Ted Cruz Issues Video Promising to Prosecute Planned Parenthood

Ted Cruz Issues Video Promising to Prosecute Planned Parenthood

Ted Cruz Issues Video Promising to Prosecute Planned Parenthood

The Center for Medical Progress did not release a video this morning, as they have done for the past few weeks.

However, a Republican presidential candidate who opposes Planned Parenthood released a video in advance of an upcoming visit to Iowa to participate in the Rally for Religious Liberty on August 21. Ted Cruz promised that he would not only defund Planned Parenthood, but would seek to prosecute America’s foremost Baby Chop Shop as well.


Here is the Cruz video promoting the Rally for Religious Liberty, released today.

Ted Cruz has been upfront about taking on what he has labeled the “Washington Cartel.” He has fired upon Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for derailing a plan to defund Planned Parenthood, along with other measures that would bolster Republican values.

Cruz also hammered the Washington DC status quo at the Republican debate held on August 6.

As the former Solicitor General of Texas, who has argued nine cases before the U.S. Supreme Court, Cruz could be the presidential candidate for those who thirst for a bold, principled, conservative leader in the White House. And he wouldn’t call people names, either.

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Kim is a pint-sized patriot who packs some big contradictions. She is a Baby Boomer who never became a hippie, an active Republican who first registered as a Democrat (okay, it was to help a sorority sister's father in his run for sheriff), and a devout Lutheran who practices yoga. Growing up in small-town Indiana, now living in the Kansas City metro, Kim is a conservative Midwestern gal whose heart is also in the Seattle area, where her eldest daughter, son-in-law, and grandson live. Kim is a working speech pathologist who left school system employment behind to subcontract to an agency, and has never looked back. She describes her conservatism as falling in the mold of Russell Kirk's Ten Conservative Principles. Don't know what they are? Google them!

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