Trump Points Out “His” African-American at a Rally [VIDEO]

Trump Points Out “His” African-American at a Rally [VIDEO]

Trump Points Out “His” African-American at a Rally [VIDEO]

For all his self-proclaimed intelligence, Donald Trump just doesn’t know when to keep his thoughts to himself.

Earlier on Friday, at a campaign rally in California, Trump pointed out a black supporter with the comment, “Ah, look at my African-American over here, look at him. Are you the greatest? You know what I’m talking about.”


Yes, he said that. Fresh from comments made Thursday night that the judge presiding over the Trump University lawsuit just can’t be fair to him because he’s of Mexican parentage.

Behold, the wonder of the Trump mouth.

Now if Trump possessed any sort of self-awareness, he would’ve realized that he just said something incredibly stupid and maybe gone full Steve Urkel at the rally, but this is Trump we’re talking about, and the man’s mouth has no filter.


Some Trump supporters refused to believe the comment, but were quickly shushed with the video evidence.

Jaws dropped all over the Twitterverse.

And finally, this tweet. No words necessary.

But why should anyone be shocked? Remember this Trump tweet from just last month on Cinco de Mayo?

Trump loves Hispanics! He points out with glee “my” African-American!

You know the saying that if you have to tell everyone you’re a good Christian, then you probably aren’t? Same applies here. If Trump feels the need to tell the public how much he “loves” Hispanics and ‘his’ African-Americans, then he probably doesn’t really care about them. Just their votes.

In the meantime, behind the scenes the GOP is probably doing this.


And the DNC is just winding up to deliver a whole string of fastballs at the Republican party and all those down ticket House members and Senators who are up for re-election in tight races.

As the Old Testament prophet said in Hosea 8:7, “They shall sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.”

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Kim is a pint-sized patriot who packs some big contradictions. She is a Baby Boomer who never became a hippie, an active Republican who first registered as a Democrat (okay, it was to help a sorority sister's father in his run for sheriff), and a devout Lutheran who practices yoga. Growing up in small-town Indiana, now living in the Kansas City metro, Kim is a conservative Midwestern gal whose heart is also in the Seattle area, where her eldest daughter, son-in-law, and grandson live. Kim is a working speech pathologist who left school system employment behind to subcontract to an agency, and has never looked back. She describes her conservatism as falling in the mold of Russell Kirk's Ten Conservative Principles. Don't know what they are? Google them!

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