in the garage to the recycling center and yes, you can drive your suv to do it.

help save our planet, one guilt trip at a time. heh.

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  • PenniePan says:

    Somehow I knew you would be posting on this today. Ugh. This is a classic example of the very the worst kind of decisions made for highly charged, emotional reasons.

    This is torture. Every free country on the face of the earth recognizes it as so. It really is a matter of time before Bush and his cronies are frog-marched to jail.

  • micky says:

    “the time following 9/11 was a very scary time. do you remember? we were doing all we could to try to find those who planned the attacks and at the same time protect all of us at home.”

    Not to mention that our intelligence gathering at that time sucked thanks to the Clinton admin. for leaving us with practically nothing.
    Prosecuting Bush and co. ? Obama never should of even brought this up. Mentioning it alone never mind even starting an investigation is a clear sign that this man is not thinking. The blow back from him even “attempting” to going thru with this would make him the laughing stock of the planet. He quickly but not soon enough realized this so he went another flip and backed off saying Holder will decide if this goes forward or not.
    Saying that was yet another display of idiocy. Does he really think the American public is not aware that any go ahed Holder gets has to come from him ?
    if he cant protect us from our enemy he renders himself just as dangerous

  • Ted says:

    WASHINGTON – President Obama’s national intelligence director told colleagues in a private memo last week that the harsh interrogation techniques banned by the White House did produce significant information that helped the nation in its struggle with terrorists.

    “High value information came from interrogations in which those methods were used and provided a deeper understanding of the al Qa’ida organization that was attacking this country,” Adm. Dennis C. Blair, the intelligence director, wrote in a memo to his staff last Thursday.

    Admiral Blair sent his memo on the same day the administration publicly released secret Bush administration legal memos authorizing the use of interrogation methods that the Obama White House has deemed to be illegal torture. Among other things, the Bush administration memos revealed that two captured Qaeda operatives were subjected to a form of near-drowning known as waterboarding a total of 266 times.

    Admiral Blair’s assessment that the interrogation methods did produce important information was deleted from a condensed version of his memo released to the media last Thursday. Also deleted was a line in which he empathized with his predecessors who originally approved some of the harsh tactics after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

    “I like to think I would not have approved those methods in the past,” he wrote, “but I do not fault those who made the decisions at that time, and I will absolutely defend those who carried out the interrogations within the orders they were given.”



    Slow Roll Time At Langley

    By David Ignatius
    Wednesday, April 22, 2009

    At the Central Intelligence Agency, it’s known as “slow rolling.” That’s what agency officers sometimes do on politically sensitive assignments. They go through the motions; they pass cables back and forth; they take other jobs out of the danger zone; they cover their backsides.

    Sad to say, it’s slow roll time at Langley after the release of interrogation memos that, in the words of one veteran officer, “hit the agency like a car bomb in the driveway.” President Obama promised CIA officers that they won’t be prosecuted for carrying out lawful orders, but the people on the firing line don’t believe him. They think the memos have opened a new season of investigation and retribution.

    The lesson for younger officers is obvious: Keep your head down. Duck the assignments that carry political risk. Stay away from a counterterrorism program that has become a career hazard.

    Obama tried personally to reassure the CIA workforce during a visit to Langley on Monday. He said all the right things about the agency’s clandestine role. But it had the look of a campaign event, with employees hooting and hollering and the president reading from his teleprompter with a backdrop of stars that commemorate the CIA’s fallen warriors. By yesterday, Obama was deferring to the attorney general whether to prosecute “those who formulated those legal decisions,” whatever that means.



    Dear Leader is more interested in pushing an agenda than doing what’s right. Typical lib.

    BTW to commemorate this day, I’ve driving my humongo 3-mpg bus with the spotted owl leather seats and baby seal hubcaps to the store to buy ONE stick of gum, then I’m changing the oil and pouring the used oil in the creek that’s downstream from my property line but on the part that’s owned by this liberal enviro quack (Oil comes from the earth and should be returned to the earth). After that, I’m planning to pave Paradise and put up a parking lot. Happy Erf Day!!

  • Jane says:

    I think Pennie that the more average Americans pay attention to these memos and the horrible practices inflicted, the more chance for an investigation and possible charges to be brought against the former administration. That will be a vindicating moment for all of us who have hated every second of the Bush administration’s 8 years.

  • Eric says:

    “The self righteous left says it’s cruel. inhumane. barbaric. all the while they shout ‘we are better then that!'”

    In my mind, the key question is this: just what would all of you who support this practice say if the person strapped to the board was an American soldier, and the guy with the watering can was a member of Al Qaeda? Could this issue be any simpler than that?

  • micky says:

    Hes already working on the next election Ted.
    Hes catering to the BDS ers, its still a viable tool for a while so he’ll get everything he can out of it by inciting the anger they’ve always got stored up for something.
    What better way to rally the lemmings than to draw up a Bush lynching ?
    The econmony will fail, (even more) our enemies will come after us, Pakistan will be taken over by the Taliban so what better distraction than something that will take years to carry out.
    But I digress because what really happened was that he realized after picturing the magnitude of such a fiasco with all its potential to backlash that his hate got ahead of him on this one

  • micky says:

    “In my mind, the key question is this: just what would all of you who support this practice say if the person strapped to the board was an American soldier, and the guy with the watering can was a member of Al Qaeda? Could this issue be any simpler than that?”

    Reality and history dictate that this event would more than likely never happen.
    The american soldier would be put through far worse if not killed.
    I’ve yet to hear of one soldier coming back from enemy detaiment complaing of anything besides a missing head.

    Tell me Eric, when the last time you heard of an American soldier being subjected to the same treatment we offer our enemies ?
    Far far worse things happen to our soldiers when they are captured.
    Wise up.

  • PenniePan says:

    Jane & Eric: after the investigation (and yes I believe it’s coming too), the key question I want answered is whether the torture memos were asked for to cover torture that was already going on, pre-memo. Were the memos therefore designed specifically to provide legal cover for Rumsfeld and Cheney’s program that was already in progress? Like suddenly they realized that they could get in real trouble and wanted a get out of jail free card. This was the most corrupt administration in history and I put nothing past them.

  • micky says:

    Yea, for bunch of guys that had always been called blooming idiots these guys were pretty smart, damn. They already blew up the towers without getting caught so you just know they’re gonna get away with this too.
    I guess thats why Cheny has been all over the air waves in the last week admitting to and defending his and the administrations actions ?


  • Ted says:

    The more average Americans hear what happened the more they’ll learn that, in fact, these techinques did extract info that thwarted further attacks from taking place and allowed the CIA to learn more about the al-Qaeda organization at a time when we needed to know a lot in a very short period. I’d put that up against Dear Leader’s cherry-picked info release anyday.

    And anyone who claims they want charges brought up against the Bush administration, you might as well be saying you want blood in the streets, because the wheels will have been set in motion for it to happen within a relatively short time, as time goes. A USA modeled after what the modern-day left would like it to be wouldn’t really be America, would have nothing to do with the Constitution and what the founding fathers envisioned, certainly wouldn’t be worth fighting for in the least, and would be best relegated to the dust-bin of history. Oh well, no one ever said the USA would last forever. The 2nd Amendment is a good thing.

    >>micky said: Hes catering to the BDS ers, its still a viable tool for a while so he’ll get everything he can out of it by inciting the anger they’ve always got stored up for something.

    True dat.

    The best thing the Dem party could do in the long run both for themselves and for the country is to tell the, Code Pink, DKos, DU, BDS types to take a hike, that they’re no longer welcome or wanted in the country, much less the Dem party. There’s never been a group more deserving of being sent into the political wilderness with no voice than that group of trash. But the Dems have latched themselves onto these America haters and now can’t live without their support.

  • BikerDan says:

    Hey kids before you lick your chops raw at buying front row tickets to President Bush’s hanging, you might want to understand that there is proof that good, solid actionable intelligence has been gotten from the interrogation of al Qaeda terrorists which PREVENTED FUTURE ATTACKS ON AMERICAN SOIL.

    There isn’t a jury in the country that would convict Bush administration or CIA officials. Keep conjuring though, it’s amusing.

  • What is obvious is that if the tables had been turned, this 7th-century savage KSM would have been chopping our heads off while making a video of it. Irresponsible grandstanding on the left is to be ignored, these people don’t know -or don’t want to know- what it takes to keep America safe… nor do they understand the nature of the enemy, apparently.

    And waterboarding is not a near-drowning technique- the subject is never in danger of drowning. Water boarding is not torture- there is no physical harm to the subject.

    Kahlid Sheikh Mohammed is a BAD guy, wouldn’t talk, and was taunting US interrogators with “you’ll see”… so they obtained valuable info from him using this technique, which we now find-out prevented a 9/11-scale attack on Los Angeles. Who cares how many times it took?

    It was up to him how long before he decided to cooperate, didn’t have to be this way- looks like he clung stubbornly to a bad decision.

  • spooooky says:

    instead of terrorists let’s waterboard the pundits…KATE.

  • Ken says:

    Poor neo-socialists. Keep dreaming about an indictment and prosecution of Bush officials, because that’s all it will ever be…a dream.

    Apparently there are some within the Obama administration who have the guts to admit that the technique worked.

    “President Obama’s national intelligence director told colleagues in a private memo last week that the harsh interrogation techniques banned by the White House did produce significant information that helped the nation in its struggle with terrorists.”

    Ouch!! That’s gotta hurt! Not to mention this little bit of information from the “most transparent administration in history”:

    “Admiral Blair’s assessment that the interrogation methods did produce important information was deleted from a condensed version of his memo released to the media last Thursday. Also deleted was a line in which he empathized with his predecessors who originally approved some of the harsh tactics after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.”

    Gosh, why would they do that? Obviously, because anybody with an ounce of sense knows that the release of these memos is meant to do nothing but take attention of of Obama’s actions. It’s just a shame that so many Americans, including the liberals who post here, are so willing to be a part of the propaganda.

  • Ken says:

    Pity them BikerDan, its all they have. Their hatred has not even subsided even after he has left the White House. My guess is that its because they could not vote Bush out, nor could they impeach him out, so they’ve got to cling to something.

    So sad.

    Another reason you’ll never see such investigations is because it would reveal how many prominent democrats knew about these techniques and did nothing. True to liberal form, they won’t mind the harsh techniques, because they know they work, as long as they don’t have to be responsible for them. Cowardice at its best.

  • lisab says:

    it would be well for the dem toadies to remember that these techniques were developed, used and refined by the JFK administration

  • spooooky says:

    Can you imagine waterboarding Glenn Beck?


  • Jared says:

    Oh please. If torture “worked,” that wouldn’t make what the Bush administration did any better. He started a damn war for chrissakes!

    Human rights means drawing lines that may not be breached for any reason. Torture is one of those lines, just like rape, just like summary executions. They are never acceptable under any circumstances.

    If these lines were actually enforced, were never ever breached for any reason, then the world would be a much better place. Otherwise we’d be stuck with dozens of governments around the planet that always can find some reason to cross the lines, some alleged national security threat, some pressing issue, to torture, rape, or kill.

    Sometimes it drives you crazy when a criminal or even a terrorist has to be treated like a human being. But if we don’t treat them like human beings, then we risk becoming monsters… like George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Karl Rove.

  • Ken says:

    “If these lines were actually enforced, were never ever breached for any reason, then the world would be a much better place.”

    So, Jared, you feel a world in which thousands of innocent civilians burn to death and are trapped in collapsing buildings is better than a world in which a terrorist has a method that leaves no scars or permanent damage on him?

    And they wonder why we’re so afraid of having them in charge.

  • Rope says:

    If these lines were actually enforced, were never ever breached for any reason, then the world would be a much better place.

    Sometimes it drives you crazy when a criminal or even a terrorist has to be treated like a human being. But if we don’t treat them like human beings, then we risk becoming monsters… like George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Karl Rove.

    Well personally I don’t think the people who commit these terrorist acts are human. What would you have done with Kahlid Sheikh Mohammed, Jared? Play patty cakes or go fish with him, feed him doritos and bean dip then ask him pretty please. I bet most of the citizens of Los Angeles are glad we used what we did to get information from him.

    So grow up and put your big boy panties on. These people are terrorist who would like nothing better than a repeat of 9/11. And do this, pray to GOD that releasing all this information and making statements about prosecuting the very people that kept us safe for 7 1/2 years doesn’t come back and bite” the one” in his arse.

  • Ted says:

    Must be nice to live in a world of lollypops and unicorns.

    It’s not the real world, but by all means please keep dreaming and believing it’s possible. In the meanwhile, the rest of us would rather take the proper precautions and do whatever is necessary to save lives.

    If this country were nothing but libs, it’d take an hour to name all the countries who could invade and make slaves out of everyone of them without firing a shot. They’re worst that pacifists.

  • micky says:

    “Oh please. If torture “worked,” that wouldn’t make what the Bush administration did any better. He started a damn war for chrissakes! ”

    I notice you don’t state whether or not the torture actually saved lives or not.
    You use the word “IF” with the premise that you know for a fact that it doesn’t work ? Contrary to whatever your belief, opinion, or suspicion is the fact is that it has been proven to work many times. Granted, there are times when its produced and then again the former director of the CIA swears vehemently that it does.
    I’ll take the word of those who no doubt carry a little more credibility than you.
    Technically George Bush and both houses of congress did not start any war at all. Saddam Hussein had ample warning as to what consequences would ensue should he carry out certain behavior and violate sanctions leaned on him as part of the peace treaty resulting from his surrender. This is why the votes to go to war were almost unanimous. With or without WMDs there was still every legal, moral and ethical reason to go after him.

    “Human rights means drawing lines that may not be breached for any reason. Torture is one of those lines, just like rape, just like summary executions. They are never acceptable under any circumstances.”

    Not in war. We all have the right to live. But if some man is willing to deprive you of that right its incumbent upon you to defend those lives he threatens if you’re a sworn officer of the military or administration.

    If your mother was being raped and some guy knew where and when what would you do ?
    Get it right.

    “If these lines were actually enforced, were never ever breached for any reason, then the world would be a much better place.”

    Dont pay any attention to that man behind the curtain.

    “Sometimes it drives you crazy when a criminal or even a terrorist has to be treated like a human being. But if we don’t treat them like human beings, then we risk becoming monsters… like George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Karl Rove.”

    Sorry man, speak for yourself. It wouldn’t drive me crazy because I wouldn’t think of treating monsters like human beings.
    You yourself just made it abundantly clear that there’s a difference since you never treated Bush, Cheny, Rove, or Rumsfeld like humans from the start. You gave then no benefit of the doubt like you would our enemy, right ?
    So what is it ? Whos the real monster ?

  • lisab says:

    these prisoners are not missing any fingers or toes or eyes … they were not injured … water was not forced up their nose like what the japanese did.

    but if you don’t like it you can start by first declaring JFK and LBJ war criminals. they did far worse.

  • Anyone here ever heard of SERE?

    It’s the acronym for Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape. It’s the training program given to any member of our military, in any branch, who would be considered “high risk of capture” – like fighter pilots, special forces, etc…

    Part of SERE includes waterboarding. So…do we torture our own military? Hardly.

    Waterboarding is not torture – it’s a very effective means of gathering critical information that we may not be able to get otherwise.

    Information that saves lives. P.BO has done a grave disservice to the security of this nation by releasing these memos. And an even graver disservice to the actions of our military by not releasing all the memos. P.BO is a master of the spin game – only telling part of the story to suit his own desires. Release all the memos and we’ll see just how much valuable information was obtained – and how many threats to the lives of our citizens were neutralized.

    P.BO claims to be non-partisan – when his every action illustrates more clearly every day just how far left he will go to get what he wants.

  • Dade Cariaga says:

    Late breaking development: According to Major Charles Burney, people working for Big Dick and Rummy employed these “enhanced interrogation techniques” to establish a non-existent link between al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein.

    Read about it here:

    This is big. We are finally getting the evidence that shows, indisputably, that the Bush administration wanted war with Iraq no matter what. This shows that they were willing to lie and torture in order to make that happen.

    And, as far as these methods “keeping us safe,” the Constitution is what keeps us safe. Among other things, the Constitution keeps us safe from torture.

    This is big and it’s going to bring down some big names. The last vestiges of legitimacy are even now being stripped away from the Bush administration.

    For my part, I say give them a fair trial. Then hang them.

  • micky says:

    Dade, that was lame. There’s nothing “indisputable” in that article whatsoever.
    All that article says is that the CIA and other intelligence officials were instructed to “find” links between Saddam and Al Queda. It doesn’t say they were instructed to fabricate or manufacture any “non existent” links between Al Queda and Saddam.
    Its all speculative bias crap that’s made up of cherry picked quotes over the years with at least one point in each paragraph that I could chew up and spit out in my sleep
    With or without a link between Al Queda and Saddam we still had many other justifiable reasons to go to war.

    “according to a former senior U.S. intelligence official and a former Army psychiatrist:”

    Who ??? I like the way they use anonymous sources thinking that we’ll just take some boogey mans word for it.

    “the Bush administration applied relentless pressure on interrogators to use harsh methods on detainees in part to find evidence of cooperation between al Qaida and the late Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein’s regime”

    What’s considered “harsh” ? Listening to Barry Manilow ? And tell me, why shouldn’t they look for a link between the two ? We were looking for links everywhere, not just to Saddam but anyone else in the middle east or the world for that matter that could be assisting or cooperating with our enemies, it just makes good sense. Dont you agree ?

    I looked around and found another moonbat website just as excited about all this as you are that lacks the same crucial component of actually proving that Bush and Cheny wanted evidence that was fabricated. All they asked for was proof of the connection and nowhere does it say they demanded such evidence regardless of what the interrogations rendered.

    ” former senior U.S. intelligence official familiar with the interrogation issue said that Cheney and former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld demanded that the interrogators find evidence of al Qaida-Iraq collaboration.”

    Yes, “evidence” is what they were instructed to find. Not a fabrication.

    “The main one is that everyone was worried about some kind of follow-up attack (after 9/11). But for most of 2002 and into 2003, Cheney and Rumsfeld, especially, were also demanding proof of the links between al Qaida and Iraq that (former Iraqi exile leader Ahmed) Chalabi and others had told them were there.”

    What the hell do you expect us to do when we have an exiled member such as Chalabi telling us that there in fact was such a connection ? Leave it alone ? Had we done that I’m sure you and your contemptuous little gang would of held that against Bush also

    Relax Dade, it’ll never happen, this witch hunt will get no further than the one Obama is contemplating. There’s just way too much embarrassment and blow back at stake for him and the party should they follow thru on any of it. Once all the dots are connected and discovery starts taking place the democrats wont want to be anywhere near either one of these investigations.

  • Dade Cariaga says:

    Well, Micky.

    Let’s just see what happens. AG Holder is almost compelled, at this point, to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the matter.

    Let’s just see what comes out of it.

  • MAS1916 says:

    really nice picture you put with this piece. Note the ring on the one guys finger…. would this be something Al Qaeda would wear?

  • kate says:


    as i identified in the caption under the picture it was a ‘demonstration’ by a left wing group.

    i am not responsible for liberals’ bad taste in jewelry. heh. thanks for visiting.

  • Ted says:

    “Mark down the date. Tuesday, April 21, 2009, is the moment that any chance of a new era of bipartisan respect in Washington ended. By inviting the prosecution of Bush officials for their antiterror legal advice, President Obama has injected a poison into our politics that he and the country will live to regret.

    AFP/Getty ImagesPolicy disputes, often bitter, are the stuff of democratic politics. Elections settle those battles, at least for a time, and Mr. Obama’s victory in November has given him the right to change policies on interrogations, Guantanamo, or anything on which he can muster enough support. But at least until now, the U.S. political system has avoided the spectacle of a new Administration prosecuting its predecessor for policy disagreements. This is what happens in Argentina, Malaysia or Peru, countries where the law is treated merely as an extension of political power.


    This article is correct. Head down that road, and the next time a Republican administration is in office, and it will happen, then the BHO administration will be put on trial (maybe) and executed. Say hello to the modern day version of Caesar and the Praetorian Guard. But, if that’s what one wants, then by all means go for it.

  • micky says:

    ” Let’s just see what happens. AG Holder is almost compelled, at this point, to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the matter.

    Let’s just see what comes out of it.”

    I noticed you cant refute that your sources are all built on a house of cards and yet your willing to “see what comes out of it”. Good luck, thats the only thing going for you.
    Holder ?
    The only thing that would compell him would be (!) if there was actually any evidence that the clear intent was to mislead the American people or steer congressional votes and (2) he’d have to perform a Houdini with all his dirty laundry.
    You guys have tried so many angles at impeaching Bush and failed that one more failed attempt is not worth the tarring and feathering Obama and staff would get if this didnt pan out. Which I’ll bet good money it wont.
    All this is, is just another lame bloodlust driven campaign meant keep up the temperature within the BDSers camp . No matter what, you guys just cant be happy, its not in your DNA to be happy so you keep conjuring up all theses fake scenarios built on hate and speculation.
    You couldnt get Bush on the 01 election, the inside job he supposedly pulled off on 911, Katrina, lying to go to war, his Nast Guard service, etc… None of it worked so now all you’re left with is to start going back and turning over stones in hopes something will pop up you can use against him.
    Obama has stated that he wants to unite the country, reach across the aisle and bla bla bla. If he goes forward with any of these investigations having to do with intelligence leading up to the war, torture or percieved cover ups the partisan divide in this country will be like nothing weve ever seen.
    I hardly see how what hes doing is going to bring anyone together except for the lunatic fringe bloodthirsty haters whithin your party.

  • Ken says:

    Don’t worry, I’m sure the ones screaming for Bush’s head will also call for an investigation into Clinton since rendition and easvedropping started on his watch…….right??? I mean, if America is TRULY an open nation and we want to be respected by the world we surely would want ALL wrongdoing corrected…..right??

  • Ted says:

    How many times has this “Chimpeachment” thing come up over the past 8 years? Yet the little goons fall for it everytime.

    It’s always fun to watch Lucy pull the ball away when Charlie Brown runs to kick it.

  • Dade Cariaga says:

    The investigations are going to go forward. But here’s my prediction:

    Eventually, Republicans in Congress are going to start breaking in two different directions.

    On the one side will be those who continue to defend the Bush administration and, specifically, Rummy and Big Dick.

    On the other side will be those who decide that trying to defend Bush bigwigs is not worth the political price that will be exacted upon them.

    Bush himself will probably get off by using the clown defense. Much like Reagan did with Iran-Contra: “Aw, shucks, I’m just a dumbass. I didn’t know they were doing all these things.” But, already, Condi Rice is facing perjury charges for her “creative” testimony before the Armed Services Committee last fall. And when she’s staring down the barrel of the gun, I predict she’ll start singing like a canary.

    Big Dick is in real trouble and he knows it. That’s why he’s been showing up on Hannity, growling and grumbling. Problem for him is this: he’s hated. He has no public sympathy. Even the GOP knows it. And that’s why the Republican congresspersons will eventually abandon him to his fate. Same with Rummy.

    Americans don’t like torture. Water-boarding is illegal. The United States tried, convicted, and executed officers of the Imperial Japanese Army after WWII for water-boarding US prisoners.

    I’m going to enjoy this.

  • micky says:

    So, you’re going to depend on your own hopes ?
    I guess the past lessons I mentioned dont matter but hey, when did liberals ever learn from mistakes past ?

    Heres my prediction.
    If Obama goes forward with this the next republican administration will start a score card now to be used against him the next time we have a rep. majority and executive. At the top of the list will be Obamas treasoness act of releasing these memos. If we suffer an attack on his watch due to that release you can bet everyone from Napolitano to his wife will get dragged in front of a commision.
    Yea, Its only been three months and shes already being asked to step down.
    If this is how things are going to be for the next 4 years you can bet that laundry list is going to be longer than my arm bro.
    This aint going nowhere.
    Right now the biggest 2 questions you’re hearing on the hill are why hasnt Obama put a lid on this already ? Its insanity. The other question is who the hell is Leahy and why do we have George Soros and him being the ones feeding this ?
    The whole thing is starting to stink for the dems and it would be wise for them to quit while they’re ahead.

  • micky says:

    “Big Dick is in real trouble and he knows it. That’s why he’s been showing up on Hannity, growling and grumbling. ”

    Actually what hes been doing is coming right out and saying “yea, we did it, it worked and it payed off” while offering up proof and examples along with testiminonials from those on Obamas team such as Blair who say torture works.
    Now that will make things interesting , he he.
    Cheny doesnt sound like a man whos got too much to worry about now, does it ?

  • Ken says:

    Oh well, at least if Cheney and Bush “swing”, they’ll have company:

    “FOX News has learned there were more than 30 meetings and briefings with members of Congress on the subject since 2002.”


    “The first such briefing dealt with the interrogation of Abu Zubaydah, the Al Qaeda operations chief who ran the training camps in Afghanistan where the Sept. 11 hijackers were trained. Sources said California Rep. Nancy Pelosi, now the speaker of the House, attended the meeting with then-Rep. Porter Goss, R-Fla. (who later became CIA director), and she did not raise any objections.”

    Double ouch!!

    “Defenders of the interrogation program note that if Congress had wanted to kill the program, all it had to do was withhold funding, which didn’t happen.”

    It seems that those democrat “defenders of the Constitution” didn’t mind the interview tactics………until they became public.

  • trubluamerican says:

    First let the liberals criticize my name without knowing me and proclaim in their omnipotent wisdom “you are not a true blue american”. Opps I spoiled it for them. Thats ok, They’ll find names to call me as they’re better than kids in a playground when it comes to that….

    The topic is waterboarding. Read on IF YOUR DARE:

    Imagine this: A certain Gang killed your mother at home. Then they returned and killed your father, but you caught one as they fled the house. This was for their own religious beliefs, perhaps a random cult ritual. In between your two parents’ murder, you caught wind of their plans to later kill your spouse, one daughter, one son, plus an Aunt, and a cousin. You had the guy by the throat and he was a weakling. You knew full well he has some type of knowledge about the plans to murder your other family members, perhaps even the when and where. And don’t say “I’d let the police do their job” that is not an option here. But wait!!! Their was a T-shirt and a bucket of water beside you. You knew if you used these items against him you could get him to talk, and hence save your spouse, kids, aunt, and cousin’s life from the others who were still at large. Be honest!!! You’d have used a baseball bat if you had to, let alone a t-shirt with some water poured over his face, wouldn’t you?

    Your parents that died needlessly, your spouse, your precious kids. That sweet Aunt, your best cousin. These all died in 911. They may not have been yours, but they belonged to somebody.

    Why were you so silent at the time of Afghanistan Invasion? Its because you knew it needed to happen, AND you knew if you opposed any act to protect us from future attack you would be ridiculed and rightfully so. Oh but you’ve been sticking a toe in the water for a few years now, and now that you’ve got your floaters on, my my, haven’t you become brave?

    I’m surprised you haven’t defended the terrorists responsible for 911 yet, like a surfer who defends the behavior of a shark by saying “he didn’t mean it, he was just doing what comes natural for a shark.” BINGO. The terrorists are doing what comes natural for them, but unlike a shark, they have a fine mind capable of making decisions at their own free will. A hungry shark is innocent, but dangerous. Alkaida is dangerous, but guilty.

    So, water boarding? Pass me a bucket and fill it to the brim! And for all other Americans….make that “sensible humans of the earth” let me pass you one too.

  • kathy says:

    The sad part is…we could line up every one of these people who scream and shout about the U.S. using “torture” on terrorists…and I bet at least 9 out of 10 of them would see absolutely nothing wrong with stabbing forceps in the back of an innocent baby’s skull as it comes out of the womb and sucking its little brains out…all with no anesthesia too….sigh…the days we live in.

  • kathy says:

    “Saying that was yet another display of idiocy. Does he really think the American public is not aware that any go ahed Holder gets has to come from him ?
    if he cant protect us from our enemy he renders himself just as dangerous”

    Just an observation, Micky….I don’t think he can protect us from the LEFT!!!!

  • raaa says:

    Here, child, let me take apart your cretinous mental diarrhea.

    “waterboarding (only 3 terrorists received this)” HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    these techniques protected you and me. HAHAHAHAHAHA

    “the time following 9/11 was a very scary time. do you remember?” Yes, I knew from the moment I saw the footage that it was a controlled demolition, and all evidence has proved that to be the case. Scary? yeah, of the f-ing TSA, Bush, and ass clowns like you. I have NEVER been so scared of my fellow citizens. Those of you who bought into that long series of lies are the ones we have to be careful of, ignorant buddy ole pal.
    “because of waterboarding this murdering terrorist and 2 of his buddies (a technique our own seals are trained in by the way)”

    The average agent can stand 14 seconds. one time.

    “the self righteous left says it’s cruel. inhumane. barbaric. ”

    it causes permanent damage to the heart, lungs, and especially the brain and will generate false confessions. try it, buddy. maybe you’ll confess to being a homosexual once and for all.

    And, one more thing. No matter how much you pretend to be a republican, they’re not going to let you into their big money club. go back to your lower middle class job, tool.

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