Unruly Freshmen Congresswomen Test Pelosi’s Last Nerve

Unruly Freshmen Congresswomen Test Pelosi’s Last Nerve

Unruly Freshmen Congresswomen Test Pelosi’s Last Nerve

Generational change is hard. New leaders come to challenge the tired, possibly senile, old leaders. The old leaders have a death grip on the levers of power. The new leaders are hungry for the power and mouth off at every opportunity. It’s happening in the halls of Congress now. Four unruly freshmen congresswomen are challenging Speaker Nancy Pelosi and testing her last nerve.

The Washington Post is reporting that Speaker Pelosi is having closed door talks with her unruly children:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi admonished Democrats for personally attacking one another, warning in a closed-door meeting Wednesday that the party’s fracturing was jeopardizing its majority.

Without naming names, her target was clear: the four liberal freshmen known as “the Squad.”

“You got a complaint? You come and talk to me about it. But do not tweet about our members and expect us to think that that is just okay,” Pelosi (D-Calif.) told Democrats.

But “the Squad” — Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.), Ilhan Omar (Minn.), Rashida Tlaib (Mich.) and Ayanna Pressley (Mass.) — is convinced it is Pelosi who is being the bully.

The Apocalypse must be near because I never thought I would be sympathetic to Nancy Pelosi about anything, but can you imagine having to deal with those four. I have used the word “unruly”, but ignorant, condescending and disrespectful also apply. The next paragraph is downright confusing:

The four are struggling with the speaker’s moves to isolate them in recent weeks, according to interviews with the lawmakers, congressional aides and allies. Pelosi has made at least half a dozen remarks dismissing the group or their far-left proposals on the environment and health care. More recently she scorned their lonely opposition to the party’s emergency border bill last month.

If Pelosi is trying to isolate the squad, it’s probably to keep the contagion of their disrespectful stupidity from spreading. But, the Washington Post article says she scorned their “lonely opposition” to the border bill. “Lonely”? I find it difficult to believe the squad ever feels lonely. They are too caught up in their individual self-righteousness to ever feel lonely.

This is from CNN:

Yes, can you say cat fight? Ocasio-Cortez has been arrogant and disrespectful from jump. Tlaib has been a vulgar hag from jump. And, don’t even get me started on Ilhan Omar, the anti-Semitic, America hating troll. Pressley has been circumspect compared to the rest of the squad.

And, of course, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez played the, wait for it, race card. That’s all girlfriend has:

“When these comments first started, I kind of thought that she was keeping the progressive flank at more of an arm’s distance in order to protect more moderate members, which I understood,” Ocasio-Cortez told The Washington Post. “But the persistent singling out . . . it got to a point where it was just outright disrespectful . . . the explicit singling out of newly elected women of color.”

These four unruly women of color would be disrespectful no matter what their color. They could be whiter than white and they would still be unruly, disrespectful and arrogant. It’s hard to feel sorry for Nancy Pelosi but I do. Mrs. Pelosi has worked hard to get the reins of power. Tlaib, Ocasio-Cortez, Omar and Pressley have been in the House now for seven months. They have not bothered to look for mentors or learn the rules. The squad is comprised of the “participation trophy” types who have been told they were special all of their lives. Nancy Pelosi clawed her way to the top. The Squad came in on greased skids.

And, finally, there is this:

Asked about why she hasn’t confronted Pelosi, Ocasio-Cortez said she wasn’t sure what to do.

“I do find it a little curious that leadership doesn’t want us to try to have any sort of conversation about even messaging — but we’re just freshmen, right?” she said.

Yes, you are freshmen, try to learn something. If you want to be around to grasp the levers of powers, learn from your elders first. Poor Nancy Pelosi. The end must be near. I feel for her. That’s so weird for me.

Photo Collage: Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley Official Portraits from Wikimedia/Public Domain

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  • CaptDMO says:

    Blah blah blah Freshman brats.
    I’m looking at the process that found them in office.
    Kinda like the “emotional quotient” subsidy for IQ, ” adversity” subsidy for SAT score, and the voting mechanics
    security of where they came from.
    I have no option but to give a plurality of their voting constituencies the benifit of the doubt that they actually WANTED petulant children to “represent’ THEM.

  • GWB says:

    But the persistent singling out
    Because you persistently kept singling yourself out.
    It’s called “ego” sister, and you should keep yours in check.
    (BTW, shouldn’t she be celebrating Pelosi’s actions? After all, she’s saying that ‘she persisted’. Wasn’t a rallying cry or something just a while back?)

    but I do
    I don’t. She wants to rule? Then she has to deal with the rebels.

    The squad is comprised of the “participation trophy” types
    Not sure you can say that about Tlaib or Omar. Especially Omar. (Her skids were greased by her victimhood, though in her case it was real.)

    learn from your elders first
    Oh, Toni. Toni, Toni, Toni. Don’t you know that the youth are all the smartest and they know so much more than us old folks who are just stuck in our ways that we didn’t learn through hardship and toil or anything. Nah, we don’t know diddly.
    The tyranny of youth is what you get when you focus on self-esteem, rather than learning from eons of experience and mistakes.

  • Blackgriffin says:

    I hope she takes them out. I don’t care for her, but she would be doing the entire country a service, not just Dems.

  • Joe in PNG says:

    I’m still convinced that AOC is a deep cover agent of the Republican party with the mission of causing division and making a public mockery of their beliefs.
    Convince me that I’m wrong.

  • Joe in PNG says:

    I’m also thinking that San Fran Nan missed her opportunity to smack these four down a few months ago, via taking a more serious look at either AOC’s ethics violations or Omar’s hinky marital history.
    Just before the nothing burger that was the Mueller Report would have been perfect time to have the House hit one of them with a bit of serious charges, as the Trump Hate would trump and overpower the potential outrage over throwing AOC out.
    But, as Machiavelli pointed out, people have problems being wholly good or wholly evil.

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