Move over, Megyn Kelly, there’s a new girl in town!

Move over, Megyn Kelly, there’s a new girl in town!

While Megyn Kelly will always have a special place in the girl-crush section of my heart, she might have to move over to make some room for Carrie Prejean, the now infamous Miss California. The more I hear from her, the more I like her. While Perez Hilton has reacted to the situation viciously attacking her, Prejean has handled the controversy with grace, class, and tact. And, she’s apparently a conservative, too!

Check it out:

I have to agree with Prejean about Perez. I read his blog often. And the amount of anger and hate that he cranks out every day, along with his reaction to this controversy, is very telling. He clearly is someone who harbors an intense amount of anger. It’s sad. Where does Perez have to go from this? He can continue on trashing people and tearing them down, and sure, maybe he’ll get beyond the C-List celebrity status he’s acquired. But where will he be long-term? How will he feel when he looks back on his life? What can he say he’s accomplished?

I feel pretty certain that Carrie Prejean will look back on all of this and not feel ashamed or like she wasted her life on meaningless anger. Can Perez say the same thing? I highly doubt it.

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  • Knott Buyinit says:

    Considering their apparent respective world views, which one would you let baby-sit your 9-year-old son, “Perez” or Carrie? So why should anyone listen for a minute to what “Perez” has to say? I think Carrie Prejean is a pearl of great price and, even though the Bible warns us about the dangers of passing judgment, we are also advised a few verses later not to cast our pearls before swine. It would have been better for “Perez” to have been left in his sty.

  • Melinda P says:

    Carrie is a total class act. She was kind and courteous through her whole TV interview. Could Perez say the same? No, he had to resort to calling her a dumb b*tch in order for anyone to listen to him. Just goes to show you his beliefs and values. I’m so glad that Carrie had the guts to stand up and speak her mind even though she knew it would be unpopular with Perez.

  • Shaniquequa says:

    Man it sucks she’ll never be bicurious. I would totally tap that if she was and if she was for gay rights. But hell, too bad.

  • Lynn Krill says:

    Megyn doesn’t have to move over for anyone with me. I’ve adored her ever since I first saw her reporting the news from Washington, DC. Her husband is one lucky guy.

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