Trans Widow Details Dark Side of The Ideology

Trans Widow Details Dark Side of The Ideology

Trans Widow Details Dark Side of The Ideology

The Trans ideology is a trend amongst our young people. It’s cool to use pronouns and to call yourself a “they/them”. It’s cool to change your name and these pronouns at like underwear.

Apparently, it’s cool to prance around in you wife’s underwear in front of the kids, too.

But stories of the negative aspects of this trend largely get buried. They become part of the “far right”‘s news cycle and are just dismissed. They do not have credibility in the circles of those who are pro-Trans and the “allies”, so to speak. Why? Because these stories reveal horrific truth of true mental disorder.

Enter Tracy Shannon, a woman who dubs herself a “Trans Widow”. Tracy Shannon was called a “Transphobic , Right-Wing Activist” by The Dallas Observer. The Texas Observer called Shannon an “Anti-LGBTQ activist”. Shannon is a member of MassResistance, an organization that was labeled a “hate group” by The Southern Poverty Law Center. But, the circumstances surrounding Tracy Shannon are a little more nuanced than these Texas rags let on. Take a look:

And, these publications also left this out of their convenient narratives. Tracy Shannon is a Trans Widow. Tracy Shannon lived through the horrors of her husband’s transitioning, right in front of their kids. Her husband was a fan of cross-dressing, but did not tell Shannon this until after they tied the knot. After telling her husband that she was uncomfortable with his cross-dressing, he refused to stop. Her husband was also secretly taking cross-sex hormones throughout the marriage, and started sprouting breasts of his own. He even offered to breastfeed one of their children because he wanted to “help” Shannon.

He offered to breastfeed her. He kept bringing it up, like, pressuring me. I said, ‘No,’ [and he’d say,] ‘I can help you.’ It was always, ‘I’m helping you,’ and ‘I’m trying to understand you and trying to give you a break.’”-Tracy Shannon

Now, I don’t know about you moms out there. Despite feeling like a cow during this period of my life where my preemie son with his tiny little stomach was eating every hour, on the hour, this was one instance where my husband knew he couldn’t help and did not have the desire to. I would never fault him for this.

I remember putting on boots that had been stretched by his larger feet and having stretched out waistbands in some of my clothing. Taking my bra with him on a business trip is another thing that stood out. But towards the end, the thing that bothered me the most was that I found he had worn some hair clips that belonged to our daughter. When I thought about him sneaking into her closet or drawers as she matured (at the time she was only five), I realized I could not let her go through what I had been going through. I wanted to protect her from that.”-Tracy Shannon

Shannon’s ex-husband also wanted to see what it was like to “feel pregnant”, so he fashioned a sympathy suit with large breasts. He would don it whilst doing chores around the house, despite her multiple requests for him to stop.

My son, who was very disturbed by this, actually went and destroyed that thing with a pair of scissors.”-Tracy Shannon

Good for him. Personally, that would not have been the only thing I would have taken scissors to but Shannon’s ex-husband may have enjoyed that a little too much.

Their family endured six suicide attempts and one admission to a mental health facility. Their kids saw this and lived through this. In the child support battle, Shannon received, at one time, a mere $500 month from her ex-husband. The guy cared so much for his kids that he wanted to breastfeed them. The guy cared so much for his wife, that he wanted to experience what it was like to be pregnant with a DIY sympathy suit. This GUY made a six-figure salary but only paid $500/monthly for child support, thanks to his pro-LGBTQ team of lawyers. Guess he needed more of his salary for those hormone treatments. If it were not for family and friends, Shannon and her children would have been homeless.

In a therapy session, one of her ex-husband’s therapists recommended certain nights and weekends away from the marriage to “play” with other trans individuals. The very same therapist also told her that her husband “would not know if he is a man or a woman for months“. Tracy Shannon was dubbed as “close-minded” for thinking this concept was craven. She was told that she was “too conservative” to co-parent with her delusional ex-husband.

The full interview with Michael Knowles can be found here but the underlying issues speak volumes.

Ideology trumps family life. We know the Democrats want to destroy this. Unless, of course, you are a Democrat arguing for the unfair treatment of anyone in the Biden family. Then, all of a sudden, family becomes important once again. Don’t dare talk about what a scumbag Hunter Biden is. That is of great disrespect to him and the First Family. DO encourage a married MAN with kids to transition in front of their very eyes and have multiple partners because, yeah, that’s healthy. Moreover, the MAN with a PENIS (Tracy Shannon’s ex-husband in this instance), in a dress, skates by on paying child support because he has hormone-altered, hideous man boobs?

Ideology trumps truth. Don’t encourage kids to seek out this truth. Seeking out the truth would cause those to question the faux reality the left is trying to construct. Blindly recite the platitudes and believe you can be anything you want despite your biological make up is the mode the left wants our kids in. When the realities of life come crashing down on our children, our government will just medicate them. They will take them under their darkened cloak. Who needs parents when you can cry “child abuse” because your parents had the stones to give you the hard facts about biology?

Ideology trumps all femininity (unless you are a man identifying as a woman). Mothers who do not want pedophiles reading to your kids? You’re the problem. Women who don’t want men using your restrooms or your locker rooms? You’re the close-minded one. Women who come out and have the courage to say men don’t menstruate? You’re the TERF. Women who refuse to acknowledge the GUY in the dress is a girl? These mothers don’t belong raising children, apparently. Women who think your existence and feelings are not being canceled, pushed aside or discounted in favor of the white GUY in a dress with hormone-altered , hideous man-boobs? Think again, lady “allies”.

And down the slippery slope we go into Dystopian Sunday. Tracy Shannon will continue to be demonized by the left, while we hope for more stories like this to surface.

Featured Image: Steve Baker/ Commons

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  • Carol Marks says:

    Holy canolli!!! I had no idea about this case or interview. Thank you for sharing it with us. Man oh man!!! This is outrageous. And you know there has to be MORE cases like this out there.

  • pkudude99 says:

    One of my friends is also a “trans widow.” While they were together he was incredibly emotionally abusive toward her and essentially tried to mold her into the woman that he wanted to be. She eventually had it with all that and divorced hm, and only afterwards did he “come out” as trans. He had both top and bottom surgeries now (this all happened about 20 years ago, so long before the current faddishness of it all), but maintained his attraction to women, so is now considered a “trans-lesbian” i suppose. But anyway, yeah, he completely alienated her and their children. Fortunately she found a wonderful man about 15 years ago who isn’t mentally ill and treats her like she deserves. Still and all, watching her go through all of that was rough or everyone who knew her.

  • Scott says:

    Sounds like we’re gonna need more wood chippers…

  • John Holton says:

    Being labeled a “hate group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center is the pot calling the kettle black, but it’s a badge of honor in this day and age. How awful for Tracy and her kids, and good for the son for destroying the pregnant suit.

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